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    Colossus in the Playground
    Hazuki's Avatar

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    Default The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    The IC can be found here.

    Map V3

    Welcome to the OOC! Where I encourage you to chat about whatever you like, and if it's related to the game, that's a bonus!

    Please choose a speech color (Aside from Bold, which I will use for NPCs.) and I'll add it to the table.

    Player Sheet Starter Concept
    Comissar Leah Saura the Bulbasaur Anxious Paleontologist
    tgva8889 Alyssa Mund Luna the Cleffa Ambitious Artist

    Spoiler: Volunteer Replacements
    Player Sheet Starter Concept
    tonberryking Mossopal Sunshine the Buneary Ghost Kid
    TheChadillac Mort Mrs Eaves the Duskull Introspective Seer
    The_Snark Hilde Zemyla the Rhyhorn Thunder Squire!

    Spoiler: Previous Players
    Player Sheet Starter Concept
    Dannir Alea Fairchild Seren the Eevee Neophyte Knight
    Merilan Linne Hirschell Zeta the Fennekin Orphan Ranger
    Ceralune Genevieve Neomme Damien the Eevee Dances With Swords
    AncientSpark Lina Zephyr the Starly Determined Farmgirl

    Now, for some more information on Sorland Town, where you'll be starting your adventure! I unfortunately don't have a map, because I'm terrible at them, and have no idea how to lay a town out properly, which is less obvious when I simply give out landmarks and vague times.

    Spoiler: Sorland Town
    Spoiler: Professor Hawthorne's Lab
    Professor Hawthorne is Londo's Pokemon Professor, a twenty-five year old native who has been scooped up by Devon Corporation and given their full backing. Her lab is the most high-tech building in Sorland Town, with a quite traditional exterior that's backed up by airtight steel doors, air conditioning, and a fully-equipped Pokemon lab. It has a qutie homely atmosphere, with its wooden floor, painted walls, and plenty of flowers, but the lab itself is as clean as it can be.

    In daylight hours, it's open to everyone, and Professor Hawthorne is always happy to talk with the curious over cups of tea and cakes, if she happens to have any delivered from the Three Roses Teahouse. As soon as dusk hits, she locks everything up tightly and returns to her home in Hawthorne Castle, which is a short walk away from Sorland town. She lives there with her younger sister, Misru Hawthorne, who is saving up money for an adventure by working in the Teahouse at night, and selling Cleanse Tags (They bring good luck!) during the day.

    Spoiler: Professor Hawthorne

    Spoiler: Misru Hawthorne

    Spoiler: Three Roses Teahouse
    A large building that sits in the center of Sorland Town, the Three Roses Teahouse has stood for some time, and is currently being ran by Jakobi - an elderly native gentleman with a gentle heart and a frail demeanor. He has a small garden that grows in the back of the teahouse, with the most beautiful roses one will ever see, which he grows in honor of his dead wife. Three Roses is the only place in Sorland Town to buy drinks and food without having to prepare it yourself, and its recipes are closely guarded.

    Spoiler: The Brighten Inn
    The Brighten Inn is an establishment as old as Sorland Town itself, and has been passed down all along the line of one family. It's the best place for travelers to stay, with good service and pleasant company. It is owned by a young local woman named Hale, who is both conservatively dressed and a perennial flirt. Her friendliness, and the boom of tourists after the arrival of the corporations, has led to her being the most successful owner yet. It even recently had an extension, to make room for some of the tourists that pass through.

    Hale keeps a Wobbuffet beside her at all times, one that is said to have done the same for every one of her ancestors. His name is Bouncer.

    Spoiler: Hale

    Spoiler: Azula's Repairs
    Azula is a Unovan who came to Londo initially as a tourist, and decided to settle down somewhere that her tech skills could be appreciated. Her shop is also her home, and while she doesn't sell anything, she offers repairs for any technology that people might bring in, or even enhancements to it, for the right price.

    Spoiler: The PokeCenter
    Sorland Town's PokeCenter sits right beside the entrance to the town proper, with a proud pink banner hanging over the entrance and a simple set of sturdy doors. It offers medicinal relief both traditional and modern, and its interior consists of modern tech with a layer of traditional woods and materials, to make them fit in better.

