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  1. - Top - End - #151
    Troll in the Playground

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    Nov 2013

    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    It is a lot more complex and powerful than my character. I am building a couple of characters, using mostly Dark Sun material. I am making one caster and one archer. I should be able to get quite a few arrow attacks out per round, but they won't be especially powerful.

    Though to be honest, I am suffering from options paralysis. I have my notebook in front of me with seven separate build stubs so far, and I have barely covered the basic builds.
    Last edited by paradox26; 2024-04-26 at 07:03 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #152
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Jul 2012

    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Wonderful! With that, I think Eilyra is good to go, except for picking some additional spells and potentially changing what spells she knows to better fit in balance wise(Details on that on selection), but I'm not expecting any major issues.

    Stealing BelGareth's text block...

    Eilyra Dlardrageth
    F NE Half Fiend High(Sun) Elf Generalist 5/Raumathari Battlemage1/Swiftblade 9/Abjurant Champion 3, Level 18, Init 23, HP 216/216, Speed 40, 40F (Average)
    AC 35, Touch 26, Flat-footed 25, Fort 18, Ref 24, Will 23, Base Attack Bonus 15/10/5
    Abilities Str 14, Dex 30, Con 24, Int 37, Wis 14, Cha 20
    Casting Wizard 15

    Spoiler: Usual Buffs/Power Level Commentary

    Generally going to be running GMW, and with knowledge devotion and haste her attack routine should be 37/32/27 for 1d10+19 per hit.
    Note that this can be boosted via Arcane Strike, adding a potential +8 attack/+8d4 damage, assuming she burns a level 8 spell. She also has power attack, so she can convert excessive to hit into damage.
    She also has bloodstone, which lets her add an empowered 9d6 vampiric touch to one strike in an encounter, but she has to recharge that with a casting of vampiric touch if she wants to use it again.
    She can also spell strike with magic missile or Ray of Enfeeblement. And maybe an orb of X. But only once per day.

    Defense-wise, her base AC is 35. However, she is almost certainly going to be casting Haste(36). And will probably have Dragonskin(41) and Shield(48). None of these buffs are certain(Ok, haste will be up if she can).
    She also enjoys a 50% miss chance while she is hasted by herself.
    Yes, she can and will buff allies if it seems appropriate.

    On the save front, she has access to Ruin Delver's Fortune(Which will let her add 5 to a save, and also gives a bonus based on the save type. The bonus for reflex is evasion), but that costs spell slots. Her headband of Conscious Effort lets her make a concentration check instead of a fort save once per day.

    Immunities: Poison, magic death effects(Soulfire). Probably freedom of movement from Haste. And almost certainly mind blank.

    Power wise, she should be reasonably comparable in melee to a well built melee character(Not an ubercharger by any means) for as long as she can keep her spells going. A bit more fragile in the face of damage, and a bit lower in damage, but she can nova fairly well.
    On the magic side, she is basically a level 15 wizard. She doesn't have DC boosting feats/items, so her DC's are a bit low(Compared to a more optimal wizard), but said chassis lets her use magic to not die in melee, provide battlefield control, transportation, and divination.

    Typical combat strategy is likely to be casting haste(Free, thanks to swiftblade, beyond spell slot), casting a battlefield control/fun spell, and using spring attack. Depending on the encounter, she might cast a couple of BFC spells instead of attacking, or she might use spring attack twice, or make a full attack.

    Out of combat, well... she knows things, has a lot of divinations on tap, is reasonably perceptive, and likes to think that she can be diplomatic(She tries, anyway). She also tends to advocate for ruthlessness, but not cruelty, and not stupid evil. More of a "Maybe we don't take the lost child to their home" rather than "We murder the child, track down their home, and then kill everyone there for inconveniencing us" style of evil. Self focused, but quite willing to look long term to pursue her objectives, and is fully able to work with anyone else. Except for that aforementioned murdering evil. No one likes those.

