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  1. - Top - End - #661
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    To tohil and brotherif we break our captain out what is in store for us? quite simply to the the point. Once answered what is the jail like?

  2. - Top - End - #662
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg had continued to try rousing Siduri and Tegu for a location to meet them; but when they did not respond further Ttharg cursed and slammed his claw into the wooden railing of the ship. There was no way they'd be able to find the pair in the city before dawn, and they needed rest. Ttharg retreated to his quarters and downed what was left of the Goblin Engineer's Rotgut to help him sleep off the anger and worry.

    As if sensing Ttharg's discomfort, Bahamut blessed Ttharg's sleep, and upon awakening Ttharg felt a closer connection with Bahamut than before. He felt he could now communicate with Bahamut as he done with the scroll before; but this time using his own prayers and devotion. His morning prayers included several prayers for guidance: Ttharg knew they were going to need them in the coming days.

    Returning to the deck, he saw the transaction taking place with Tohil.

    "How much gold would it take for such a meetin?" He asks Tohil, already pulling his own purse from a pocket.

  3. - Top - End - #663
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    To tohil and brotherif we break our captain out what is in store for us? quite simply to the the point.
    Tohil's feathers stand up, but she quickly calms herself and hustles you onto the tender for a more private conversation.

    It is possible to break out the Captain and still go through with your plan to work with the Ministry of War against Trionyx. The important thing is timing.

    If you do break out the Captain, the Templars will hunt you and anyone from your ship relentlessly. However, their authority ends at the water's edge. You may not be able to come back to Malatra, at least not for a while. Tohil and her brother may need to lie low for a time. But if you have done everything you needed within the actual city, they can't pursue you further.

    If you are able to convince the Minister of War of the threat, he can decide to work with you regardless of how the Templars feel. The Minister of War may even be able to calm the Templars down -- although you can't count on that.

    But he certainly will not take a meeting with wanted men, even with the Majari's leverage. If you still want to work with the navy against the pirate fleet, you should put off any breakout until after you have met with the Minister of War.

    Once answered what is the jail like?
    There are different kinds of jails in Malatra, but in this case the Captain is being held at a sacrifice pit. They are virtual fortresses, guarded by templars, clerics, and--most importantly--all the dangerous beasts and monsters held there. There are three different sacrifice pits; the Captain, being a malison, will be at the nearby Coliseum. The jail cells, like the monster cages, are located underground, beneath the open-air arena where criminals are sacrificed to the gods in the trial by combat.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Commander View Post
    "How much gold would it take for such a meetin?" He asks Tohil, already pulling his own purse from a pocket.
    Ten gold should do it. Perhaps even less, but the Templars are unusually hostile on this one. Maybe she can find out why while she's greasing palms.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-04-16 at 08:37 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #664
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg hands over 10 platinum coins. "Spare no expense. Let me know if ye need any more."

  5. - Top - End - #665
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Following up with those answers can one get placed into the same group as lets say the captain? For instance ourselves? If so what are the rules like... keep our equipment for instance?

  6. - Top - End - #666
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    Following up with those answers can one get placed into the same group as lets say the captain? For instance ourselves? If so what are the rules like... keep our equipment for instance?
    Tohil shakes her head. Sacrifices are individual, and prisoners are stripped of their equipment. They are armed only with what merciful audience members may throw to them.

    You *could* jump into a fight already in progress, if you wanted, but you would need a good strategy to get away afterwards.

  7. - Top - End - #667
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    While Tohil goes ahead to smooth your way at the Coliseum, the rest of you cross the Malison District to the public baths.

    Quote Originally Posted by TriciaOso View Post
    Malatra has a lot of thermal vents and hot springs across the island, and particularly here in the capitol. The industry of the Clel family has piped hot, sulfur-smelling water into the homes of many of the serpentine inhabitants of the precincts, but Malatrans still like to gather in the large public baths; since home plumbing has become ubiquitous, it's a sign of wealth and status to visit one of the few remaining resorts.