    It is run by an easily-flustered Kalosian woman by the name of Indigo, who was recently given a Lilligantas a helper. Unfortunately, Minx is a particularly curious and excitable Lilligant, and enjoys taking advantage of Indigo's shyness, especially in front of people. More than once, the Sorland Officers have had a pair of Indigo's unmentionables deposited in the Lost & Found.

    Spoiler: Indigo

    Spoiler: Silph Co. Office
    This small building sits by the shores of Sorland Town, and would very much blend into the homes surrounding it, were it not for the neon sign emblazoned with the Silph Co. logo planted on its side. Its sole worker is a pleasant gentleman by the name of Max Sherri, from Kanto, who dutifully sorts out the records that his superiors, or newly shipped-in Silph Co. Employees, might need. A young Litleo is his constant companion, and he lives with his partner, a native fisherman by the name of Tulli, who also has a young Litleo.

    Spoiler: Sorland Officers HQ
    Sorland Officers HQ can be found on the outer borders of the town, in what was once a watchtower, and has has its insides refurbished for all existing Officers, as well as an area secured outside for training initiates. These Officers and initiates can be recognizes by their long black coats, with fully-fledged Officers bearing an ornate blade with a silver hilt at their hips.

    Spoiler: Hawthorne Castle
    Hawthorne Castle can be seen from anywhere in Sorland Town, but not many people visit it - many battles have took place on its grounds, and it has a strong presence of Ghost Pokemon.

    Spoiler: The Recruitment Thread
    The Heights of Londo

    Spoiler: Intro
    Ten years ago, Londo was a region filled with strife. Lords and Ladies sent armies against their enemies, spies against their allies, and their civilians under constant stress of imminent attacks. They would feud among one another constantly, in the hopes that they might better protect or inspire the people that looked up to them as leaders. Young children were sent out on apprenticeships to Knights, to capture their first Pokemon and join the service of their Lord or Lady, even more than ever, following the disaster at Redbridge just a decade ago.

    Five years ago, Devon Corporation worked with Mossdeep Space Center on a project to explore more of the known world. The first satellite launched discovered a whole new land, set to the far Northeast of Hoenn - and Mr Stone was all too giddy to discover the people there. Soon enough, ships were loaded, tech was gathered, and Devon were ready to set off for Londo. It would have went smoothly, were it not for Silph Co. hearing word of Devon's plans. They set out ships of their own, and a race begun.

    Devon and Silph Co. landed on the shores of Londo and started competing for the affection of the locals - which was made far easier by their generous offers of technology, medicine, and knowledge. In just five years, Devon and Silph. Co have made themselves comfortable in two of Londo's towns, giving them plumbing, electricity, Pokemon centers, and even helped setup their own PC system. A Pokemon League was set up, with two of the Lords and Ladies replaced by Gym Leaders sponsored by Devon and Silph Co. respectively, and an entirely-foreign Elite Four set up on the Eastern shores.

    Unfortunately, not everyone took to their technological benefactors kindly. Many of the Lords and Ladies saw these corporations as competition, despite their gifts, and have treated them with suspicion ever since. They've allowed the spread of foreign culture only when it bears similarity to their own - although it's far more prevalent in the domains of the less-traditional Lords and Ladies - which includes becoming Gym Leaders for the League. At least one good thing has come of it - they have no time to bicker among themselves, when they're all warily watching the corporations.

    In this game, you'll be playing a small band of trainers who've joined together for adventure, mutual goals, or simply protection when traveling - we'll work out the details when we have characters picked. You'll be exploring the lands of Londo, where you can take part in the Pokemon League, explore the region's history and its myth, hone your abilities, or whatever else takes your fancy. As the Gym Leaders in this region also serve as leaders of the towns, with knowledge of the land, influence, and resources at their disposal, everybody can have a reason to visit them without needing to divert for one person challenging the League - although you can still split up when you feel like it.

