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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Default Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    Champoor, the Nighted City even during the day is always covered in shade. In the lower wards, where you would encounter most residents and visitors from across the Dreaming Sea, can be found in the Vashar ward. Across the city's lower ward, drinking and gambling houses are crowded and loud. Residents and visitors are spending coin freely and enjoying the entertainment. The Vashar ward is also home to famous libraries, specialist academies and other establishments that would captivate any scholar.

    In one Vashar ward gambling house, a captain is playing cards with local and foreigners with spare silver, at the table while enjoying some crab and milky-white rice beer. The captain is dark skinned, with short dark hair and judging by the wide smile on his face has been winning handily at this card game. Tensions are rising and some of the players are apparently ready to pull their weapons. "No one is that lucky!" said one of the card players, pointing at the captain.

    As fate would have it, it's when unusual visitors comes to the gambling house, maybe for a break or other reasons or maybe some of you are players at the table.

    Scene 1, Chapter 1

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
    Bowerbird's Avatar

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    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    Sometime earlier.

    A few people earlier that morning remember seeing a battered jolly boat coast into the harbour, bumping unceremoniously into one of the docks. Strangely not many people remember much about it's lone occupant. She jumped up with a start once the boat impacted on of the pylons, out from under the worn looking coat she'd apparently been sleeping under and clambered onto the dock.

    Swallowtail looks groggily around at the busy harbour district she'd found herself in. This was... Champoor, right? Excellent, the stars were right. With a shudder, she reminisces briefly on the Wyld Storm that hit the ship she'd been travelling on causing it to go down with all hands. Well, broadly right. She did get here in the end. Now then, time for an appropriate Destiny. Something broadly close to the truth should work. She pulls a violin bow from a holster on her thigh and with a spin taps herself on the head, donning the guise of A Simple Wandering Bard, feeling the cloak of Fate settle on her shoulders as she strides confidently down the dock. Shoot, she's forgetting something, what was it? Ah yes. Doubling back, she walks over to where a vessel is unloading a particularly large net of fish, before anybody can object she reaches into the net past the struggling bodies of the fish and produces, with a flourish, an exceptionally battered looking violin. The stunned onlookers give her a hesitant round of applause as she bows and heads in the direction of the city, idly tuning her fiddle as she walks.


    The bard sits in a corner of the gambling house, perched on a high stool. She's been there for some time, stubbornly trying to tune a particularly unruly instrument. The captain's victories have been occasionally punctuated by the ear-splitting screech of the fiddle. Just as his fellow players have seemingly had enough, the violin releases a single, prolonged, perfect note. The bard smiles. Finally. After a heartbeat of pure silence, she puts bow to fiddle once more and launches into a jaunty tune, shining sandals tapping out a beat against the leg of her stool as she plays, meeting the thunderhead of frustration building within the establishment with a warm front of music. If there's going to be brawl, at least it'll be a lively one.

    Hi, hope that wasn't too wordy. Gonna start things off by hopefully setting a cheerier mood with an inspire roll on everyone who hears her, activating Heart-Brightening Style with 4m of Peripheral Essence. By my calculations that should be 13 dice (Charisma (4) + Performance (5) + Specialty (1) + Appearance (4) + Stunt (2) - Multi-Target Penalty (3))


    Edit: 7 successes by my count? Also Compassionate Essence Replenishment refunds all 4 motes.

    Last edited by Bowerbird; 2024-05-16 at 09:45 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Who
    Loving that fluff, loving it so much. If that fluff was a person I'd marry it.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    In the dimly lit corridors of the gambling house within Vashar ward, a figure unfamiliar to the regular denizens sat at the table and was currently losing. Khion , under the guise of his Many-Faced Moon transformation, had assumed this visage: a young wide man, his skin was a pale white, his eyes a deep, rich brown, contrasting vividly with long, black hair that attempted to cover up a prominent scar marring his right cheek.

    Navigating the crowded room with the ease of a seasoned observer, Khion's new form allowed him to blend in, yet stand apart just enough to take part. Picking this table to attempt to get to know some locals was obviously a bad idea. But if the Captain is mortal he was a man of considerable skill.

