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  1. - Top - End - #181
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Ready and willing. I believe I still had to write uo the background beyond a paragraph or two, I can work on that if desired.
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  2. - Top - End - #182
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Two or three decent paragraphs will be sufficient.

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    I'm still very interested.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  4. - Top - End - #184
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    I am back and still interested.
    GNU Terry Pratchett
    Survived Total War: Mandate of Heaven as The Witch-Doctors
    Thrived in Empire! 7 as the Sakura-Jin

  5. - Top - End - #185
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Would need to finish my elf, but I think I remember in what direction I was going with it.

  6. - Top - End - #186
    Bugbear in the Playground
    namo's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Adding myself to the table; I had expressed interest a long time back, but not finished my sheet.

    Player Character Race Classes Complete
    Samduke Ivory Silverbrow Human Cleric 6/ Seeker of the Misty Isle 4/ Divine Disciple 5/ Contemplative 6 Complete
    Lioslaith Reshad Hamim Human Ranger 21 complete
    DrK Kurnos Wood Elf (wild reaper) Druid 21 complete
    Feathersnow Elsien Peasebloosom Gray Elf Spellthief7/SC3->Noctumancer 11 Complete
    Aegis013 Jorrik Worldshield Dream Dwarf Crusader 5/Hellreaver 5/Deepwarden 2/Crusader +9 Complete
    Talivan Enzio Vandersen Changeling Rogue 13 / Warblade 3 / Invisible Blade 5 Complete
    Archmage1 Coman Human Barbarian 10/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Warblade 1 Complete
    niw18 Kurnoc Elan Psion 11 / Flayerspawn Psychic 10 about 20 percent complete
    Dusk Raven Calliopi Rayza Human Human Paragon 3/Psychic Warrior 8/Psychic Weapon Master 10 Mechanically Complete
    kinem Benth Ram Dwarf Spirit Shaman 20 / Demonwrecker 1 Basically ready
    Darius Daruis Star Elf Bard 5 / Stormsinger 5/ Marshall 1/ Sublime Chord 10 Finishing Touches
    rilem Ecé Salebine Human Wilder 11/CognitionThief 10 Need gear
    watupwithdat Cardan Tirdis Snow Elf Warblade 7/Fighter 2/Champion of Corellon Larethian 2/Eternal Blade 10 70%
    Da'Shain Greath Shamea Whisper Gnome Factotum 19/Swordsage 2 95% (finish equipment/some description)
    Athaleon Urist "Krag" Kragannan Dwarf Wizard 5/Paragnostic Apostle 4/Geometer 3/Earth Dreamer 5/Warblade 1/Runesmith 3 Needs Spells & Fluff
    namo Yedra, the Blademind Synad Ranger 1/Warblade 13/Swordsage 1/Master of Nine 5/Swordsage +1 Complete (I may tweak minor things)

    I picked Synad (Complete Psionic) as a race because... they're never used, but I could easily change it to something else if for some reason you don't like them.

    Yedra is a meleer specializing in single, powerful strikes.
    Last edited by namo; 2024-04-10 at 04:40 PM.
    "Even gods must learn to control their tempers, lest they set a bad example."
    The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Steven Erikson

  7. - Top - End - #187
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Synad is fine as a race.

    I had planned to make selections today, but it looks like several people are still building. We also appear to have lost most of the former applicants. So I will give the current applicants a couple of days more to finish. After so long an absence it shouldnt matter if we take a couple more days. Let me know when you are finished so I know I can pick from your application.

    But be quick. I want to get the game going soon.
    Last edited by paradox26; 2024-04-11 at 01:33 AM.