    Depending on spell selection, she does, potentially, have access to some cheese(See level 15 wizard). My intention is to, well... not. I know she will not survive in that sort of high OP environment, and would prefer to not.

    Spoiler: Image

    Spoiler: Fluff
    Born a century before the final doom of House Dlardrageth to the Lady Xiiltharra, Eilyra was unlike her elder sister, Sarya. Rather than revel in the demonic power their father had given them, Eilyra choose to pursue her own power, rather than rely on the power of others. Thus, she studied the arts of wizardry, and swordplay, while her sister reveled in her blood. Of course, power is rather handy, and unlike Sarya, Eilyra had little chance of inheriting the House, but the possibility proved to be too much of a risk for her elder sister to tolerate, and soon after their mother was killed, Sarya demonstrated her superiority in the art of betrayal. Taken by surprise, Eilyra was banished into a hellish pocket plane, where she did not age, and did not hunger.
    There, she remained for millennia.
    When the Harpers used the Gatekeeper's Crystal, and inadvertently freed her sister, she remained imprisoned. It wasn't until six months later, when her sister had started a campaign that the Harpers returned. While they tried to gather information, they inadvertantly shattered Eilyra's prison, unleashing the half fiend on the world once more. Violence ensued, and Elyria walked away, richer in knowledge. Not wanting to be forced into another such situation she disguises herself as a young wild elf.
    Disguised, she sought news of her sister, and soon found herself joining Seiveril Miritar, although she made certain to remain well clear of the many anti-demon magics the army brought to bear. She fought well, but avoided notices, killing several of her kin along the way, and when the news came that the war was won, that her sister was dead, she celebrated, although for different reasons than the rest of the army.
    However, she declined the offer to settle in Myth Drannor, as she knew the mythal wouldn't tolerate her presence, and found herself wandering, aimlessly. At first, she sought to rebuild her power base, but after taking control of a bandit gang, she soon realized that there was little point to such things. Her name would be reviled for all of history, and should she ever be known, her sisters' enemies would almost certainly kill her, and not quickly.
    Instead, she chose a life of solitude, building her personal power, and seeking to recover the skills lost in her imprisonment. But it went slowly, so slowly, with much of her time and effort devoted to keeping hidden, rather than improving herself. Unsatisfied with the situation, she considers more... direct methods. And the Blood War, the endless war, practically jumps out at her. On the way, however, situations changed, and she found herself walking a different path than what she had intended, but a path that, perhaps would lead her to a more optimal solution.
    And at first, she thought she had found one. A group of Drow attacked her, and a few others(Verik, Nitrick, Captain Jack), and led to a series of adventures, culminating in stopping an alliance between Lloth, and most of the other abyssal powers, but... things did not turn out as she had hoped. Most of the tasks had came from demons, and along the way, certain good factions had been offended. Ultimately, while the effects were good... they were not well known enough, and working with demons was too suspect to see her to her goals. Lessons learned.

    Spoiler: Custom magic items(All MiC combinations)

    When I say custom, they're all just using the MiC rules for combining magical items, so I don't expect any issues.
    Eilyra's Blade(Agile Bloodstone Elven Courtblade +1)(18450)
    Gloves of the Swift Strategist(Gloves of the strategist, +6 dex)(39600)
    Necklace of Enduring Adaption(Necklace of Adaption, +6 CON)(45000)
    Circlet of the Elven Mage(Circlet of Mages, Headband of Conscious Effort, +6 int)(47000), paying the 50% increased cost for the Conscious effort effect.
    Dlardrageth House Seal(Signet Ring, +5 protection, Arcane Power)(70005)
    Soulfire Twistcloth +1(25300)
    Last edited by Archmage1; 2024-04-26 at 08:18 AM.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  3. - Top - End - #153
    Ogre in the Playground
    remetagross's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Wow darn AvatarVecna, that's a nasty bombardment option. All hail 3.5, so deep in options that it gifts us with such a possibility!
    VC XV, The horsemen are drawing nearer: The Alien and the Omen (part 1 and part 2).
    VC XVI, Burn baby burn:Nero
    VC XVIII, This is Heresy! Torquemada
    VC XX, Elder Evil: Henry Bowyer

    And a repository of deliciously absurd sentences produced by maddened optimisers in my extended signature

  4. - Top - End - #154
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)


    The Wondrous Magic Item
    Collar of umbral metamorphsis 22,000 gp -> grants the Dark Creature Template, my question here is where it is granted by an item am I able to ignore the normal LA+1 assignment of the Dark Creature Template ??