    As the tension among the gamblers neared a boiling point, the sudden swell of a lively tune from a bard's fiddle cut through the heavy air. Seizing this moment of musical reprieve, Khion drank from his glass of wine. With the wine's rich aroma rising to greet him, he took a moment to appreciate the bard's skill. Taking a sip from his glass, he decided it was time to enjoy the show: he would not throw the first punch but should it come to it he was confident that „Silas Nocturne“ would survive this encounter.
    Last edited by Justanotherhero; 2024-05-16 at 02:05 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
    Lord Raziere's Avatar

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    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    The Whisper of World-Shaking Truths enters the gambling house with unearthly quiet, her every movement eerie and her presence cold and unsettling, she speaks to people in a rasping whisper- the only voice she could speak after her Exaltation. The Whisper is clad in ornate yet dark robes of purples, black and blues with an obsidian hearthstone in the middle, not even hiding herself. She asks a few people who the best gambler is in this house, walks up to them and asks
    "Care to play a game?"
    She of course told Zhalni to influence the rolls in her favor for this game through her invisible ghostly manipulation and bought them drinks. Encouraging self-destructive habits like drinking and gambling one's savings away was the kind of slow methodical push towards despair that the Neverborn appreciated. If they got angry well, that would attract allies she needed and if people died in such a brawl.....oh well. These things happen after all. Enough to hopefully appease them- she couldn't be too friendly with the living after all.

    The necromancer is quite annoyed at both the Neverborn and her bodyguard quietly seething about it. Her Whisper-born visions showed vague images of dice and establishments such as this and then Zhalni suggested they go in here to find the allies she needed, and yet she didn't see how this would do that. She was considering trying to go to another gambling house and have her ghost scare or kill one of them if they tried to stop her when the perfect note rings out. Interesting that was a better note than most could play. The Whisper turned in the sound's direction and silently directs Zhalni to make the final roll in her favor as to crush the best gambler in the house so as to crush its champion saying
    "Behold your luck will now run out, as it always eventually will in all things. Goodbye, mortal."
    She'd much rather be at a library or studying something interesting or carving wood but she needed find people she can rely on, and the bard that played the note seems noteworthy.

    Spoiler: OOC:

    I have no idea what roll fudging the results of a dice game so that The Whisper wins would be.

    but I spend 3 motes from personal to see Zhalni since she's a dematerialized ghost.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    Sitting at the back of the room a large man covered in a black cloak nurses a drink, his white mask catching the light of the tavern. At his side, a large sack, almost as tall as him, rests against the wall. He taps the table in time with the bard's music, and observes the room, as if waiting for something to happen. He seems particularly interested in the young woman visibly wearing soulsteel. As she turns away from the gambler, he stands and moves to talk to her, following her towards the bard.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    “A fine song,” Jhalia remarked as the old shanty flooded the space before flipping a few coins to the complaining party, “Have a drink on me and let’s just have fun okay?”

    Sitting at the table the slight young woman in light clothes and bright red hair she’d bundled into a tail at the start of the game wore a bright smile. Jhalia didn’t exactly match the majority of the clientele, and her guiless grin was an odd sight at the gambling table. No doubt at least one unsavory patron had written her off as a fool and an easy mark at the table, A more knowing eye might have seen how Jhalia played her cards precisely on the odds every time while keeping track of every card that hit the table and so her purse wasn’t empty just yet. Which was almost disappointing.

    In Champoor, a city of eternal night, where footpads always had a shadow to lurk in too much coin could be just as dangerous as too little. Except Mustarfh Ghamesh had apparently never heard that particular wisdom, or perhaps the wealthy merchant simply had different idea about what constituted too much. At any rate Jhalia had had little use for the box of silver he’d foisted on her after seeing his son walk again for the first time in two years. Fascinating case really, a cyst lodged between the discs of the spine, simply seeing it had been reward enough for her. And failing that the box was more than enough of a token. A beautiful lacquered number in the style of the Realm and made of peachwood, perfect for her most important medical supplies.