  8. - Top - End - #188
    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New Zealand

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Player Character Race Classes Complete
    Samduke Ivory Silverbrow Human Cleric 6/ Seeker of the Misty Isle 4/ Divine Disciple 5/ Contemplative 6 Complete
    Lioslaith Reshad Hamim Human Ranger 21 complete
    DrK Kurnos Wood Elf (wild reaper) Druid 21 complete
    Feathersnow Elsien Peasebloosom Gray Elf Spellthief7/SC3->Noctumancer 11 Complete
    Aegis013 Jorrik Worldshield Dream Dwarf Crusader 5/Hellreaver 5/Deepwarden 2/Crusader +9 Complete
    Talivan Enzio Vandersen Changeling Rogue 13 / Warblade 3 / Invisible Blade 5 Complete
    Archmage1 Coman Human Barbarian 10/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Warblade 1 Complete
    niw18 Kurnoc Elan Psion 11 / Flayerspawn Psychic 10 about 20 percent complete
    Dusk Raven Calliopi Rayza Human Human Paragon 3/Psychic Warrior 8/Psychic Weapon Master 10 Mechanically Complete
    kinem Benth Ram Dwarf Spirit Shaman 20 / Demonwrecker 1 Basically ready
    Darius Daruis Star Elf Bard 5 / Stormsinger 5/ Marshall 1/ Sublime Chord 10 Finishing Touches
    rilem Ecé Salebine Human Wilder 11/CognitionThief 10 Need gear
    watupwithdat Cardan Tirdis Snow Elf Warblade 7/Fighter 2/Champion of Corellon Larethian 2/Eternal Blade 10 70%
    Da'Shain Greath Shamea Whisper Gnome Factotum 19/Swordsage 2 95% (finish equipment/some description)
    Athaleon Urist "Krag" Kragannan Dwarf Wizard 5/Paragnostic Apostle 4/Geometer 3/Earth Dreamer 5/Warblade 1/Runesmith 3 Needs Spells & Fluff
    namo Yedra, the Blademind Synad Ranger 1/Warblade 13/Swordsage 1/Master of Nine 5/Swordsage +1 Complete (I may tweak minor things)
    Yas392 Lethe Human Martial Rogue 6/Thief-Acrobat 5/Chameleon 10 30%
    Last edited by Yas392; 2024-04-11 at 02:19 AM.

  9. - Top - End - #189
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Quote Originally Posted by paradox26 View Post
    Synad is fine as a race.

    I had planned to make selections today, but it looks like several people are still building. We also appear to have lost most of the former applicants. So I will give the current applicants a couple of days more to finish. After so long an absence it shouldnt matter if we take a couple more days. Let me know when you are finished so I know I can pick from your application.

    But be quick. I want to get the game going soon.
    I was gonna put the backstory off until tonight, but then I just... went and did it. Here goes!

    Spoiler: Backstory
    The Rayza family once had respect, wealth, and noble title (Count, specifically). But unfortunately, it also took too much of an interest in the Underdark - and more specifically, of stopping the plans of those living within it. When one too many slave raids were fouled by Rayza retainers, the drow suspected that the noble house had some sort of special insight or information into drow affairs, and that could not be allowed to stand. Thus, House Rayza would be brought down, not by force of arms, but by subterfuge and assassination - and with the aid of another noble family that sought Rayza holdings. The destruction of the family was not complete, however, for there was one survivor - Calliopi Rayza, middle daughter of the family's head. This was largely because she had been sent away to hone her martial skills with a teacher (what else do you do with a daughter as tall and athletic as her, despite her skinniness?) - but when she returned, she found nothing left to claim. She was left with nothing but some money, her mentor, and a cold, implacable desire for revenge.

    That determination would be the catalyst for psionic potential - and while this certainly reinforced (or perhaps, merely salvaged) her sense of innate superiority, her psionic nature was mostly a tool for her, a weapon to sharpen into something she could impale drow with. In time, her abilities could only be improved by practical experience, and she set out to work as a mercenary. For a time, she took work protecting maritime vessels - for her family once had a number of cargo and trading ships in their employ, and while she was effectively no longer their employer, some were still loyal enough to give her a job as protector. And she certainly got her share of experience with pirates. Some she coldly dissuaded or intimidated, but the rest she killed with her weapon of choice, a crystal scythe, capable of both elegant grace and horrific dismemberment. In time she moved on from this, however, and went adventuring, taking whatever work would bring her more experience with the Underdark. Eager though she was for revenge, she knew she had to be prepared. Besides, her hated foes were elves. They weren't going to die of old age before she got to them.

