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  1. - Top - End - #811
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    Gabriele sighs at the size of the river, 'Well, we're not getting over there. Not unless we want to try swimming. You think the Duke is just going to have to wait for the weather to turn?'

  2. - Top - End - #812
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    "It's beginning to look like it, I agree. Can't cross this canyon unless the Duke's got men that can build a bridge or something. Otherwise, I reckon his best bet would be to march down to the Igerang, try and ship his men over to the other side, then march along the river until he can find a spot where they can be ferried across again and march to the Inselberg. Either way, it's not going to happen by following this path," Severin agrees.

    "Let's get some rest and then start heading back."

  3. - Top - End - #813
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    'Seems like a big coincidence to me. Like Tollares knows how to make it rain or something.' Gabriele chooses not to dwell on the implications too much.

  4. - Top - End - #814
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    By pushing yourself and the horses you retrace your steps to where the army has camped out; the smoke from their campfires a beacon in the distance. It is past sunset when you arrive. They haven't moved very far since when you left, the road still a path of churned mud and debris. The sentries report that the Duke has taken to his bed and that you can deliver your report to him in the morning. With that you are left to find shelter for yourself that night. The next morning you are asked to attend to the Duke as he takes his morning meal; you are invited to sit with him at a camp table and are served fresh hot food a far cut above the rations that the rest of the soldiers are eating. "So. You have returned. What are the road conditions ahead? Do things improve once we get out of the woods?"

  5. - Top - End - #815
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    Severin glances over at Gabriele before speaking.

    "M'lud, I'm afraid conditions are grim all over. We followed the road out of the woods and up into the hills until we came upon a ravine. It looked like it might have been possible to ford, except that the rains have turned what was probably a trickle of a stream into a raging torrent, so we decided to head south and look for a better place to cross. There was a very narrow path which brought us to a spot where a couple of local goatherders were trying to move their flock across - them goats weren't too enthusiastic about the idea though."

    "We spoke to the goatherds an' they reckoned there weren't any better places to cross further south. We checked, an' they were right. The ravine narrows the further south you go an' the path pretty much disappears. It all ends in a waterfall a hundred feet above the Igerang," Severin reports.

    "The way I see it, there's only two choices. Try and move the wagons to the ford the goatherders were using and cross there, or go south from here to the Igerang, find a way to ship this army over to the other side, and march along the south bank until you get to a spot where you can ferry back across and march for the Inselberg."

    OOC: We never actually checked, but what was Gabriele and Severin's impression of the ford the goatherders were using and the path leading to it. Would it be possible to move the Duke's wagon train along the path and did the ford look like it would allow wagons to cross?

  6. - Top - End - #816
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    Given they weren't exactly bringing good news Gabriele looks uncomfortable. She'll add, 'It'd be easy enough to get across on foot, your grace. Maybe even with the horses if you're careful, but you'll have a hell of a time with the wagons. Not without someone to build you a ramp anyway.'

    On the matter of crossing the Igerang, 'Maybe there's locals in this army who can better speak on a likely place to cross.'

  7. - Top - End - #817
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    The problem with the ford, as far as you can tell, is that while the wagons might be able to cross it there, there is no path for the wagons to and from the ford, so they will have to be manhandled up and down the hills to get there. After describing the situation to the Duke, he merely nods and seems lost in thought. Not so his sons; Sir Laurens says, eagerly, "If horses can get across, why not simply leave the wagons until the waters die down? A small force... maybe fifty horsemen moving quickly and quietly can try to seize the fortress in a coup de main and wait for reinforcements to arrive later!"

    Sir Denis snorts and says, "And what will you do for supplies? Those brave horsemen will be eating their horses before long."

    "We can forage, or requisition from the locals..." Sir Laurens replies.

    "And see their knives at our throats as well? There's timber aplenty in the woods and we can call the corvee at Stralwald for labor. It shouldn't take more then a few weeks to get a workable bridge across the torrent and we'll want one anyways if we are to rule this land as part of our own duchy."