    Where I am building what is a 4 armed creature, Magic Item slots become a question
    Head, Headband, Face, Throat, Shoulders, Body, Torso, Waist, Feet, Slotless <- these should remain unchanged
    Arms, Hands, Rings <- these could gain additional slots
    So the question is for those 3 normal slot areas would you grant extra slots?

    were you allowing multiple magic items of the same slot to be combined with the lesser valued at additional 50% cost ?

    Quote Originally Posted by AvatarVecna View Post
    I've previously theorycrafted about it in a dnd discord I'm in. Someone was wanting to do like a dnd spaceship.
    well this is not that but if some artificer want to craft it. the cost certainly is manageable and it does work for this game.

    Planar Sailer: Colossal vehicle 25,000
    Profession (sailor) +4
    Spd wind × 20 ft. (nautical average); Overall AC –3
    Section hp 50 (hardness 5); Section AC 3
    Rigging 80 hp (hardness 0), AC 1; Ram 12d6
    Face 80 ft. by 20 ft.; Height 10 ft. (draft 10 ft.)
    SA ram; SQ steering mechanism triggers special plane shift effect on vehicle and contents
    Crew 20; Cargo 150 tons (Spd wind × 15 ft. if 75 tons or more)

    there are other things that can be tossed on it but I am not going to list them.

  5. - Top - End - #155
    Titan in the Playground
    BelGareth's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    @chain, how would you feel about a custom item based off Collar of umbral metamorphosis, by changing the template?

    Collar of the Mineral Warrior?

    Or any other LA+1 template for that matter. But I'm mostly interested in the mineral warrior


    also requesting Girdle of Hate, i can't for the life of me find where it's actually from, but it's definitely an item. I think it's from DrM136, but couldn't find it. Found references to it here
    EDIT2: someone informed me it's in dragon compendium on page 136. (so i assume it's already approved)
    Last edited by BelGareth; 2024-04-26 at 02:21 PM.

    Bel's Compendium
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    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  6. - Top - End - #156
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by paradox26 View Post
    It is a lot more complex and powerful than my character. I am building a couple of characters, using mostly Dark Sun material. I am making one caster and one archer. I should be able to get quite a few arrow attacks out per round, but they won't be especially powerful.

    Though to be honest, I am suffering from options paralysis. I have my notebook in front of me with seven separate build stubs so far, and I have barely covered the basic builds.
    I feel I'm in a similar position/ situation, 😆
    I am looking at a fun build that is very thematic from Mulhorand, although I like Unther a lot more,
    A mummy with a conscience.
    GNU Sir Terry Pratchett

  7. - Top - End - #157
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Are Leadership + derivatives allowed, or do you harbour animosity against those?

    To all;
    Tibbits are lame, gimme to much of a Pikachu vibe, 😆
    Real cats are cool though.
    Last edited by Burning Spear; 2024-04-26 at 04:10 PM.
    GNU Sir Terry Pratchett

  8. - Top - End - #158
    Archmage in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    I am thinking of throwing my hat into the ring for this one. I love high-level Plane-hopping adventures very much.

    I'm thinking through a few options, so I figured I would do my best to list all my possible requests at once.

    1. How do you feel about Dragon characters? Either using the rules in the Dracomicon or Oslecamo's Monster Classes?

    2. From the (now defunct) Mind's Eye series:
    • Crystal Master PrC
    • Meditant PrC
    • Educated Wilder Variant

    3. Radiant Creature Template from Dragon Magazine 321.

    4. If someone took the Tashalatora Feat, would they need a level in Monk to stack with their Psion levels? Or does 20 + 0 = 20?