    By now, she has developed a formidable set of skills. She is a master of her scythe, and is bound to it on a psychic level. Her psionic abilities, indeed, are mostly about augmenting her martial prowess. The scythe is an esoteric weapon, it's true, but she likes it, as a subtle sign that she's different from others... though, to her chagrin, the scythe did once land her a job protecting a farming village, whose people were willing to pay her fee if she also helped out with the harvest. Of course, her travels have also given her experience in a variety of worldly matters, and not just farming. In particular, she's learned how to interact with people. She had always had some training in this, being a noble daughter, but she's since learned how to speak to people without them believing she treats them with contempt. Chilly and aloof, perhaps, but not arrogant. Make no mistake, she holds a good opinion of herself, and though she is a countess of nothing, she is still a noble. But her pride does not outweigh necessity. In the pursuit of her revenge - and of gaining enough riches to build herself a demesne - she'll wade through mud, eat trail rations, hack her way out of slimes (whoever put that gelatinous cube there was a deranged, psychopathic bastard), and try to wash drow blood out of her nice clothes. Those are mere indignities compared to the loss of her family and house.

    And thus we have Calliopi Rayza, primarily proficient in scythes, psychic powers, and attacks of opportunity, but also with good social skills - as well as 5 ranks in Profession (Sailor) and 1 in Profession (Farmer) for no other reason than flavor. This is unlikely to be relevant, but it's there.
    Last edited by Dusk Raven; 2024-04-11 at 02:22 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  10. - Top - End - #190
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    So... I went ahead and updated the table to only include people who had posted that they retained interest, which did cut a few entries out. If I missed you, or your complete state is incorrect, I can edit, or you can repost, and edit.

    Player Character Race Classes Complete
    DrK Kurnos Wood Elf (wild reaper) Druid 21 complete
    Lioslaith Reshad Hamim Human Ranger 21 complete
    Athaleon Urist "Krag" Kragannan Dwarf Wizard 5/Paragnostic Apostle 4/Geometer 3/Earth Dreamer 5/Warblade 1/Runesmith 3 Needs Spells & Fluff
    Yas392 Lethe Human Martial Rogue 6/Thief-Acrobat 5/Chameleon 10 30%
    Archmage1 Coman Human Barbarian 10/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Warblade 1 Complete
    kinem Benth Ram Dwarf Spirit Shaman 20 / Demonwrecker 1 Basically ready
    Samduke Ivory Silverbrow Human Cleric 6/ Seeker of the Misty Isle 4/ Divine Disciple 5/ Contemplative 6 Complete
    Dusk Raven Calliopi Rayza Human Human Paragon 3/Psychic Warrior 8/Psychic Weapon Master 10 Mechanically Complete
    Aegis013 Jorrik Worldshield Dream Dwarf Crusader 5/Hellreaver 5/Deepwarden 2/Crusader +9 Complete
    Feathersnow Elsien Peasebloosom Gray Elf Spellthief7/SC3->Noctumancer 11 Complete
    watupwithdat Cardan Tirdis Snow Elf Warblade 7/Fighter 2/Champion of Corellon Larethian 2/Eternal Blade 10 70%
    namo Yedra, the Blademind Synad Ranger 1/Warblade 13/Swordsage 1/Master of Nine 5/Swordsage +1 Complete (I may tweak minor things)
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

  11. - Top - End - #191
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Zarthrax's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Elizabethtown, Kentucky

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Still interested, although I'll have to rebuild my entry.
    Avatar by niezck1! Thanks!

  12. - Top - End - #192
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Thanks for that Archmage1.

  13. - Top - End - #193
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Player Character Race Classes Complete
    DrK Kurnos Wood Elf (wild reaper) Druid 21 complete
    Lioslaith Reshad Hamim Human Ranger 21 complete
    Athaleon Urist "Krag" Kragannan Dwarf Wizard 5/Paragnostic Apostle 4/Geometer 3/Earth Dreamer 5/Warblade 1/Runesmith 3 Needs Spells & Fluff
    Yas392 Lethe Human Martial Rogue 6/Thief-Acrobat 5/Chameleon 10 30%
    Archmage1 Coman Human Barbarian 10/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Warblade 1 Complete
    kinem Benth Ram Dwarf Spirit Shaman 20 / Demonwrecker 1 Basically ready
    Samduke Ivory Silverbrow Human Cleric 6/ Seeker of the Misty Isle 4/ Divine Disciple 5/ Contemplative 6 Complete
    Dusk Raven Calliopi Rayza Human Human Paragon 3/Psychic Warrior 8/Psychic Weapon Master 10 Mechanically Complete
    Aegis013 Jorrik Worldshield Dream Dwarf Crusader 5/Hellreaver 5/Deepwarden 2/Crusader +9 Complete
    Feathersnow Elsien Peasebloosom Gray Elf Spellthief7/SC3->Noctumancer 11 Complete
    watupwithdat Cardan Tirdis Snow Elf Warblade 7/Fighter 2/Champion of Corellon Larethian 2/Eternal Blade 10 70%
    namo Yedra, the Blademind Synad Ranger 1/Warblade 13/Swordsage 1/Master of Nine 5/Swordsage +1 Complete (I may tweak minor things)