    Here in the Malison Precinct, it's different. Steam heat and hot water plumbing doesn't run down here, and there's one large public bath tucked away in a corner of the island; little more than a network of caverns. However, for malisons who can flash some coin, there are private grottos; and like the other hot springs, the privacy of such locations is sacrosanct and guaranteed by the serpentine gods, who gave their children the gift of a place to plot and scheme against each other in private.

    Here, in the stultifying, glorious heat...
    ...Tegu is waiting for you. She has reserved a private grotto.

    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-04-17 at 03:47 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #668
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg enters the grotto and approaches Tegu. "Ahoy, Tegu. Any word from Siduri? We be gettin' concerned about her wellbeing an' what she might be up to. What did ye learn?"

  9. - Top - End - #669
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Tegu snorts. "Oh, she be in fine form. I didn't know that wee streak had this much fury in her."

    "We've found the fool who reported the Captain, if you call that progress. Miserable dockworker that he is... he owed a debt to one of the Sthenos in addition to being in their employ, and the debt was forgiven once he lied his lie."

    "Now we're bound to lay our hands on the man who gave the order. Humbaba Stheno he is. No one of great account until just before all this business went down, when he suddenly up and presents his betters with a map of the waters of the Outer Edge... our bloody map, boys. Made him all sorts of popular among the Stheno, sea traders and sailors that they are. And his first order of business is, he forgives some back rent... and then a dock man opens his bloody mouth to the Templars."

    She grins nastily. "When we lay our hands on Humbaba we'll know where he got the map, eh? Maybe a bloody black-scaled traitor the Cap'n should've fed to the sahuigin long before we made Malatra?"
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-04-18 at 08:54 AM.

  10. - Top - End - #670
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg listens to Tegu's report. "Aye? An' what guarantee do we have that the Sthenos themselves aren't bein' framed by the real threat? Or maybe they just be caught in the middle. They be the easiest scapegoat, after all. Bahamut himself revealed the root o' our problem be the Cnidaria - it be them who we should be focusin' our energies. In fact, havin' us fight with the Sthenos might be part o' their plan."

    Ttharg nods at the implied accusation. "Aye, it would be makin' sense that the medic we took on before, could be involved. On that front, the replacement for him is also missin'. Don't know if the lad just got cold feet with all this business or is more directly involved; but it hardly be matterin' now."

    "Seein' as we need to do some more diggin', I prepared a good amount o' divination spells today an' we be headin' to the diviners themselves today anyway. Given our enemies be targettin' us, it would be wise to keep together. Are ye able to contact Siduri an' have her return to the ship, or at least be with allies? Wouldn't want her gettin' billy-clubbed in an alley or somethin' o' the like. That goes for ye too; no disrespect meant o' course."

    "If ye like..." Ttharg mentions to the group at large. "I could ask Bahamut about the Stheno directly. See how deep their involvement runs."
    Last edited by The Commander; 2024-04-18 at 12:25 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #671
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    She shrugs. "Comes down to it, somebody fed Humbaba Stheno this map in exchange for doing our Cap'n the dirty. We can deal with the somebodies in their turn as well, but a Stheno got the Captain into quod and they can get her out, can't they?"

    "They need to know, we ain't to be trifled with like that--and the way to do that is to collect Humbaba Stheno's head."

    "As to who the somebodies were... sure, the Cnidaria. I'll buy that. But who gave them our map? Throw out all the theories you like, but our 'First Mate' was loyal to Tiamat until about five minutes ago."