    You'll be starting as Level 1 Trainers, with a single Level 5 Pokemon (With three-stages of evolution, the Underdog classification, and preferably not one of the too-rare types). I'll note that some Pokemon (Like Magnemite, Porygon, and others) won't be native to Londo, so, if you want to play as a native, you may have to come up with an interesting backstory for how they acquired it.

    You can start without a Pokemon, in which case, there are two options: Your character can get a Starter from Professor Hawthorne, who will conveniently be having a Starter giveaway on the day the game starts, which will be an Eevee. Or, you can take up the traditions of Londo and find a Knight who'll train you and help you find your Starter, which could be any native Pokemon that fulfills the above prerequisites.

    You may choose the Gender, Ability (As long as it's legal), and Nature of your Starter Pokemon. You won't get such luxuries with most other Pokemon you'll encounter in your journeys, but I promise I won't do stuff like handing out a Modest Gigalith with Slow Start.

    You'll start with 5000 PokeDollars.

    You can be a native, a foreigner, young or old, with no restrictions on age aside from being ten years of age or above.

    If you'd like to request any specific information from me, feel free, and I'll do my best to answer.

    Spoiler: Londo Landmarks & Map
    Sorland Town is a quaint on the Southern shores of Londo, which is under the jurisdiction of Lord Bastille. The streets are paved with pale stone and new electric lampposts, with tapered blue-tiled rooftops, neon signs, and views of the golden Londo plains. Professor Hawthorne's lab is here, as well as a PokeCenter, a PokeMart, and electronic stores. It resembles traditional Londo architecture, with subtle placement of technology, and many of the local farmers appreciate the comfort the technologies have provided. Hawthorne Castle sits in the distance.

    Whitebeam City is the most technologically advanced of Londo's towns, playing host to both Devon HQ and Silph Co. HQ. The former is a tall three-pronged white building, with long slits for windows, white bricks layered down the sides, and a large clock sitting at its center. The latter resembles a miniature castle, with glass instead of stone and a set of automatic doors instead of a portcullis. Both corporations have provided the locals with advanced domains to portray their beliefs - Whitebeam Theater dominates a good portion of the city, while the Great Library plays host to ancient murals and modern art both. Even Lord Whitebeam, the local gymleader, is heavily invested in their festivals, despite being a Unovan.

    Its sigil is a green book facing the sky.

    Bastille Town is a farming town sitting beside the Severed River, where fortune is both bane and boon to its people. Those who succeed, succeed greatly, while those who fail are likely to have all their valuables stolen by a Sableye. Its people love to play games of chance with one another, while others like to scour the river for lost valuables or gold, and none have been able to beat Lord Bastille, the single luckiest Gymleader in the Region. Not in a game of chance, at least. It is reasonably friendly to the Corporations, who've helped support the Bastille Orphanage that plays host to children whose parents suffered in the Region's past wars.

    Its sigil is a white wall over a blue river.

    Lancer Town sits West of Sorland Town, and provides the region with a great deal of its fish, as well as producing the best ships, the best paintings, and the best craftsmanship outside of anything related to weaponry. But, what they're most proud of is their stories - it's unusual to find a Lancer who doesn't love a tale of romance, of loss, or the most joyful folk tales. For this reason, they've been very accepting of the corporations, and the visitors from foreign lands who share stories of their own - if only because it means they have new people to tell stories to. Lady Lancer is the Gym Leader of Lancer town, a great Kalosian musician and dancer - sometimes she even puts on performances with both.

    Its sigil is a gold ribbon around a brown hand.

    Diwyneb Town is at the heart of Londo's Blackmore Forest, right beside the Severed River, and was a frequent stop for people delivering goods all over the land. They provide entertainment in the form of tests of skill in all manner of things, from combat, to chess, to stealth - and more! If one's looking to improve at their hobby, Diwyneb town is the place to be - even many of Londo's Knights visit the town, to challenge the Diwyneb Dusk and tame a Pokemon with no allies and minimal equipment. Its Gym Leader is Lady Diwyneb, a fearsome native teenager who was unheard of until recent years.