    I updated my link as I realized I had not done so recently

  14. - Top - End - #194
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Okay, looks like everyone is nearly or completely done. I will be picking tomorrow, so make sure you get the final stuff in. And make sure you have at least some background. I don't normally pick characters without one.

    Also, just for the record, there are two assured places already. SamDuke and Lioslaith are assured a place, so I will take three extras, to give as many people as possible a place in the game without it being too overwhelming.

  15. - Top - End - #195
    Titan in the Playground
    DrK's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Thanks for the heads up @Paradox26
    Dont envy the choosing from all the candidates
    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar

  16. - Top - End - #196
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    I know. I quite enjoy answering character build questions during recruitment, and I enjoy the actual gaming. But selection time sucks. Especially because everyone who has applied I have gamed with before, and all of you are solid players.

  17. - Top - End - #197
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Canada, Pacific Time

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    I'm gonna push to finish today if at all possible. Gotta revise his spells somewhat, now that I recall this was supposed to be lower-powered (for Epic 3.5) and my Dwarf's spells were to be voluntarily restricted by theme.

    Edit: Planned to finish today, got called in to work instead. Oh wellgood luck to those remaining!

    Also, some URLs got broken by some weird copypaste error or some such, I believe I have fixed them.

    Player Character Race Classes Complete
    DrK Kurnos Wood Elf (wild reaper) Druid 21 complete
    Lioslaith Reshad Hamim Human Ranger 21 complete
    Athaleon Urist "Krag" Kragannan Dwarf Wizard 5/Paragnostic Apostle 4/Geometer 3/Earth Dreamer 5/Warblade 1/Runesmith 3 Needs Spells & Fluff
    Yas392 Lethe Human Martial Rogue 6/Thief-Acrobat 5/Chameleon 10 30%
    Archmage1 Coman Human Barbarian 10/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Warblade 1 Complete
    kinem Benth Ram Dwarf Spirit Shaman 20 / Demonwrecker 1 Basically ready
    Samduke Ivory Silverbrow Human Cleric 6/ Seeker of the Misty Isle 4/ Divine Disciple 5/ Contemplative 6 Complete
    Dusk Raven Calliopi Rayza Human Human Paragon 3/Psychic Warrior 8/Psychic Weapon Master 10 Mechanically Complete
    Aegis013 Jorrik Worldshield Dream Dwarf Crusader 5/Hellreaver 5/Deepwarden 2/Crusader +9 Complete
    Feathersnow Elsien Peasebloosom Gray Elf Spellthief7/SC3->Noctumancer 11 Complete
    watupwithdat Cardan Tirdis Snow Elf Warblade 7/Fighter 2/Champion of Corellon Larethian 2/Eternal Blade 10 70%
    namo Yedra, the Blademind Synad Ranger 1/Warblade 13/Swordsage 1/Master of Nine 5/Swordsage +1 Complete (I may tweak minor things)
    Last edited by Athaleon; 2024-04-13 at 11:01 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #198
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Won't be able to finalize my character for tomorrow, so I'll withdraw.

  19. - Top - End - #199
    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New Zealand

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Updated table. Fluff is done. Just need to finish mechanics and spells.