    "You asked about Siduri... She's safe with her family. And given the choice between takin' orders from Cocytus Achelous or stickin' by the Captain's wife, I know where I stand."
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-04-18 at 12:27 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #672
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    I know we have had our differences in the past tegu so whatever i say may not mean much but regardless of what you think or feel about this right now you are in a foreign land of unknown hostiles. You are a member of the crew no matter who you dislike for whatever reason. You are your own person as well so do whatever you like i guess but if you dont come back to the ship your pressence will not only help you to be safe but others that you claim to be loyal to. No one can help you to be safe if you dont. If you dont come back well whos gonna keep an eye on cocytus as we figure out how to free the captain? I'll point out tho that the captain herself has decided to trust cocytus and that her orders are to carry on as usual... I believe if you do anything further youd be disobeying . Anyways come back or dont i do have something i think youd want. Maybe multiple if you think youd need it. Keep safe. nibum reaches into bag of holding to get out one of those axes. Nibum really hopes tegu returns but completely understands. He isn't thinking the most logically either. He's desperately clinging to his leader as he had done so many years ago.

  13. - Top - End - #673
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Fork stood silently by, listening to everyone talking. He couldn't fit all the pieces into the puzzle yet but he was paying attention to everything and everyone right now.

  14. - Top - End - #674
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    I know we have had our differences in the past tegu so whatever i say may not mean much but regardless of what you think or feel about this right now you are in a foreign land of unknown hostiles. You are a member of the crew no matter who you dislike for whatever reason. You are your own person as well so do whatever you like i guess but if you dont come back to the ship your pressence will not only help you to be safe but others that you claim to be loyal to. No one can help you to be safe if you dont. If you dont come back well whos gonna keep an eye on cocytus as we figure out how to free the captain? I'll point out tho that the captain herself has decided to trust cocytus and that her orders are to carry on as usual... I believe if you do anything further youd be disobeying . Anyways come back or dont i do have something i think youd want. Maybe multiple if you think youd need it. Keep safe. nibum reaches into bag of holding to get out one of those axes. Nibum really hopes tegu returns but completely understands. He isn't thinking the most logically either. He's desperately clinging to his leader as he had done so many years ago.
    Tegu takes the axe with appreciation. "We're all a long way from home and lost our cap'n," she allows. "Everyone's trying to figure out the right of it themselves."

    "But Siduri's a long way from home and lost her wife, and she ain't no soldier or sailor by training, neither. I lent her my aid and I've got to stick by her."

    "I'll tell her what you lads had to say, though."

  15. - Top - End - #675
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg listened to what Tegu had to say. In many ways, he would have been like her - hot-blooded and spoiling for a fight - but it seemed the voyages recently had begun to temper him. Perhaps he would return to that same hot-blooded Dragonborn in due time? Such was a life led in the guidance of Bahamut.

    "Maybe it'd be best to see the Captain together. It'd be safer if we all went together, an' we can also check out the area she's held. Maybe we can work out a plan o' how to break her out if it comes to that once we see what we be dealin' with. We already have Tohil arrangin' a meeting; an' before ye start worrying, Bahamut says they're not betrayin' us. We can wait for Siduri here, an' in the meantime I can speak with Bahamut again."

    (Assuming the party is willing to wait for Siduri, and Ttharg who needs eleven minutes to Ritual Cast Commune)

    Ttharg begins the process of contacting Bahamut once again. This time, he does it from the memory of the scroll and also takes more time to intone the proper prayers and spread the incense around the room. The steam from the grotto mixes with the smoke of the incense, creating a heady, smoky atmosphere. After eleven minutes passes, Ttharg closes his eyes, takes hold of his Holy Water Amulet, and asks Bahamut his three questions:

    "Did either Orophias, or his lizardman healer replacement, have any involvement in revealing our map to the Sthenos?"

    "Do the Stheno know they received the map from an agent working with, o' for, the Cnidaria?"

    "Are any current members o' our crew, not including the new lizardman healer replacement or Cocytus, involved in betrayals against us?"
    Last edited by The Commander; 2024-04-19 at 12:46 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #676
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Tegu agrees and uses her earpiece to contact Siduri. Judging by the lengthy conversation, the monk seems reluctant to show herself, but finally agrees to meet you at the Coliseum.