    Its sigil is a black wheel.

    Vibrost Town is in the far Southeast of Londo, with its back to the mountains and a perpetual aura of snow and color. It is renowned for the magic that laces the air and the smoke, as well as its staunchly traditional roots. They play host to people wise in all manner of occult knowledge, and are far more welcoming of those with unusual gifts than most places one would encounter. and takes some joy in playing tricks on gullible visitors. Its Gym Leader is Lord Vibrost, who hails from a long line of Lords and Ladies.

    Its sigil is a pink shooting star.

    Skybloom City is the capital of Londo, and a testament to the accomplishments of its people. It sits on and in the Rifted Mountains, with great towering structures of white, ornate architecture, and a large bridge that crosses the valley between the two halves of the city - down which the Severed River flows. Once a month, it plays host to a Great Market where people can trade the best of their wares, and it boasts the largest military force in the region - as well as the best-trained Knights and Pokemon. It bears a temple from which The Head used to rule, and it goes utterly untouched aside from particular Pokemon being allowed to clean and maintain it. Lady Skybloom is its Gym Leader, and one of the most wary of the corporations.

    Its sigil is an eight-armed figure with a rainbow cape.

    Parmez Town is the most militaristic in all of Londo, with great emphasis put on honor, discipline, and good health. They have recently started farming, in light of most of the farming towns now being in the League's Pocket, and begrudgingly play host to the Pokemon League - but foreigners are less welcome here than anywhere else in Londo. Although they might not know it, since being openly rude to others would be very dishonorable, so they're treated much the same as any native would be. Its Gym Leader is Lord Parmez, a grizzled and grumpy Knight.

    Its sigil is a red shield.

    Thundercrag Town sits to the far Northeast of Londo, and is one of the only places one is likely to find Electric Pokemon. It is fraught with thunderstorms, lightning, and accidents - but its people have grown very resilient as a result. When the first town of Thundercrag fell into the ocean, they rebuilt. When the second was burned down by particularly volatile lightning strikes, they rebuilt. And so on, until the current town of Thundercrag has stood for over a century, and nothing makes them more proud than that fact. Lady Thundercrag is the Gymleader, and has recently become very wealthy thanks to the weather phenomenon that Thundercrag suffers from - all the lightning finally serves a purpose.

    Its sigil is a yellow lightning bolt splitting a grey mountain.

    Spoiler: Pokemon and Their Professor
    Professor Hawthorne is the most prominent Professor in the Londo region, notable for being both a native and an enthusiast of the technology Devon Corporation provides. Her family used to serve Lord Bastille, but as the family's new patron, she's taken to helping serve the League - an act made slightly more difficult by a younger sister, with whom she's had a few public confrontations. Her lab is in Sorland Town.

    Spoiler: The Professor

    Psychic, Ghost, Fairy, and Dark Pokemon are more common than anywhere else in the world, and the most favored by traditionalists, but are far from ubiquitous.

    Professor Hawthorne's preferred starter is Eevee, because it's adorable, represents that Devon and Silph Co. are adaptable, it has evolutions for many of their favored types, and encourages foreigners to explore Londo, due to its wealth of elemental stones and magic that can influence an Eevee's evolution.

    Spoiler: Technology Availability & Culture
    All of Londo has access to the PC system, as well as signals for all of the services elsewhere.

    The civilized areas of Londo have plumbing, electric lighting, as well as PokeCenters and PokeMarts, and a fair deal of appliances installed in their homes. Pokeballs have become commonplace, as well as some foreign businesses having set up shop to sell TMs and their services as move tutors, alongside some locals who still ply their old trades.

    The traditional areas of Londo are still in a medieval/feudal Japan state. They have limited forms of plumbing, most of their buildings are made out of stone or fine wood, and most conveniences are achieved through hard-work, Pokemon, rare occult gifts, or the favor of an Arm (Lords and Ladies are collectively known as The Arms of Londo). Most people have one Pokemon, which they bonded with as a child, even if it's not perfect for their job. Farming, building, mining, art, alchemy, and apricot-Pokeball making are popular, but being Knighted is the highest honor.

