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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Why don’t we have seedless mangos?

    The seed (if that’s what is called) of the mango is huge and takes up most of the weight and volume of the fruit. Wouldn’t it be great to have a seedless version like they did with watermelon and grapes? Why is it different for mango ?

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Why don’t we have seedless mangos?

    They exist. Sindhu is a seedless mango variety, for instance.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Why don’t we have seedless mangos?

    Well, I was going to say the seed of a mango is called a stone, but as I tried to double-check myself, I ran into folks calling it a pit or a kernel.

    Either way, seedless watermelons are filled with LIES.
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Why don’t we have seedless mangos?

    Quote Originally Posted by OracleofWuffing View Post
    Well, I was going to say the seed of a mango is called a stone, but as I tried to double-check myself, I ran into folks calling it a pit or a kernel.

    Either way, seedless watermelons are filled with LIES.
    Seedless watermelons also taste disgusting.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wardog View Post
    Rockphed said it well.
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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Why don’t we have seedless mangos?

    You have to pick the right watermelons. It may be a regional thing, too... Plenty of good seedless watermelons in TX. They need to have a yellowish "bald" spot, and they need to be heavy for their size.

    I have texture issues and really don't like things with seeds in them.
    I also find mangoes and kiwis to be "fizzy" in my mouth, so I don't care for them.
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    Librarian in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Why don’t we have seedless mangos?

    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    I have texture issues and really don't like things with seeds in them.
    I also find mangoes and kiwis to be "fizzy" in my mouth, so I don't care for them.
    Might be an allergy.
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Why don’t we have seedless mangos?

    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    You have to pick the right watermelons. It may be a regional thing, too... Plenty of good seedless watermelons in TX. They need to have a yellowish "bald" spot, and they need to be heavy for their size.
    In short, they need to be ripe. In a sense it is a regional thing as watermelons are grown in TX so you can find local, actually ripe fruits to buy. Any long-range transported fruit are harvested earlier so that they are harder and can survive the transport. They are ripened artificially with ethylene (as far as I remember they still use it) before being put on display in stores, but it is not the same as the real thing. Be it watermelons, tomatoes or strawberries there is a serious difference in taste.
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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Why don’t we have seedless mangos?

    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bear View Post
    The seed (if that’s what is called) of the mango is huge and takes up most of the weight and volume of the fruit. Wouldn’t it be great to have a seedless version like they did with watermelon and grapes? Why is it different for mango ?
    Usually seedless variants of fruits loose more then just their seeds - at least in my experience they tend to loose also a lot of character and depth.

    Since mangos are much less "pick up and eat" compared to, say, grapes or even water melons I'm not sure if there would be that much demand for a type of mango that might be somewhat easier to work with but is of a (presumably) lesser quality. If you want a hassle-free mango and do not care too much about quality canned mangos are an already existing option.
    Last edited by Zombimode; 2024-04-23 at 04:48 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Why don’t we have seedless mangos?

    To pick up on what Zombimode said...

    You have to choose what traits to breed for. If you emphasize small seeds, then you're not emphasizing taste or shelf-stability. If you emphasize taste, you're not emphasizing small seeds, and so on. Most wild fruits were at least somewhat selecting for taste because they wanted animals to pick them.

    If you don't breed for taste, you'll end up with something like the modern strawberry, which looks good in the supermarket for a long time but doesn't taste nearly as good as it used to.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Why don’t we have seedless mangos?

    Quote Originally Posted by J-H View Post
    I have texture issues and really don't like things with seeds in them.
    I also find mangoes and kiwis to be "fizzy" in my mouth, so I don't care for them.
    Mango's are fine for me, but Kiwi fruit are so acidic they make my lips bleed if I try to eat a whole carton.

    I find that it's often the case that seedless fruit tastes less good than ones with seeds.
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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Why don’t we have seedless mangos?

    So I looked up what exactly a "stone" is, and that helps explain why there aren't "seedless" mangos. The Pyrena (a.k.a. the outer part of the stone) isn't part of the seed at all, but part of the fruit.

    So you did the same process used to make seedless grapes, you'd still have a stone in there, just one without seeds inside.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sermil View Post
    If you emphasize small seeds....
    That's not how seedless fruits are produced. Essentially what they do is find a mutant and get it to reproduce asexually. But this does also have the downside that you can't improve the cultivar.
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