    In the mean time, Ttharg sets up for the ritual. Instead of feeling the response of Bahamut through your holy symbol, this time the entire pool of hot springs water seems to shift in temperature in response to his questions.

    "Did either Orophias, or his lizardman healer replacement, have any involvement in revealing our map to the Sthenos?"
    The water is ice cold.

    "Do the Stheno know they received the map from an agent working with, o' for, the Cnidaria?"
    The water warms slightly, but seems to hover in the lukewarm range; ambiguous, but at least partially positive. Perhaps not all of them, but someone.

    "Are any current members o' our crew, not including the new lizardman healer replacement or Cocytus, involved in betrayals against us?"
    Ice cold again. And then the warmth begins to filter back into the water
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-04-19 at 01:27 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #677
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg thanked Bahamut for the shared wisdom. "The medics, both past an' present replacement, aren't involved in our map being stolen; an' we have no additional traitors in our midst, thank Bahamut. Some o' the Stheno know they're dealing with the Cnidaria; others don't. Maybe we can leverage the idea o' a power-play to the Stheno - let 'em know the Cnidaria are workin' with Trionyx to release Tiamat an' they be using the Stheno family as pawns. We'd 'ave to confront Humbaba, o' course, an' pray that the Stheno heads see our way o' thinkin'." He sighs. "Sadly it means that Cocytus could still be betrayin' us; or the map was stolen by someone else right from under our noses. Or perhaps the dockworker wasn't entirely truthful. I take it he be takin' the deep sleep in Bahamut's locker now?" Ttharg asks Tegu, assuming that both she and/or Siduri killed him after he 'confessed'.

  18. - Top - End - #678
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Tegu snorts. "Nothing a greater restoration won't fix." Which is to say, petrified, but not destroyed.

    With the divinations complete, you all make the journey across the Malison District to the Coliseum. With no sacrifice happening right now, the foot traffic is light As you approach, you see three individuals waiting for you; Tohil, flitting from side to side with her usual nervous energy and talking animatedly with her brother, and then Siduri standing slightly removed from the group. Her face is veiled, in the fashion of Malatran medusae, and her mood is hard to read. She certainly is not talking to the two kulkan guides.

    "News!" Tohil chirps, returning 8 platinum to Ttharg. "News, news."

    Ajaw reports back first, speaking primarily to Fork but for once loud enough for everyone to hear. He paid a visit on Madame Bothrops, only to find her shop smashed up and her injured. She traditionally pays her protection money to the Stheno, who control the docks, but this was done by a Vrael-affiliated street gang. They told her the monthly payment would be going up, and going to the Vrael family from now on, because she owed a debt to Eztli Vrael; the priest Fork had assassinated for the Kanikau family, with information provided by Madame Bothrops.

    Tohil nods vigorously. "This is what the Templars say, too! Vrael are mad, mad, mad at you." In addition to the charges for proselytizing, the Captain has had resisting arrest and assault on a Templar added to her list of charges while she is locked up. But for enough money, one of the guards was willing to admit these charges were trumped up and added by the direction of the Vrael, who have the majority of Templars on their payroll.

    "So even if the Stheno withdraw the charges, now, they won't release her," Tegu says, speaking directly to Siduri. "They must know about Eztli... but not so they can prove it, or they would charge her for that, too."

    "Is everyone against us on this gods-forsaken island?" Siduri says bitterly.

    "Not everyone!" Tohil says hurriedly. She does her job as a favor broker, summarizing the complicated situation for you:

    The Majari owe you a major favor, and the Kanikau and Clel both got good value from their smaller favors. Those three families are all reliably on your side.

    The Cnidaria are directly opposed to you, as they always would have been, worshipping Tiamat. They seem to have manipulated the Vrael and Stheno into picking fights with you; a member of the Stheno family (Humbaba) incriminating the Captain in exchange for the map, and feeding the Vrael information about the assassination so that they are determined to punish the Captain in retaliation. But neither the Vrael nor Stheno support Tiamat in the least, and the Stheno as a family are not responsible for Humbaba's decision.