    5. This Vow of Poverty fix.

    Thank you very much!
    (Avatar by Cuthalion, who is great.)

  9. - Top - End - #159
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    If my character ends up selected, I hope she can help bridge potential power gaps in the party: as a buffer, she will likely boost martials more than casters.

    Creed of the Dragonsong (Origin story & Faith of Syana's people)

    A deep utterance for Space
    For Time a cry stretched out to Eternity
    Light in the harmonies and Darkness in the silence

    A syllable for each Dragon
    For the aberrants singular discordance
    The briefest of hums: humans.

    There are many stories about how the multiverse started, depending on which part of it you find yourself.
    Syana's people believe in the Dragonsong, the Song of Creation. And of Balance. And of Destruction. The cosmic song that traverses time and the planes.

    There are clues if you look for them.
    Are Dragons not (almost) everywhere?
    Are Dragons not the most perfected creatures among mortal ones?
    Are Draconic deities not worshipped (almost) everywhere? Bahamut and Tiamat, the Dragon of Light and the Dragon of Dark, and all their variations.

    Syana's people likely originate from Eberron, where Dragons explicitly created the world, and the world still dances to the tune of the Draconic Prophecy.
    How they first intermingled with dragons is lost to time, but dragonblooded creatures are not welcome on that plane, so the dragonblooded changelings had to flee to other planes.

    In the Eye of the Beholder (Description)
    From the white scales that show up in her natural form, Syana knows that she is descended from a White Dragon. But she never liked this one bit, for they are the weakest and least noble of the True Dragons.
    When she was little, she would dream up a Copper, Red or Gold ancestry for herself. And as a Changeling, she could make it become true whenever she would morph her body, with a smattering of glittering scales of the chosen colour. She still hasn't given up that pretense today, and often adorns her skin with shimmering flecks of gold.

    In her natural form, Syana also looks quite plain (to a Changeling's taste - you'll have to take my word for it). And so, in revenge over nature, she has practiced over the years the art of appearing absolutely stunning in her alternate forms.
    The one time she truly got to appreciate it was some years back when she was petrified by the eye-ray of a beholder, and somehow cast out of her stony body as a ghostly manifestation: seeing the statue of her perfect shape, she could see she had truly attained a pinnacle.
    This has helped her become less demanding in her personal quest for Beauty.

    One of her favourite shapes is of a half-elven maiden with red hair, with luscious lips often upturned in an impish smile, bright green eyes and the trademark scattering of golden dragon scales.

    Syana's crescendo (Background)
    Syana's lifesong has been glorious up until now. From a young age she excelled in the vocal arts, held in high regard by her people. Yet she determined her life would not be bound, and she delved into the arcane, the power of the Weave, the faculty to reshape the universe.
    She was rightfully wary of a quest for power without meaning, and so she joined the Harpers, to lend a hand in the fight against evil, and to learn more about the song of the world Toril.

    Her growth took her heart and soul beyond the strife of a single plane of existence, however important it may be: stepping through planar portals, she discovered Sigil, and the worlds beyond. She particularly loved it in Eberron, and she kept on collecting skills and spells along the way.

    In recent years, having reached a pinnacle of personal power, she has come back to the source, to the original quest of her people: finding the Dragonsong. Her best chance seems to go through the Noctuary, but the place of power has proven just as elusive to her as to the other seekers.

    OOC Notes
    As with any high-level full caster, Syana is fairly well-rounded.
    She is a face, and dabbles in buffing, healing, debuffing, gishing, blasting and battlefield control.

