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  1. - Top - End - #121
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIV

    32nd Pflugzeit


    Sforza stopped in his tracks. He looked at Sieghard to make sure he had heard him right.

    "Let's talk of this inside," he said, in a low voice. Looking up to Barbaro, he called out: "Daniele! See the men fed and watered. The Lord Steward has some matters to discuss with us."

    Barbaro gave a cheerful acknowledgement, and set about corralling the Prince's guards and hangers-on. Accompanied by Irene only, Sforza followed Sieghard into the manor for a more private conversation.

    We don't have to do all of this in direct speech - it's up to you how much of this you want to roleplay blow-for-blow. At a minimum I'd suggest you give me a bulletpoint list of all the information Sieghard wants to give to Sforza, and I can give you back a similar list of any follow-up questions he might have.


    Tattie looked puzzled. Still, she did as she was told.

    "You look... the way you usually look, to me," she said. "What am I supposed to be looking for?"
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
    Threads: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

  2. - Top - End - #122
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIV


    Elsa relaxed—slightly. "I was afraid my confrontation with the daemon could've left a taint of Chaos on me. Seems I was wrong."

    She forced a smile, though she felt only half reassured. Perhaps all this meant was that Tzeentch's eye upon her was more the area of expertise of priests than wizards. Getting rid of a daemon only to draw the interest of its god was hardly an improvement.

    She changed the subject. "Ludo says the Sforzas are on their way back to Savonne, but don't worry, we'll be leaving about as soon as they arrive. If needed, I'll rent you a room at the inn so you don't have to be anywhere near that evil woman. Then we'll be off. I promise we'll be in better company than last time, and there won't be any wolves."
    Last edited by -Sentinel-; 2022-12-16 at 09:51 AM.
    Voyages of the Ghostlight (Risus)

    The Bloody Crown (WFRP) as Elsabeth Holt, rogue pyromancer and court wizard

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSummoner View Post
    Oh wow. I will never again underestimate [our characters'] ability to turn friendly conversation into a possible life or death situation.
    Quote Originally Posted by LeSwordfish View Post
    Ludo has a crowbar, if that helps.

  3. - Top - End - #123
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIV


    Sieghard nodded and headed for the manor.

    To avoid the issue of "why didn't you tell me sooner" Sieghard's account will present it as Ludo having figured it out and Sieghard then trusting Ludo's judgement and deeming too important to ignore. He'll include the details about Hieronymus being possessed and the daemon being responsible for his lapses in memory and mention that he and Cezar will be able to confirm what Sieghard is saying. He'll point out that they, Elsa, Jarla, and Al-makir know about what happened, but won't mention Bardhyl. He'll also mention that aside from some burnt books, they were able to contain the damage and that they believe (based on Elsa's knowledge) that the daemon has actually been banished this time.

  4. - Top - End - #124
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIV

    Ludo, 31st Pflugzeit
    Ludo listened to Gina with a carefully calibrated amount of inattention - enough to encourage her to speak more, but not enough to make her suspect he hung on her every word.

    “There was the fire witch. She hates her too. But she did get her sent away.”
    Did she ever say why she hated the witch so much?

    “Doctor Bianco told us what to do. It was only after we came to the city… when he was too busy, he would send us to get it from an apothecary’s shop, in the old town.” She swallowed. “Then when Bianco… when he wasn’t around any more, we had to get it all the time. We never said who we were, but I think they knew where we were coming from all the same.”
    What happened to Bianco in the end? (Ludo feels safe asking this because Gina seems not to have connected him with Elsa - if he's not actually got that impression, he won't ask).

    “She is the more careful one,” said Gina, answering blithely without suspicion. “When we arrived in Al-Haikk, she was the one telling her husband their chambers must have guards. And the guards must not offend her, so they must be specially chosen.” She counted on her fingers. “I think there are… eight men in the Iron Company who have the duty, and they always have at least two of them at the door.” She looked a little wistful. “Enzo was my favourite.”
    How did she decide who? The handsome ones? (A joke to keep this feeling like gossip.) Where are the others when not at the door?

    32nd Pflugzeit
    Ludo handed over the crowns to Sandu. The captain never seemed entirely pleased to see him, but Ludo had a strange level of trust in the man, and was similarly willing to trust Olga if Elsa did. He had stayed basically honest to Sforza for almost a whole winter, and had rather missed a bit of conniving.

    Continuing with that, he headed to the Pink Peach in search of Filomena, the deed in his hand, and greeted her politely. Once their immediate business had been concluded, he didn't leave, instead casting her with a shrewd eye that he knew she would interpret as meaning business.