    All of the families will be present at a meeting with the Minister of War, as they all contribute ships to the forces defending the island. You may not be able to convince the Vrael to release the Captain -- an eye for an eye is very tempting -- but they might still cooperate in defense of the island. And it may still be possible to convince the Stheno to blame Humababa and the Cnidaria rather than you for the events that have unfolded.
    "If the fighting stops," Tohil says, glancing at Siduri. Siduri says nothing to that, and awkwardly, Tohil continues:

    "But! I did arrange a visit. Guards will be there, so speak careful, but the Captain is available and wants to speak with you all."
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-04-19 at 01:58 PM.

  19. - Top - End - #679
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg actually appreciates the genius method of 'disposing' of the dockworker - he isn't dead and can't be 'revived' very easily; and, given the right materials and time spent in prayer, Ttharg himself could bring him back to 'life' - allowing the worker to be used as a potential hostage or witness depending on the situation.

    Ttharg takes back the coin. "Good work, Tohil."

    He turns to Siduri. "Ahoy, Siduri. There's a few things we should catch up on; but know that we all want the Captain back safe an' sound." Ttharg then proceeds to fill her in with the details of what he's learned through Bahamut (same as what he's said to Tegu, rather than typing it all out again).

    "As Tohil says, we need to be on our best behaviour in there; but we should also be lookin' for ways to free the Captain if we need to break her out later. Bahamut tells me she'll face her trial by combat in twelve days, so we have twelve days to come up with a plan; an' one that causes the least problems for the upcoming battle. It be no good freein' the Captain just to have to fight Pthax's fleet alone."

  20. - Top - End - #680
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Siduri turns her head to Ttharg, her face and snakes hidden behind the veil.

    "I came here because I was told I could speak to my wife," she says bitterly. "Not to argue with you."

    "Yes, yes, come on," Tohil hurriedly, and escorts you all inside. Your constructs and pets stay behind with Ajaw.

    The main gates of the Coliseum are wide doors to stairs leading up into the stands, but Tohil escorts you to a small side door that leads to dungeons beneath the arena. She has a brief argument with the guard about the number of people, and Ttharg is obliged to cough up another platinum piece.

    The guard is himself a malison, with a viper's face line with heat-sensitive pits over the lip. He carries a stout cudgel. "This is a place of holy sacrifice, dedicated by blood to the will of Apophis," he warns. "Swear your peaceable intentions or ya can't enter. Don't try to summon anything or teleport anything, because ya can't. And if you get troublesome, any guard can send you to isolation with a thought, ya hear? Yer Cap'n has a proud bearing, but we keep more dangerous beasts than that... than any of ya... in this dungeon. Understand?"

    Spoiler: If Detect Magic is used
    You can see the evidence of the powerful spell he speaks of, a complex working of abjuration and conjuration. It's similar to the spells Forbiddance or Hallow. No other conjuration magic can be cast here, and those who fail the saving throw can be sent to a designated location by a touch from the guards' weapons. By swearing to your peaceable intentions, you voluntarily fail the saving throw.

    Siduri and Tegu swear, with a bad grace. If any of you do not, you are not admitted.

    Those of you who do, are led down under the arena in a spiral of torchlit stone. You go past the cages of sacrificial and consecrated beasts first; the smell is powerful and wild. The sacrificial beasts vary, drakes like Rumble and a variety of mammals, gryphons and wyverns with clipped wings, all the way to huge and dangerous dinosaurs and megatheria. The consecrated hunters are uniformly serpentine, and vary from great constrictors to hydras to the powerful charismatic presence of nagas. There is no cage for the purple worm Servius saw in the Great Temple.