    - I "spent" many levels on War Weaver, a great buffing class whose utility/power is markedly less strong at high levels (e.g. Mass Fly for the cost of a 3rd level slot is great at levels 8-15, but later WBL is enough to purchase items of permanent flight...).
    Still, it's a fun way to equalize some things, like providing Displacement to the whole party nearly every fight (I stayed away from party-wide Greater Invisibility since it can be disruptive, I think). Also Greater Heroism, but it would benefit only people without Mindblank.
    And lastly she can cast Heal once and have it benefit the whole party, which is really efficient resource-wise.

    - I avoided blanket immunities (Mindblank, Soulfire armor, ...) on purpose, because I think it can be more fun that way, but if the opponents are going to be punishingly strong I can change that. I could also tweak her items to buff her saves if she is too far behind the party.
    Similarly, I avoided picking up all the Dispel counters, so under some circumstances her buffs could get dispelled.

    - Her "max power" routine is reached when she is buffed with Giant Size + Bite of the Werebear + potentially Shapechange (I marked it at TBC because there may be gentleman's agreement to avoid it), but that kinda requires Time Stop to be achieved in a short enough time, so it burns too many slots to be done every fight.
    In not-too-threatening circumstances, she might focus more on casting or use Thunderlance.
    Also, I've picked some Bard-only spells because in my experience we never get to see them used (Empyreal Ecstasy, Snowsong).

    - I also avoided near-TO stuff like Celerity + immunity to daze, Ocular spell to be able to cast Personal spells through the weave, ...

    Spoiler: Writing sample (other character)
    One step forward, two steps to the right. Assassination is like a dance.
    Your 'partner' zigs, you zag.

    Paik tamped the beads of sweat on her forehead. She was not new to this, yet she always felt under pressure while on the job, however much she may have prepared. In the present case, she had cased the location before, as a maid.
    She squared her shoulders and sprang into action: her hands fluttered in the night air and, with stars her only witness, she turned invisible.

    She was standing near the portal to the garden in front of the mansion, a looming but graceful building, with its marble colonnades and stucco ornamentation. A building made from blood, as far as she was concerned: the owner, Viscount d'Esquina, was a murderer and a slaver. The Petals had proof enough... yet they knew it wouldn't be enough to get the man convicted, for he had money and allies.

    The next step: turning into air.
    Who said fire blasts are for unrefined mages? Just because I can melt near anything with my arcane talent... doesn't mean I don't appreciate subtlety.
    A now gaseous Paik swirled up in a spiral. She slithered up against a column, looking for an open window. There! On the second floor. In, then up again through the stairs. She passed a guard who, shoulders stooping, was fighting to stay awake.
    One more guard at the entrance of the noble bedchamber, but he never saw nor heard a thing - he simply felt a welcome breeze on his skin.

    She gets in through the keyhole, crosses the antechamber, and once in the room, she makes sure the Viscount is indeed there, and sleeping alone.
    She turns solid again, and looks at the slumbering form critically.
    Focus inward, her flesh jiggles: she adjusts her appearance. In Paik's place now stands the Viscount.

    1, 2, !
    He casts without a sound, with simple, practiced gestures. Nothing much seems to happen, but the jerk of the body getting pierced by terrible flame; it would take a sight extending into the magical spectrum to see the bed erupt in a conflagration of red, oranges, golden flames; really quite pretty - an art amateur like the Viscount would appreciate, surely. For good measure, a second lance of fire, to make sure the job is complete. Touching the burnt body, he shrinks it and pockets it.

    "Guards, guards!! I've been attacked!" he then shouts at the top of his lungs.
    He had taken the precaution of wearing a nightgown tailor-made - by him - for this act: it appears singed.
    He has smeared some soot on his one side of his face, to make it more convincing. He starts to limp out into the antechamber.