    Weapons are crafted in Londo's traditional areas, but bearing anything bladed means claiming you know how to use it, and anyone can challenge such a person to prove such. It's a matter of honor. Blunt weapons, on the other hand, are allowed, and tools requires for tasks are obviously exempt from the rule, for as long as their bearer is currently working.

    Weapons in the civilized areas aren't allowed to be carried openly, because they're weapons. Each Arm has their own security forces, but the civilized ones work with Devon and Silph Co. to have uniformed police officers ruling the streets. Most of them are foreigners, because they're already trained, but they do accept applicants from the locals for training.

    Despite the technological advances, the people of Londo are fond of their nature, and both corporations want their favor - so the aesthetics of the land are maintained as best they can. For this reason, there aren't cars, trucks, trains, or highways - instead, the prominent methods of transportation are ships, bicycles, and blimps.

    Spoiler: The Supernatural
    Londo is more steeped in the supernatural than most other regions, in everything from its Pokemon to its people. Hex Maniacs are common more due to practice than to happenstance, because there are plenty of Ghost Pokemon that lurk within the region - great sorrow and great joy both exist in its past, and both can be dangerous to people. A few Hex Maniacs can usually be found in or around a town, providing more direct advice, protection, and sometimes revenge.

    Sages are usually one to a town, and in the employ of the local Arm. They provide general blessings to the people of the town, and advise on how best to guide its people or one's household. They're also often the healers, and respected by many for the fact that they promote honor in pity and nonviolence. Many Knights have retired to become Sages, when they've committed necessary bloodshed so that others don't, and are often sought out by civilian-soldiers for a peaceful existence, as well as hopeful Squires looking for a mentor.

    Psychics and their ilk are usually the ones who make the most overt displays, and the ones treated with the most caution. They're often pressured into becoming Knights, so that they get the discipline necessary to control themselves and their abilities. They're rarer than both Hex Maniacs and Sages, and many have disappeared into the forests, never to be seen again.

    Pokemon Tabletop United can be found here.

    An online character sheet can be found here.

    Spoiler: Bastille Town NPCs
    Ser Wol

    Female Knight, accompanied by Pangoro. Escorted the PCs to Bastille Town.

    The Man

    Male Bookstore-Owner. Friend of Ser Wol, Alea didn't get his name.


    Male Head Servant of Bastille Manor. Showed the PCs their room.

    Lord Bastille

    Male Lord of Bastille. Invited Leah to study a fossil, hired Alyssa to tutor his daughter, encouraged technology in Londo. His companion is a Lopunny named Miko.

    Macha Bastille

    Girl, daughter of Lord Bastille. Tutored by Alyssa, crippling illness in her legs, got injured in an incident with cyber leg-braces.

    Ser Vell

    Female Knight of Bastille. Kind, has pink and blonde hair, and a past with Ser Alonne. Accompanied the PCs after the Macha incident. Her companion is a Munchlax named Dite.

    Ser Alonne

    Female Head Knight of Bastille. Tall, disciplined, and not taken with kindness. Gave the PCs permission to investigate the Macha incident.

    Doctor Perry

    Cybernetics-specialist Doctor from Devon in Hoenn. Lanky, salt and pepper hair, well-trimmed mustache. Apparently good-hearted, supported Alyssa's art, and made the cyber braces that injured Macha.


    A native Bastian, her mother was a servant and her father before her. She's young, but disciplined, and quite often keeps the gambling under control - if only because she's really quite good at it herself, so nobody will play with her. She often tends to the hedge maze, and the Buneary within.


    A woman in her early thirties, with something of a smart mouth that never quite goes quiet. She's betrothed to a gentleman up in Thundercrag, but has no plans on having a child - once she's saved enough, she plans on living a relatively luxurious life in Lancer Town with her beloved Murkrow.


    An older Whitebeam man with a broad frame and an impeccable beard, Ephem spends as much time as he can getting to know guests. He's worked at the Manor for as long as can be, and despite sometimes forgetting his duties thanks to the aforementioned talkativeness, he's shown a willingness to help the other servants as long as they're not bad folk.