    Below this level you come to the cells that house the malison prisoners; you are not taken any deeper down this spiral of misery, but taken into a cramped interview room under the watch of a different guard. The guard who admitted you goes to get the Captain, and returns with her. When she enters the room, Siduri chokes on a sob.

    They've shaved her hair close to her scalp. In a shapeless brown garment, the Captain looks thicker and less trim and graceful than in her tailored and impeccable uniforms. She still holds herself with the same pride and stoic dignity, but it's clear the Templars have not been gentle. One eye is blacked and she's lost a fang or two, giving her mouth a piratical tilt. There is a cuff around her wrist marked with arcane runes.

    The first thing she says is: "Siduri, my love. I'm blessed to see you, but I wish you hadn't seen me. Not like this." Her voice sounds hoarse, but full of affection in a way you've never heard.

    Then she turns her attention to the rest of you, taking on the brisk business-like manner you know. "Hello lads," she says wryly. "Last I saw you you had two missions. Success?"
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-04-20 at 01:13 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #681
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    The Captain glances at the guard.

    "My officers. First and foremost, I'm going to repeat my final orders. This arrest changes nothing about the urgency of our meeting with the Minister of War. We have to stop that fleet. Everything else we worry about later. As for personal remarks... I don't have the time or privacy to say what I'd like to you right now, but I have had time to think about what I'd like to tell each of you, as best I can within these limitations."

    She looks at Tegu first, and takes her claw.

    "My dear Quartermaster. Always a ready hand with that axe, and we need your strong hand. But wait for the right stroke, eh, Tegu? Wait for the right stroke. We've still got days until the trial comes."

    She turns then to Fork, and takes his hand in turn.

    "Mr. F'rrkkk, I appreciate your loyalty and years of service more than you can know. I know this is a cruel ending. But I take comfort... and I hope you'll take comfort... in one thing. They put me here in this Coliseum because they see me as lesser, but the truth is this is the only sacrifice pit open to the air. At least I'll go to my trial able to look at the sky one more time. You're a man of the vast plains and open skies, Fork, so you know what that's worth."

    She squeezes your hand for the last couple of sentences.

    Then she releases your hand to take Nibum's.

    "Mr. Nibum. I appreciate everything you've done for your ship, and I hope you've come to see us as more than just parasites who ride around on her. And I am amazed by what you've done with that tender. I hope you keep working on it. With a little more tinkering, I'd say the sky's the limit. Promise me you'll keep going."

    And then to Ttharg:

    "Mr. Ttharg. You've come a long way since we fished you out of the sea. In my cabin you'll find a tablet, a devotional object. I know you don't worship the Green Goddess, but there are no hands I trust more to carry it to the right person."

    To Servius:

    "Mr. Pamphilius, you haven't been with us long, but I appreciate your service. You are a brilliant mind, and I will always remember your ability to put the pieces together when others don't even know there's a puzzle."

    Spoiler: DC 20+ Insight or Investigation check
    The Captain is dropping hints for an escape plan, to be executed when the time is right. The tender can be upgraded to fly with the Kanikau sphere, and the Coliseum is open to the air. She wants to you to interrupt her trial from there, and bring her her devotional tablet to Maebe at that time.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-04-21 at 11:28 AM.

  22. - Top - End - #682
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Servius suppresses a smile. They'll be wanted individuals if they pull that off. It'll be a great trick though, and far better than any prank any of the small-minded came up with back home. "Yes, Captain. I understand, and we'll work to obey your orders. Trionyx is more of a threat to everyone, including those in this city, even if they don't see it."
    Last edited by J-H; 2024-04-21 at 05:43 PM.
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  23. - Top - End - #683
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Ttharg did his best to take mental notes of the route they were taking, side doors and passageways, levers or switches for doors and cages, and the amount, position, and routes of guards, as they were being led down to see the Captain.

    When Ttharg sees the Captain, he salutes in the same way he's done to her hundreds of times before. "Ahoy, Captain." His voice is still full of respect, just as any other time he's spoken to her.