    So it was that after a generous donation to her host and putting a modest amount away for future expenses Jhalia still had a fat stack of coin to spend and there was no better way to lose money than at the gaming table.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    The mysterious bard impromptu performance quickly caught the attention of all patrons at the gambling house and calmed the rising emotions in the room. It was a sublime performance far above what some of the best entertainers in the Vashar ward could offer on a short notice. Some of the players even stopped and took the time to observe Swallowtail's performance.

    At the table, the captain has been on a winning streak but the necromancer with her ghost are using their tactical advantage as Zhalni attempts to give as much information, as it can about the cards. A small woman at the table, Jhalia doesn't appear to be like the other hardened gamblers but had the coin.
    The silver in the middle of the table still attracted many players and gamblers hoping to make a little fortune from this pile.
    The captain spoke during the game:

    "You could try to beat me at Lucky Captain Akhash at Magpie! or join me for a venture at seas, guaranteed to get spoils that you could only dream of, what do you say?"

    Onyx in his corner attempting to keep a low profile but some people looking in the corner are already whispering while looking in his direction probably suspecting that he might be a godblooded warrior, some of the wiser patrons keep a safe distance, even more so after some catching glimpse of haunting faces from the soulsteel artifacts.
    Spoiler: Onyx whisper

    I want to see those spoils... as the strange haunting whisper and voice of the dead, coming from the Five Edicts Dominion invaded the thoughts of Onyx. It wasn't the first time that Onyx heard the voice from the soulsteel plate.

    Notes: Inspire roll unlike the others social influence rolls, doesn't suffer the multi target penalty for future reference.
    The captain is pretty good at the card game, if you are actively playing or cheating, Dexterity or Intelligence+Larceny roll to attempt to beat the captain at difficulty 3.
    If you are attempting to bluff the captain, Social attribute (Charisma, Manipulation, or Appearance) + presence against difficulty 3.
    The Whisper of World gets a +1 Non-charm dice due to assistance from Zhalni at the card game.
    If you have other ideas or want to do any other roll, charm etc...just let me know.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    With a calm demeanor and a playful twist to his lips, Khion leaned slightly forward, engaging the Captain with a blend of jest and challenge. I`ll tell you one thing, Lucky Captain,” he said, his voice carrying a light, congenial tone. “If my coinpurse is empty after this, youÂ’re buying the first rum barrel for our little expedition.”

    Simultaneously, Khion kept a watchful eye on Onyx. The unsettling presence of soulsteel artifacts added layers of mystery and danger to the figure. Khion noted how the other patrons reacted to Onyx, their body language speaking volumes about the fears and respect commanded by such artifacts.

    Thinking to himself: "This crowd is alot more interesting then I thought.A genuine emisary of the dead. Here? The odds are minimal or? How many are there anyway? If they start asking to many questions this could be more challenging then I thought. Am I to late? Lets try something. "

    Speaking again:
    "Now, I find myself in a precarious situation, as my coinpurse is lighter than I'd like tonight,"

    He reached into the folds of his cloak and slowly, with a practiced sense of drama, produced a small, intricately carved talisman. It was a piece wrought in dark wood, runes etched into its surface, reflecting the light.

    "This," Silas continued, holding the talisman aloft, "is no ordinary piece of craftsmanship. This is a Talisman of the Ancestral Guard, said to protect once any who hold it from the restless spirits of the dead.
    Silas added with a rueful smile. "However, I am willing to part with this priceless safeguard, to continue partaking in our great game. I deal more then acceptable I think? "
    With that Silas places the Talisman on the table and attempts to bluff his way to fortune. All the way surveying the reactions of the others at the table to his new introduction.
    Last edited by Justanotherhero; 2024-05-18 at 11:35 AM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    Hearing the Captain's speech and the Neverborn's whispering, Onyx will turn, and take the seat left the by young woman in the Soulsteel robes. Ignoring the talisman placed on the table by the pale, scarred man, Onyx will address the captain, with a surprisingly normal voice, "what kind of spoils are you speaking of Captain. I would certainly consider such an offer, if the reward is great enough."