    Player Character Race Classes Complete
    DrK Kurnos Wood Elf (wild reaper) Druid 21 complete
    Lioslaith Reshad Hamim Human Ranger 21 complete
    Athaleon Urist "Krag" Kragannan Dwarf Wizard 5/Paragnostic Apostle 4/Geometer 3/Earth Dreamer 5/Warblade 1/Runesmith 3 Needs Spells & Fluff
    Yas392 Lethe Human Martial Rogue 6/Thief-Acrobat 5/Chameleon 10 Complete
    Archmage1 Coman Human Barbarian 10/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Warblade 1 Complete
    kinem Benth Ram Dwarf Spirit Shaman 20 / Demonwrecker 1 Basically ready
    Samduke Ivory Silverbrow Human Cleric 6/ Seeker of the Misty Isle 4/ Divine Disciple 5/ Contemplative 6 Complete
    Dusk Raven Calliopi Rayza Human Human Paragon 3/Psychic Warrior 8/Psychic Weapon Master 10 Mechanically Complete
    Aegis013 Jorrik Worldshield Dream Dwarf Crusader 5/Hellreaver 5/Deepwarden 2/Crusader +9 Complete
    Feathersnow Elsien Peasebloosom Gray Elf Spellthief7/SC3->Noctumancer 11 Complete
    watupwithdat Cardan Tirdis Snow Elf Warblade 7/Fighter 2/Champion of Corellon Larethian 2/Eternal Blade 10 70%
    namo Yedra, the Blademind Synad Ranger 1/Warblade 13/Swordsage 1/Master of Nine 5/Swordsage +1 Complete (I may tweak minor things)

    EDIT: Character is done.
    Last edited by Yas392; 2024-04-13 at 08:52 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #200
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Reposting Interest and entry

    Player Character Race Classes Complete
    DrK Kurnos Wood Elf (wild reaper) Druid 21 complete
    Lioslaith Reshad Hamim Human Ranger 21 complete
    Athaleon Urist "Krag" Kragannan Dwarf Wizard 5/Paragnostic Apostle 4/Geometer 3/Earth Dreamer 5/Warblade 1/Runesmith 3 Needs Spells & Fluff
    Yas392 Lethe Human Martial Rogue 6/Thief-Acrobat 5/Chameleon 10 Complete
    Archmage1 Coman Human Barbarian 10/Champion of Gwynharwyf 10/Warblade 1 Complete
    kinem Benth Ram Dwarf Spirit Shaman 20 / Demonwrecker 1 Basically ready
    Samduke Ivory Silverbrow Human Cleric 6/ Seeker of the Misty Isle 4/ Divine Disciple 5/ Contemplative 6 Complete
    Dusk Raven Calliopi Rayza Human Human Paragon 3/Psychic Warrior 8/Psychic Weapon Master 10 Mechanically Complete
    Aegis013 Jorrik Worldshield Dream Dwarf Crusader 5/Hellreaver 5/Deepwarden 2/Crusader +9 Complete
    Feathersnow Elsien Peasebloosom Gray Elf Spellthief7/SC3->Noctumancer 11 Complete
    watupwithdat Cardan Tirdis Snow Elf Warblade 7/Fighter 2/Champion of Corellon Larethian 2/Eternal Blade 10 70%
    namo Yedra, the Blademind Synad Ranger 1/Warblade 13/Swordsage 1/Master of Nine 5/Swordsage +1 Complete (I may tweak minor things)
    Talivan Enzio Vandersen Changeling Rogue 13 / Warblade 3 / Invisible Blade 5 Complete

  21. - Top - End - #201
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    You have a reprieve for the night. I had forgotten I had to attend a football game, and I just got home and it is late here, so I will make my decisions tomorrow.

  22. - Top - End - #202
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    I have made my picks. I have gone especially for party balance, as I usually do. The submissions are, as is common on this site, excellent. I have taken as many people as I am able to. Will the following please report to the OOC thread: SamDuke, Lioslaith, DrK, Namo, and Athaleon.

    Thank you to all applicants. I will ask that you keep your sheets available, so if replacements are required, which is common, then I won't have to start a recruitment thread from scratch.

    OOC Thread:

    IC Thread:

  23. - Top - End - #203
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: The Drow War (Epic 3.5)

    Congratulations to those who were accepted, and may you have a great game!
    Spoiler: Current Character List:

    John Smith, Playing in the Dollhouse
    Adam of Cyre, Cyre Red
    Grok Magmaforge, Iron Crisis
    ALADIN, Out of the Abyss
    Jace/Elela, Right to Die

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