    "Perhaps i'm misremembering, but I'm given to understand there's no love lost between you and the principessa. Is that right?"
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  5. - Top - End - #125
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIV

    Ludo, 31st Pflugzeit

    Spoiler: Gina Spills the Beans-a

    Did she ever say why she hated the witch so much?
    “Many reasons,” said Gina. “When she first came it was that she was a dilettante, that she did not wash, that she would embarrass them. Now it is more that she is… dangerous, that she gives herself airs, that she is using them for her own purposes.”

    “Maybe she is right. She made us search the witch’s rooms. We found things… there was a book covered in human skin.” She whispered it, as if they might somehow be overheard on this wide open road. “My grandfather always told me, if you break your toe and a witch offers you help, it’s better to lose the leg. But the Prince decided to keep her all the same.” She paused. “That was the most angry I remember seeing them with each other.”

    How did she decide who? The handsome ones?
    Gina laughed darkly. “She chooses the ones who are presentable, yes. And who know how to behave. One time in Al-Haikk she was very displeased - she was yelling at her husband about how she was supposed to receive guests with a ‘one-eyed ogre’ at the door.” She paused for a moment in recollection. “He was not so bad-looking, either. He should just have bought an eyepatch.”

    Where are the others when not at the door?
    She shrugged. “Back with the others?” she said. “The Prince - the Captain, he was then - he said he did not want his men forgetting how to be soldiers. That’s why there’s always a - how do you call it - a rotation.”

    What happened to Bianco in the end? (Ludo feels safe asking this because Gina seems not to have connected him with Elsa - if he's not actually got that impression, he won't ask).
    As she mentions above, she was involved in the events that precipitated the trial. Irene was physically present in Manann’s Keep so you can guess her handmaids were tagging along too - how much they knew about Bianco’s formal role in proceedings is more of a blind guess. If you’d still like to ask let me know.

    32nd Pflugzeit


    Filomena had the money on hand - Ludo got the feeling she’d been prepared for some time. It was quite a lot to carry, even - or perhaps especially - in its iron-rimmed strongbox.

    “You’re collecting by yourself?” she asked, with the faintest note of surprise. “I can send Pietro with you, if you need it. A little man, carrying all this through the streets… not everyone knows about your friends in high places.” She paused, scrutinising his face. “Some might even be desperate enough not to care.”

    "Perhaps I'm misremembering, but I'm given to understand there's no love lost between you and the principessa. Is that right?"
    Filomena’s expression stayed very deliberately impassive.

    “Why should there be any to begin with?” she asked. “She’s a princess. I keep whorehouses. In her world, people like me don’t exist.” She paused. “Or else they charge a lot more.”


    Sforza listened to Sieghard’s account with concern.

    “Abdul should have sent word immediately,” he said. “But the book was not in danger? How close did the creature get this time?”

    “And the old priest,” he asked, when Sieghard had given his answer, “he still lives? Do you think he can still be trusted?”

    “What did Holt have to do with all this?” added Irene. “Isn’t she supposed to be in Putbad?”


    Tattie looked less than confident in her Chaos diagnosing abilities, but nodded in relief at Elsa’s plans to keep out of the way of the returning royals.

    “Where are we going, then?” she asked. “You said we were looking for a… a wanderer?”
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
    Threads: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

  6. - Top - End - #126
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIV

    "Where are we going, then? You said we were looking for a… a wanderer?"

    "An old man by the name of Wadim," said Elsa. "He's a keeper of ancient Vrani lore about how to keep the Jackal at bay. We thought him dead, but there are rumors that he's been seen in the western Downs. It'll be close to the area where you and I first met... so we'll need to be careful, in case the goblins haven't learned their lesson the last time."

    No wandering off during the night this time, she almost added, but refrained to. Tatiana was young but she was not stupid.
    Last edited by -Sentinel-; 2022-12-19 at 04:29 PM.
    Voyages of the Ghostlight (Risus)

    The Bloody Crown (WFRP) as Elsabeth Holt, rogue pyromancer and court wizard

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSummoner View Post
    Oh wow. I will never again underestimate [our characters'] ability to turn friendly conversation into a possible life or death situation.
    Quote Originally Posted by LeSwordfish View Post
    Ludo has a crowbar, if that helps.

  7. - Top - End - #127
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    Ludo will go ahead and ask Gina what happened to Bianco, since she doesn't necessarily seem to have connected him as the prosecution and conversation seems to be going well so far. We can say he leaves this until last if you'd prefer.

    Ludo considered it. "Certainly, just to the castle - one of said friends can take care of it until the commander is here."

    Ludo set down the cashbox - it was too heavy to allow an expression of passivity. "Well, I've spent enough time at court circles to know that your name still comes up there occasionally, mostly in a flaming row, or her trying to get you sent away. I was wondering if that was reciprocated?"

    He gestured at the cashbox. "We're... associates after all. I'm sure we're both capable of discretion."