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
    Bowerbird's Avatar

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    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    The bard smiles to herself as the tension seeps out of the room around her, like someone enjoying a private joke. She bows theatrically atop her perch, before looking around the room and noticing she's drawn a little attention. She gives the robed girl a mischievous wink before launching into another song, not quite so energetic as before, but still upbeat.

    Swallowtail listens with one ear to the conversation around the gaming table, as the fiddle music fills the room. Treasure and adventure at sea could be fun, and the group seems... eclectic. In an interesting way.
    Quote Originally Posted by Who
    Loving that fluff, loving it so much. If that fluff was a person I'd marry it.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    "An adventure at sea has potential, your ship and crew would do well by hiring me Captain," Jhalia said almost laugh, "If you can still afford a physician after we're done here,"

    As the game got going it kept drawing in interesting characters but Jhalia remained focused on the cards. For the moment it took her back to better times, gambling with the soldiers in a dusty little fort on the southern frontier. Games and rules varied endlessly, but if you knew your sums and figures then cards always behaved like cards. A six, an eight, the prince, the Empress, the general, a three, Jhalia's eyes inventoried every card that hit the table.

    There was no magic in what she was doing, no cheating sleight of hand or careful deception, just using every bit of information to know your best odds and taking them. Simple really.

    Spoiler: OOC
    From OOC Roll should be 5 Successes playing at cards

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Titan in the Playground
    Lord Raziere's Avatar

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    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    The Whisper of World-Shaking Truths:
    As The Whisper wins through cheating with her ghostly help she says
    "Your luck, Captain seems to have run out as it always inevitably will for all things."
    hopefully crushing this champion in a game was enough for the Neverborn. strong before weak after all. She was more scholar than card shark, and this venture was a bit out of her element. She turns to the others. It seems she attracted some people at least.
    "Adventure at sea? Hm...I do have a mystery that requires passage across the Dreaming Sea to solve yes. I am The Whisper of World-Shaking Truths and I come seeking allies to help sate my curiosities about my area of study, worry not about rewards- detours are fine and I'm quite sure that my investigations will take quite a while."
    And its not as if she lacked for time. Abyssals according to The Eye and Seven Despairs, theoretically could live forever supposedly.
    "I seek allies for I am not the best fighter, nor do I have a ship. However I do have knowledge and necromantic power....power such that this trifling amulet is nothing in comparison."
    She says just gesturing with her alabaster-pale hand at it.
    "I am also a physician and shipwright. Human bodies and boats are such fascinating constructions after all."
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    Silas's hands, usually steady and confident as they handled cards or gestured during conversation, began to show slight tremors. To a keen observer, the way his fingers occasionally quivered when he reached for his drink or adjusted the supposedly powerful talisman on the table might suggest a hint of nervousness.

    His gaze, often direct and probing, darted more frequently than usual between the players, especially when Onyx spoke of potential spoils or when The Whisper of World-Shaking Truths casually dismissed the value of his talisman.

    Silas’s posture, typically relaxed and open to engage the others, subtly shifted. His shoulders tensed, almost imperceptibly, and he occasionally leaned slightly backward, as if ready to distance himself at a moment’s notice. This shift was minor but spoke volumes of his instinctive caution, perhaps even a primal urge to flee from unknown dangers these powerful individuals might represent.


    **Spoiler Section: Internal Excitement of Khion**

    Internally, Khion was genuinely excited, despite the subtle signs of fear he exhibited. The complexity of the scene, the convergence of various powerful figures, and the underlying currents of supernatural influence sparked an invigorating sense of challenge and opportunity within him.

    This excitement stemmed from his deep-seated curiosity and scholarly nature.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Outlaws at Sea IC: Chapter 1

    Looking at the others around the table, Onyx speaks up, "well Captain, it looks like you've got yourself a group forming already, so, how about giving us," he gestures to himself, Whisper, and Jhalia, "some more details." As he says this, Onyx quickly gets up, retrieves the large sack from his former seat, and returns to the table.

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