    Charname is one of the youngest women on staff, having started two years ago and recently reaching the ripe old age of fifteen. She came from Bastille's orphanage and spends most of her time in the kitchens, but is pulled into other duties on quiet days. Although it's difficult to get her to speak, Alyssa has spotted her admiring the tapestries in comfortable silence.


    Among the more well-educated members of staff, Kaya has spent her years drifting from Lord to Lord and serving them mostly for access to their libraries. Despite her apparent mercenary attitude, she has a boundless enthusiasm for learning, and has a handy book of tips for dealing with anything one might come across in life. There have been some rumors that she uses her Dwebble, Urie, to eavesdrop on people.


    With a distinctive Diwyneb accent, Pudin has "endeared" herself to the staff of Bastille Manor with constant competitiveness. Although some enjoy it more than others, and it means work gets done, even their limits are pushed when dealing with her claims that she used to be Lady Diwyneb's girlfriend and their break-up meant she had to flee the town.


    A musical man who grew up among the merchants of Bastille Town, he took from playing at teahouses to working for Lord Bastille to support his recently-injured father. He's been working here for over ten years now, and is always quite keen to share a tune with whoever'll listen. He swears that he'll leave as soon as he can convince the rest of the servants to let him go.


    Far from the most eloquent servant Alyssa has ever dealt with, Indi is the kind of bright person who just never got the education to elucidate his thoughts properly. Other servants are making efforts to help him, but his dedication to his schedule sometimes prevents it...not that it's kept him from his long-distance courtship of a young blacksmith in Parmez Town.


    A farmer by birth, Pomo has spent a lot of her life dealing with Pokemon, and is normally called upon to handle any unruly ones. She has a stern attitude and wisdom beyond her years, especially when it comes to treating Pokemon properly, and sometimes seems to resent the luxurious halls she tends to. Too much space for one family, no matter how important they are.


    Touko is among the teenagers serving at Bastille Manor, and one quite determined to squeeze every copper she can out of the job. She also happens to be one of the more fashion-conscious of the servants, with some skill in crafts, but most guests find it difficult to take the advice of a tomboyish servant on how best to wear a dress.

    Spoiler: Others
    Lord Vibrost

    Male Lord of Vibrost, extremely feminine in appearance and dress. Came to Lord Bastille's manor for Macha earning her cyber-braces. Has a reserved demeanor. His companion is a Mawile named Laurent.
    Last edited by Hazuki; 2018-12-18 at 11:57 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    OoC's first evolution is at level 51? Man, that takes years to achieve. Hardly seems worth the effort.

    As for the covers, I can see what you mean. I guess it means you get to reuse the same cast, so you don't have to go to the trouble of setting up brand new legendaries that invalidate the older model?

    GLaDOS Avatar and Pokémon Sig. by me

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    I guess, but I was more thinking that it's obvious to anyone who's played Black/White 2 what they're doing. It's not a huge deal, but y'know.

    Also, Team Skull is my favorite villain team and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    Based on what I've seen, they're doing exactly the Kyurem thing. Like, quite the same. They're not hiding it.

    On the other hand, apparently B/W2 were the most successful "third game" so it kind of makes sense for them to try some variant.
    Thanks to araveugnitsuga for my Pika-tar!
    PTU: Alyssa OOC IC

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    I guess it does. Fun fact: Black 2 was my first Pokemon game. It's pretty kewl.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    Black and White actually put me off getting Black/White 2. There was nothing inherently wrong with them, I just wasn't invested enough to be interested in pokémon again until X/Y came out.

    GLaDOS Avatar and Pokémon Sig. by me

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    I didn't like B/W2 because I liked B/W so much personally. I thought X/Y were among the least interesting to me, but it might just be what I like about the games.
    Thanks to araveugnitsuga for my Pika-tar!
    PTU: Alyssa OOC IC

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    What I find interesting about Gen 6 is that, for a long time, it's going to be the odd one out in the Pokemon series. Gens 1-5 had the same 2d sprite style, with improvements. Gen 7 (And I imagine many after it) use full 3d. Whereas Gen 6 has this halfway-there 3d chibi style that there's really no reason to go back to.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    Just the Mudsdale outside? No trainer in sight?