    The Duke listens and says, "Turning back is admitting defeat. If we wait until the spring it will be too late. The only bridge across the river is at Castle Bremcote and even if we hired all the boats on the river to use as ferries and managed to bring them south it would not be enough to perform a crossing in a timely fashion. Stay in the camp for now, I may summon you later." The Duke turns to one of his aides and says, "Tell the men we will remain camped here for at least one more day. And call a war council."

    The two of you are shown out of the tent. Sir Laurens follows and says eagerly, "What do you think of my plan? Do you think it will work?"

  8. - Top - End - #818
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    'And get Tollares before he knows whats happening? Maybe if you have the right bunch of men. I think Sir Denis is right about the food thing though.'

  9. - Top - End - #819
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    Sir Laurens tells Gabriele, "A dozen knights and some mounted retainers ought to do the trick. If you can lead us to Inselberg we will do the rest. Without their leader the ruffians will flee like rabbits."

  10. - Top - End - #820
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    Gabriele isn't discounting the idea out of hand. 'Do any of these retainers know how to hunt? It might be a lot easier if we don't have to carry all our food with us.'

  11. - Top - End - #821
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    "It was about a four day trip from here when we were working for Lorenzo and his caravan. Better weather, more wagons. How much food d'you reckon each of your riders can carry, young Sir?" Severin adds.

  12. - Top - End - #822
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    "Hunting for game, eh? I know a few of the lads can bring down a bird if they see one... I will talk to the quartermaster and find out if we can get enough rations to carry. Hold that thought, Severin; we're having a war council in a few hours... I need to see who's willing to go and I have to talk to quartermaster... that Barnaby ought to be around here..." Sir Laurens is seized with energy and good humor and spends a moment trying to race in three different directions before siding on one. "Be at the council meeting!" he shouts over his shoulder at you as he strides off.

  13. - Top - End - #823
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    After Sir Laurens has gone, 'I get the feeling he's going regardless of anything we say about it. What do you think?'

  14. - Top - End - #824
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    "His old man might have something to say about," Severin replies. "If we want to, perhaps we can help sway things by pointing out that a surprise attack on the mining camp could enable an attack through the mines. Maybe even get some help from the slaves to do it?"

  15. - Top - End - #825
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    'That might be our best chance to get the prisoners out of there.' Gabriele muses. 'And it's not the most important thing but if it works out they'll owe us a hell of a favour.'

  16. - Top - End - #826
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    After a short rest in the camp you are called into the Duke's tent again for the war council. The Duke and his sons are seated at a small folding table, while Gabriele and Severin are told to stand at the back of the tent. After a few more minutes of everyone milling around and young officers trying to push their way to the front, the Duke raps the table and says, "Gentlemen. The plan is as follows. Sir Denis will use the camp followers and laborers from Stralwald to build a bridge across the torrent so that the wagons can cross. Work parties will begin logging immediately to acquire timber for this, the soldiers will provide security as necessary. Meanwhile, Sir Laurens will lead a hand-picked force of mounted men to perform a chevauchee around Inselberg to try and draw out Tollares, and, if possible, defeat him. If we can defeat him on the field without having to storm the Inselberg, so much the better. If not, then once the rest of the army is able to reach the fortress, we will besiege it and storm it, if needed. Are there any questions?" The Duke pauses for a moment and then resumes, as if to indicate that he does not intend to answer any questions. "Sir Laurens will leave with his chosen men tomorrow morning. The rest of you will work with Sir Denis to construct the bridge and move the supply wagons across the canyons. Dismissed."

  17. - Top - End - #827
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    Gabriele leans down to Severin and asks quietly, 'Wait, what's a chevauchee?' Did she need to learn Bretonnian at some point?

  18. - Top - End - #828
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    "Dunno, some sort of trick or feint, maybe? Sounds likely if it's intended to draw Sol out of his hidey-hole," Severin whispers back.

  19. - Top - End - #829
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    The rest of the day is spent in a welter of activity; mounts and spare mounts are collected, swords and lances are sharpened, tack is repaired and supplies are parceled out. Your saddler friends are more then happy to accept their payment, in between their rushing around. The cart is tucked away out of sight of the rest of the army and everything is still there. Unfortunately, due to the state of the roads and the ford, even though the cart is lighter than the heavy wagons it still won't be able to cross the flooded ravine without a lot of work that the horsemen are unlikely willing or able to provide.