    Paik can be him for a few days. Enough time for him to repent for his crimes... and then disappear.
    Last edited by namo; 2024-04-30 at 11:25 AM.
    "Even gods must learn to control their tempers, lest they set a bad example."
    The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Steven Erikson

  10. - Top - End - #160
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by GentlemanVoodoo View Post
    On the Southern Magician trick, I am not that familiar with this. So would that mean since qualifying for the PRC, would the caster level advances apply to the base class then used to enter? Or is the caster level advances only applicable to the spell that was changed from its type (the spell used for the "Once per day per two spellcaster levels...").
    So, does it mean you are going to be a fellow mulan citizen? Maybe I can be your ancestor who taught you this trick? 😆
    GNU Sir Terry Pratchett

  11. - Top - End - #161
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    well pending answers to above from the gm.


    should be nearly ready, just a few other magic items to purchase

    Ginger, possessed an uncanny ability to navigate the labyrinthine depths of many dungeons, even ancient dungeons with unparalleled skill. Armed with a keen eye for detail and an insatiable curiosity, she meticulously charted every corridor, chamber, and hidden passage, unraveling the mysteries of forgotten realms. Her maps, intricate and precise, became coveted artifacts among adventurers, guiding them through perilous landscapes and towards long-lost treasures. Ginger's passion for exploration drove her to venture into the wilds of the planes, facing dangers head-on and emerging victorious, her skills serving as a testament to her courage and expertise in the art of cartography. Her skill with her weapons served her well in surviving many a battle.

  12. - Top - End - #162
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Dragon Magazine 324, pp. 96: Chivalrous Courtesy and Code of Arms (flaws)
    Dragon Magazine 358, pp. 39-43, "Master's Forge": Segmented Armor and Reinforced Armor, specifically

    How are we to create cohorts?

  13. - Top - End - #163
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Am I right to assume that Southern Magic will allow a Mulan Priest to qualify as a arcane Spellcaster for the Obtain Familiar feat and those derivatives?
    And also helps to prepare for the requirements of Mindbender?

    @samduke, Hiya!
    Last edited by Burning Spear; 2024-04-27 at 11:39 AM.
    GNU Sir Terry Pratchett

  14. - Top - End - #164
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    @Burning Spear: Technically, no.

    Southern Magician does allow you to qualify for the various "Cast Arcane Spells of level X" classes, such as say, Archmage(Of course, you then wouldn't be advancing casting because you didn't have an arcane spellcasting class). Or, from the other side, "Cast divine spells of level X" classes.

    However, it does not qualify you as an arcane caster or divine caster.

    That said, the DM may have other ideas on that. 3.5 was kind of inconsistent with requirements sometimes.
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  15. - Top - End - #165
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage1 View Post
    @Burning Spear: Technically, no.

    Southern Magician does allow you to qualify for the various "Cast Arcane Spells of level X" classes, such as say, Archmage(Of course, you then wouldn't be advancing casting because you didn't have an arcane spellcasting class). Or, from the other side, "Cast divine spells of level X" classes.

    However, it does not qualify you as an arcane caster or divine caster.

    That said, the DM may have other ideas on that. 3.5 was kind of inconsistent with requirements sometimes.
    Hmmz, frustratingly inconsistent 🥴😒😑
    But thanks for the reply, fingers crossed, see what the DM rules in this case, lol.
    Last edited by Burning Spear; 2024-04-27 at 11:50 AM.
    GNU Sir Terry Pratchett

  16. - Top - End - #166
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    To be fair, it is sort of needed, as without that limitation, you could do things like take southern magician at level 3, use your skill points appropriately, then take Mystic Theurge to gain 2 caster levels per level.(So, say, by level 13 you would be casting as a level 23 caster.). Which is a bit on the OP side.

    (Yes, spells known/per level max out at level 20, so it wouldn't be as game breaking in this game as it might be in lower level games, but with a little bit of effort you could get a fairly excessive CL and break things with holy word like spells)
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  17. - Top - End - #167
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage1 View Post
    To be fair, it is sort of needed, as without that limitation, you could do things like take southern magician at level 3, use your skill points appropriately, then take Mystic Theurge to gain 2 caster levels per level.(So, say, by level 13 you would be casting as a level 23 caster.). Which is a bit on the OP side.