    "Aye, success on both fronts." Ttharg nods. "We got the message about this 'orrible situation, an' we returned as soon as that business was squared away. Everythin' else be on track."

    As the Captain speaks to Ttharg, he takes the words at face value. "I'll keep it safe an' close, Captain; mark me words."

  24. - Top - End - #684
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Nibum clearly isn't going to go anywhere without seeing the captian perhaps to get more insight or orders from her. He swears he isn't up to no good and enters. He tries to look for any points of weakness from security or structure

    You talking like your resigned to dying. We are gonna figure out whos responsible and bring them to justice. Freeing you of your charges. Its your ship and youve given me the oppertunity to work on it and make a home... ive become fond of this family.

  25. - Top - End - #685
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by zylodrizzt View Post
    Nibum clearly isn't going to go anywhere without seeing the captian perhaps to get more insight or orders from her. He swears he isn't up to no good and enters. He tries to look for any points of weakness from security or structure

    You talking like your resigned to dying. We are gonna figure out whos responsible and bring them to justice. Freeing you of your charges. Its your ship and youve given me the oppertunity to work on it and make a home... ive become fond of this family.
    The Captain smiles crookedly, and reaches over to squeeze Siduri's hand. "Not resigned. Never resigned."

    Spoiler: History 12+

    Siduri says something hoarsely, in Sylvan.

    Spoiler: Sylvan
    "More precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses in the world."

    The Captain responds in the same language, and nods in the direction of the four of you.

    Spoiler: Sylvan
    "I am neither intelligent, nor witty, nor brave enough for 'was', my love. Trust me. Trust them."

    Perhaps this chatter in a language he doesn't speak angers the guard; in any case, it's not much later until he cuts the meeting short and hustles you out of the room. As you gather yourselves on the street, Siduri turns her veiled face to Ttharg. "I apologize. As a child my parents told me many stories of this island... why they left. I thought being locked up in a Malatran prison waiting to be sacrificed was my worst nightmare, until this happened. Do you really have a plan?"
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-04-24 at 08:50 AM.

  26. - Top - End - #686
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    "Yes, yes we do. I'll explain the Captain's strategy when we get to someplace quieter." Servius taps next to his ear-hole.

    When they get back to the ship...
    "The captain emphasized certain words in what she said. Think back, and remember that she mentioned waiting and time, and then looking up at the skies from the arena, and then the work that we've done with the tender, and an item in her cabin. We have plenty of time to modify the tender to fly high and turn invisible, aided by the focus in her cabin. We can fly right over the arena, drop down in the middle, and rescue her before flying off. We'll just need a ladder or two.

    That'll make the Templars mad, but I don't think that will bother you at this point, will it?

    This is what she wants us to do. We can get in position early on the day of in case the schedule changes, and there's much less risk than doing some sort of death-charge or attempting to break into a prison where any guard can send us to meet a purple worm face to face with a single word."

    Persuasion (1d20+2)[15]

    Aside from a few trips off-ship when the party has meetings, Servius is going to be ribs-deep in the tender the next two weeks...
    Things published on DM's Guild
    Campaign Logs:
    Baldur's Gate 2 (ongoing)
    Castle Dracula (Castlevania)
    Against the Idol of the Sun (high level hexcrawl)

  27. - Top - End - #687
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Siduri agrees to return as far as the tender to hear the plan, and is convinced. Not happy, but convinced. She returns to the ship with you, and with the rest of the crew, who have made their way back to the tender -- including Eye-of-the-Storm, the new lizardman medic. He looks hungover and unaware of what's happened.

    Tohil agrees to conclude matters with the Majari and let you know when the meeting with the Minister of War is arranged. She borrows an earpiece to let you know. Later that day, she comes back with an appointment in about a week -- and more news from the favor-trader's gossip mill.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tohil Kiche
    So so so... we made sure word got back to the Stheno you calmed things with the Atropae and they are very grateful, oh my yes. They got much bigger problems, very happy to not have to worry about that anymore.