    Sir Laurens is in high spirits by the time he finds you at dinner. "This is just splendid, splendid," he says. "If we can draw out the old bandit and take his head there'll be no need for a messy siege."

  20. - Top - End - #830
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    "Sir Laurens, about this chevauchee thing. I'm guessing it's some sort o' feint or something to provoke Sol into leaving his fort?" Severin asks the young knight.

  21. - Top - End - #831
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    Gabriele is grumpy about the cart. 'And there's people who move goods around all the time. I don't know how they get anything done.'

    On the chevauchee. 'So we pretend to be bandits or something? What would he care enough about to send guys out to look for us?'

  22. - Top - End - #832
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    "Yes, precisely. We attack something he has to defend. His honor... but he is a bandit and doesn't have any. His food supplies or his allies... he must defend them or he will lose them. And if he can be beaten on the field, we fight, and if not, we fall back and wait for reinforcements. We win either way! Or so my father says."

  23. - Top - End - #833
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    'Well he's only got so many people hasn't he? Anyone that get's caught outside is one less person to defend the town.' Gabriele looks to Severin, 'What would the chances be that we might run into Gretchen again though?'

  24. - Top - End - #834
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    "Gretchen?" asks Sir Laurens. "Who is this Gretchen?"

  25. - Top - End - #835
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    "She's Sol's chief scout. A Halfling, like me, but with a mean streak a mile wide. She's got her own crew of scouts and raiders, and I reckon she'll stick with Sol unless things are going really badly. So yes, if anyone's going to respond to us raiding, it'll probably be her gang first," Severin answers.

    "Sir Laurens, there is another option. When we were scouting Inselberg, we learned that the mines connect to the old dwarven mansions. The dwarves blocked off the entrances from the mesa, but with enough strong men, we could probably break through and assault the town from below. If we can take the mining camp nice and quiet, it would give us control of the mines and a window of opportunity to launch a surprise attack from the mansions," he adds.

  26. - Top - End - #836
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    Sir Laurens pauses for a moment as he takes in Severin's comments. "Aha, you have the bold heart of a chevalier. If we could take the fortress in a coup de main that would be a triumph indeed, and one over the doubters!" He glances to where his older brother is. "What do you think we would need to make this work?"

  27. - Top - End - #837
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    "The camp is a short distance from the mesa and protected by a palisade and guards. A suprise attack at night by your raiding party might be enough to take it by storm, though there is another option as well. There are many Halfling slaves in the camp, or rather below it. If they could be freed and armed then they could strike from within as you attack from above. We, umm, came prepared for that eventuality and we also know a secret way in that's not passable for heavily armed men. Getting enough weapons through that way could be quite difficult as well, but if we make several trips, it might work. What do you think, Gabriele?" Severin answers Sir Laurens.

  28. - Top - End - #838
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    On Gretchen, 'There's always the chance she'll not be loyal enough to Sol to stay with him if we could make her a better offer. Just in case we run into her obviously.'

    On the Halflings, 'Depends on how healthy they are after being kept down there doesn't it. But it might be the best chance they're going to get. And any guard that gets taken down by surprise by the mines will be one less to fight on the surface.'

  29. - Top - End - #839
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    "Maybe, but I don't think Gretchen would fancy serving the Duke much. Too fond of her feuds, I reckon. She might agree to cut and run if the odds are stacked too hard against Sol, though," Severin says. On the matter of the slaves, he offers no comment, waiting to hear Sir Laurens' reaction.

  30. - Top - End - #840
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes II (WFRP 2e) IC

    Sir Laurens is enthusiastic about the idea, but the man leading the horsemen, a dour-looking sergeant named Simeon Talbot, scowls and says, "That don't seem to be in keepin' with his lordship's orders, sir. And we got a few score horse with us and they can't go in mines nor up the hill neither. And if we lose the horses yer father will hang us, that's if Sol's men don't get to us first."

    Sir Laurens listens, and then says, "Well, I daresay the mines are the one place we can attack that Sol will have to respond to. And if we can, as she says, take out his men there will be that much fewer to oppose us. I won't order anyone to go into the mines but... perhaps with a few bold volunteers..."

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