    (Yes, spells known/per level max out at level 20, so it wouldn't be as game breaking in this game as it might be in lower level games, but with a little bit of effort you could get a fairly excessive CL and break things with holy word like spells)
    Yea, totally not my intention, I am trying to build a theme, which would go like this;
    Priest of Hathor/ Isis, (who hold the scribe of the gods, Thoth in high regard, respects Seth for his dominion over evil magic), gets taught in Gheldaneth how to use Southern Magic, she gains a familiar (I want a Shoebill, probably based on the Eagle, but with str/ Dex reversed) and a level dip in Mindbender gives Telepathy, fits imo with magical Priest.

    Still thinking what else fits this theme ..
    Last edited by Burning Spear; 2024-04-27 at 12:04 PM.
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  18. - Top - End - #168
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    There are a couple of other approaches:
    Magical Training, combined with Practiced Spellcaster would give you the necessary caster level, although your class level would be 0.

    Mystic Wanderer(A class) advances divine spells and gives you a familiar at 2nd level.
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  19. - Top - End - #169
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage1 View Post
    There are a couple of other approaches:
    Magical Training, combined with Practiced Spellcaster would give you the necessary caster level, although your class level would be 0..
    No thanks,😲🥴🤔
    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage1 View Post
    Mystic Wanderer(A class) advances divine spells and gives you a familiar at 2nd level.
    I just saw that class, but it's weird, as your class used for requirement, divine caster, doesn't count for the familiar's powers..😋 Mystic Wanderer does kinda fit my theme, so I'm eyeing it up, lol.
    Last edited by Burning Spear; 2024-04-27 at 12:47 PM.
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  20. - Top - End - #170
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    While yes, your familiar would only be missing out on 5 NA, Spell Resistance, and Scry on Familiar, which, while nice, shouldn't be dealbreakers.
    Oh, and 5 points of intelligence.

    Admittedly, you do miss out on the familiar spell epic feat for free at level 21, however...

    This restriction also applies to pretty much all arcane prestige classes as well: A wizard 5/Incantatrix 10 would have a familiar as a level 5 wizard, because incantatrix doesn't give a familiar.
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  21. - Top - End - #171
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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage1 View Post
    While yes, your familiar would only be missing out on 5 NA, Spell Resistance, and Scry on Familiar, which, while nice, shouldn't be dealbreakers.
    Oh, and 5 points of intelligence.

    Admittedly, you do miss out on the familiar spell epic feat for free at level 21, however...

    This restriction also applies to pretty much all arcane prestige classes as well: A wizard 5/Incantatrix 10 would have a familiar as a level 5 wizard, because incantatrix doesn't give a familiar.
    Let's see what the DM thinks of all this, lol.
    Thanks for the prompt feedback/ responses.
    GNU Sir Terry Pratchett

  22. - Top - End - #172
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Im' Changing my submission. I really just want to play a Tank, and while I liked what I made with the Binder/Arcahamach an Incarnum Tank is simply more straightforward, and also, he is a Lumi, because I just love the idea of a flying head.

    Domo Lightbringer
    Lumi, male, Saphire Hierarch (Ordained Champion)
    HP: 299 | Initiative: +9
    STR: 28* | DEX: 16 | CON: 28| INT: 18 | WIS: 28 | CHA:24
    DR 3/adam 25%fort, Speed 30
    AC 37, Touch 17, Flat-footed 34, Fort 25, Ref 14, Will 27, Base Attack Bonus 19*

    Soulmelds shaped/bound:

    Active Effects: The sheet reflects Divine Power cast as Swift action (+6str BAB=HD) and gear that I haven't yet noted.
    Conditions: Awesome and wholesome

    Role: Tank/Healer/Limited Buffer Good perception skills but terrible scout due to not being able to hide his light bulbed head.