    Remember that job in Gavia's Jaws for them, the favor you didn't do? They've got a Temple to Gorgo out there?

    Word just got back to town from out there... a few days ago, even before the arrest, an undead dragon turned up out there, caused all kinds of problems, temples smashed up... sounds like your man is already making some moves!

    The lizards got it in the end, but, oh my are the Stheno are mad about their Temple. Gonna be very open-minded at this meeting, I bet. Tell Miss Siduri if she still wants Humbaba Stheno's head, she can probably get it.
    That's also one of the two undead metallic dragons that Ttharg saw taken off the board, hopefully.

    One week until the meeting with the Minister of War. Two weeks until the Captain's trial. Three weeks until the fleet arrives. Time runs out fast.
    Last edited by TriciaOso; 2024-04-24 at 03:18 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #688
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    Ttharg Krixkrux

    Quote Originally Posted by TriciaOso View Post
    As you gather yourselves on the street, Siduri turns her veiled face to Ttharg. "I apologize. As a child my parents told me many stories of this island... why they left. I thought being locked up in a Malatran prison waiting to be sacrificed was my worst nightmare, until this happened. Do you really have a plan?"
    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    "Yes, yes we do. I'll explain the Captain's strategy when we get to someplace quieter." Servius taps next to his ear-hole.
    "No need to apologise, lass. I been called far worse in me time at sea, an' ye spoke out of passion for ye love. Havin' ye freedom taken away be one o' the cruellest fates, aye."

    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    "The captain emphasized certain words in what she said. Think back, and remember that she mentioned waiting and time, and then looking up at the skies from the arena, and then the work that we've done with the tender, and an item in her cabin. We have plenty of time to modify the tender to fly high and turn invisible, aided by the focus in her cabin. We can fly right over the arena, drop down in the middle, and rescue her before flying off. We'll just need a ladder or two.

    That'll make the Templars mad, but I don't think that will bother you at this point, will it?

    This is what she wants us to do. We can get in position early on the day of in case the schedule changes, and there's much less risk than doing some sort of death-charge or attempting to break into a prison where any guard can send us to meet a purple worm face to face with a single word."
    "Ye may be one o' the latest editions to the crew, Servius, but ye sure do pick up things quickly. I'm glad ye be with us. An' that's a fine plan that ye propose. The open sky o' the coliseum also make it a fine place for a storm, wouldn't ye say?"

    When there is time, Ttharg enters the Captain's cabin and reverently takes the tablet she mentioned. He keeps it on his person at all times.

    Ttharg is glad to see the lizardman medic return. During the week, he makes himself available for use of Commune and Divination from any of the officers who need it; as well as making himself available to assist with any projects the other officers are working on.
    Last edited by The Commander; 2024-04-26 at 11:26 AM.

  29. - Top - End - #689
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    That was basically what i had planned had no one had another plan. Captains orders. Getting to work now. Capenters lets get to work. he yells to the carpenters as well as triceratool and his assistants. Quickly and furiously as he can nibum works on the tender with help.

    (Working on invisible and Flight)

  30. - Top - End - #690
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Privateers of Lssthp II [IC]

    It happens during the first week, as Ttharg is drilling the medics on moving about the ship at full sail in an emergency. One of the prime dangers in such a situation is the swinging of the booms as the sails are trimmed; on a living ship, this is less common than a true sailing ship, but it's still a risk.

    The danger is proven when in the midst of an exercise, Eye-of-the-Storm takes a boom full in the face and is knocked across the deck, dazed.

    Even in the midst of this chaos, the Orc Infiltrator almost pulls it off. No one but Ttharg catches the brief moment of shock when a female orc's face is visible before her psionic disguise as the lizardfolk shaman is perfectly in place again.

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