    GLaDOS Avatar and Pokémon Sig. by me

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    That is correct.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    Read 'Ricewine' as 'Rincewind'. If it were possible, I'd say I read too much Discworld.

    GLaDOS Avatar and Pokémon Sig. by me

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    That was intentional.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazuki View Post
    That was intentional.
    Ironically, the earlier Discworld books are the ones I haven't read as much, so most of my knowledge of Rincewind is second hand from friends who have read those books.

    Was always a fan of the Watch books, as well as the witches ones.

    GLaDOS Avatar and Pokémon Sig. by me

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    I'm at, like, book eighteen. Rincewind is probably my least favorite of the characters so far, because...I don't know. I think he feels a little too close to the general narration that Pratchett uses? Like, they speak the same way and have the same perspective on things.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazuki View Post
    I'm at, like, book eighteen. Rincewind is probably my least favorite of the characters so far, because...I don't know. I think he feels a little too close to the general narration that Pratchett uses? Like, they speak the same way and have the same perspective on things.
    Might not help that he's also one of the very first characters Pratchett wrote, so he hadn't really found his preferred style during his time writing Rincewind. He only really has a major presence in the earliest books, too. Though he does show up in Unseen Academicals.

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    The thing is, I liked OR/AS a reasonable amount. I mean, it wasn't perfect, but it wasn't too bad. I dunno, I guess the transition didn't work that well for me, but I really liked Gen V and what it tried to do.

    Yeah, I didn't find Rincewind to be particularly interesting when I read Color of Magic. I liked the style of writing, but Rincewind didn't feel very different from that. I haven't read any of the others, so it's possible he's more interesting later.
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    I do highly recommend reading some of the later books. Wyrd Sisters is a good one to introduce the witches series, and Men at Arms was the first of the Watch series that I read. That said, the vast majority of the books don't require you to have read any of the previous ones, so you could very easily just pick any of them up.

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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    Nobody buy Ultra Sun. They removed the Exeggcutor Island date with Lillie. 0/10 not adorable enough.

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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazuki View Post

    Nobody buy Ultra Sun. They removed the Exeggcutor Island date with Lillie. 0/10 not adorable enough.

    Game related, I imagine Leah's just kinda clumsy with getting up, lots of wobbling on the ladder, difficulty getting her leg over to the other side of the saddle, that kind of thing. She's not done anything comparable before, and hasn't really seen someone do it either.

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    Alyssa hasn't yet joined Leah on Ricewine, but I guess she can now.
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    I'd say that's my bad, but that would be bad for my ego. Must be a tricksy Rotom.

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    Is Alyssa sitting behind or in front of Leah?

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    My intention was behind, I'll edit that in.
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    I stole those lyrics from Demonsbane by Heather Alexander, in case anyone's interested.

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    What kind of knowledge-related check do you think would fit Alyssa trying to remember a story from the title? I assume she's probably heard some of the old fairy tales of Londo but I'm not sure how many she'd remember.
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    Hmm...I'd say General Education.

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    Gen Ed: (2d6)[11]
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    Alyssa recognizes the Mawile Knight as a supposed servant of Parmez who was both a Fairy and Steel elementalist, and styled herself after Mawile. There are many tales of her exploits, featuring a combination of cunning, might, and enviable virtue. She's a particular favorite of children and young Knights, for her kind-heartedness, though some suspect that her various exploits have been exaggerated by those very fond of her, mixed up with tales of The Head, or even entirely fictional. She is one of the oldest figures in Londo storytelling.

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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    Neat! I will mention that after Leah comments.
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [OOC 2] - What? OOC is evolving!

    With the release of Ultra Sun and Moon, I've decided that Pokedex entries are complete bogus. A bunch of them seem really dark just for the sake of it, and I somehow doubt that Bewear snapping your spine is something the average Alolan has to worry about.

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