    Spoiler: Background
    Standing at nearly 6'7, Domo's imposing figure is even more pronounced by the fact that his head floats almost foot over his broad armored shoulders. His wrinkles and age marks are visibile only to the trained eye who can tell an Lumi's age. He is in fact in his last few years of life, and he knows it. He has lived a life of service and devotion to the principles of Law and Light.
    Even if you don't know it, he'll make sure you know. Domo is a boisterous and militant memeber of his faith. Boudn to his core theology, Domo never lies, and never even pretends to le. He is an ambassador of his people across the Planes, but his people do not believe in diplomacy. He is blunt and honest to a fault, pointedly marking mistakes.

    Domo has two reasons to search the Noctuary. First, as his life is waning, and as a leader of his people, he is bent on investigating the source of darkness and the powers around and prepare to battle those who would use it to bring about chaos and destruction.
    Second, he is in debt with Xerxes, the half dragon archer who helped his people fight a horde of servants of Asmodeus.
    With those to adventuring reasons, Domo embarked in what he knows will be his last adventure before joining the eternal light and transcend.

    Last edited by Auranghzeb; 2024-05-08 at 05:14 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #173
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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage1 View Post
    @Burning Spear: Technically, no.

    Southern Magician does allow you to qualify for the various "Cast Arcane Spells of level X" classes, such as say, Archmage(Of course, you then wouldn't be advancing casting because you didn't have an arcane spellcasting class). Or, from the other side, "Cast divine spells of level X" classes.

    However, it does not qualify you as an arcane caster or divine caster.

    That said, the DM may have other ideas on that. 3.5 was kind of inconsistent with requirements sometimes.
    Note that it says: Spells or Spell-Like Abilities: Arcane caster level 5th, Spell-like Abilities imo suggest that it could work as is... 🤔🥴
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  24. - Top - End - #174
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by Burning Spear View Post
    Note that it says: Spells or Spell-Like Abilities: Arcane caster level 5th, Spell-like Abilities imo suggest that it could work as is... 🤔🥴
    Based on the quote below it works

    Quote Originally Posted by chaincomplex View Post
    By my reading this is straight up ambiguous, namely does the "arcane caster level" being referred to point at the term of art caster level or the term of art arcane caster. So I'm going to make a ruling in your favor: it counts.

  25. - Top - End - #175
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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dakrsidder View Post
    Based on the quote below it works
    In that case, if so, I only need to be allowed to research a spell, Charm Person... As per DMG.
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  26. - Top - End - #176
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by Burning Spear View Post
    In that case, if so, I only need to be allowed to research a spell, Charm Person... As per DMG.
    Was referring to slas on the wiz/sorc list not sure how researching a spell relates

  27. - Top - End - #177
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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dakrsidder View Post
    Was referring to slas on the wiz/sorc list not sure how researching a spell relates
    That spell relates to specifics needed for the prestige class that's asking for it, which was the reason for the whole discussion with Archmage 😄 Mindbender.
    Last edited by Burning Spear; 2024-04-27 at 03:29 PM.
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  28. - Top - End - #178
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    There is the charm domain you could take, to get it as a domain spell.
    And Elysium, and Temptation, and Lust domains all give it as well.
    Last edited by Archmage1; 2024-04-27 at 03:37 PM.
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  29. - Top - End - #179
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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage1 View Post
    There is the charm domain you could take, to get it as a domain spell.
    And Elysium, and Temptation, and Lust domains all give it as well.
    Charm imo doesn't fit my fluff,
    Elysium and Temptation are Prestige Domains if I'm correctly understanding it.
    Hathor and Isis are both N.G. so Elysium could fit, but then I'd have to drop one of: Knowledge (can't), Family (loving the Domain Ability), Storm, Balance (don't want to drop) and Oracle (can't).

    Lust seems by it's domain ability not to fit at all, 😆 a seductive mummy?! 😂
    Last edited by Burning Spear; 2024-04-27 at 04:00 PM.
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  30. - Top - End - #180
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Noctuary (D&D 3.5e, Level 20+ Adventure)

    Spell domain could do it as well, provided you could cast 3rd level spells and used anyspell to prepare charm person.

    The Customize Domain feat could as well. Probably other options too.
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