    Charm test for this, trying to get her to open up a bit. (1d100)[88] vs 92
    If she continues to be cryptic, then a Perception test - is she just remaining cryptic or does she actually not care much about Irene: (1d100)[30] vs 68

    Plan with the cashbox: take it to Jarla's quarters until it can travel back to Painford with Sieghard, divvy it up between the others there. We all have some money in the bank of Al'Makir anyway.
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  8. - Top - End - #128
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIV

    Ludo, 31st Pflugzeit
    Spoiler: Gina
    What happened to Bianco in the end?
    Gina shuddered. "I don't know for sure," she said. "I only know… after the trial in Mann's Keep, when the Prince decided to keep the witch, they had a screaming fight. I only heard parts of it… but I heard the doctor's name. And after that we didn't see him any more." She hesitated, as if the memory itself was fearful. "It sounded like… like someone in the Iron Company had done something to him. But I couldn't ask. She would have eaten me."

    32nd Pflugzeit


    "Lady de Vela is someone with very strong ideas about people's stations in life," said Filomena, still choosing every syllable with care. "When she first met Muzio Sforza, I wasn't much better than the girls working downstairs. The Iron Company was all he had to his name - I don't think she cared for someone like me being so closely associated with them."

    She looked back at Ludo just as shrewdly as he had looked at her. "What's your interest in this, Herr Stubbs?" she asked. "I didn't have you down for a trader in gossip."

    Despite her reserved demeanour, Ludo thought he saw a certain glint in Filomena's eyes - the look of someone assessing an opportunity.


    "Vrani? said Tattie. "That's what the hill folk call themselves. I think."

    Her expression hardened at the mention of the goblins in the Teeth. "Are we bringing the Prince's soldiers?" she asked. "I wouldn't mind giving them better than we got."
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
    Threads: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

  9. - Top - End - #129
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIV

    31st Pflugzeit
    Ludo nodded thoughtfully. It wasn't really any more information than he'd had before, but the possibility that Bianco was gone for good did seem a bit stronger. He wondered, idly, if he should feel guilty about that: without his words, the doctor would have been facing exile.

    32nd Pflugzeit
    "How much do you know about the trial down south?" Ludo asked. "Of the fire wizard? Or the events around it."

    "You might have heard that I was ambushed on the road. A friend of mine and some of my soldiers were killed. Doctor Bianco was found guilty of arranging it, but... well, he's not the name that was shouted at me as the guns fired."
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  10. - Top - End - #130
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    "Are we bringing the Prince's soldiers? I wouldn't mind giving the goblins better than we got."

    Elsa grinned wryly at Tatiana's spirit. "This trip isn't official business, so I'm afraid not. Sforza already gave me a stern talking-to about the soldier I lost in the Raven Hills... I'd get in a lot of trouble if I got any more of his men killed."

    "If we hear that the goblins have been plaguing the area," she added, "the Prince may change his tune. I suspect he's already starting to find peacetime very boring."
    Voyages of the Ghostlight (Risus)

    The Bloody Crown (WFRP) as Elsabeth Holt, rogue pyromancer and court wizard

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSummoner View Post
    Oh wow. I will never again underestimate [our characters'] ability to turn friendly conversation into a possible life or death situation.
    Quote Originally Posted by LeSwordfish View Post
    Ludo has a crowbar, if that helps.

  11. - Top - End - #131
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIV


    Quote Originally Posted by LCP View Post
    “Abdul should have sent word immediately,” he said. “But the book was not in danger? How close did the creature get this time?”
    Sieghard shrugged at the first part. "He may have. It's possible that you returned before his messenger could find you. This was all very recent."

    "Not as close as it did the first time. We drove the daemon out before it could make another attempt."

    Quote Originally Posted by LCP View Post
    “And the old priest,” he asked, when Sieghard had given his answer, “he still lives? Do you think he can still be trusted?”
    "He lives," Sieghard confirmed with a nod. "He's shaken by what happened, but unharmed." He paused. "I do not think Father Hieronymus knew what was happening or had any hand in it. Most likely the daemon took advantage of his injuries when he tried to banish it, waiting within him for another opportunity. He puts far more blame on himself than I believe he deserves."

    Quote Originally Posted by LCP View Post
    “What did Holt have to do with all this?” added Irene. “Isn’t she supposed to be in Putbad?”
    Again, Sieghard shrugged. "What business she had in Savonne, I don't know. It was lucky that she was there, though. If not for her, the daemon may have caused far more damage than it did."
    Last edited by TheSummoner; 2022-12-19 at 04:57 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #132
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIV

    32nd Pflugzeit


    "How much do you know about the trial down south?" Ludo asked. "Of the fire wizard? Or the events around it."
    "I did hear that there was some... intrigue around that," she said. "And I know that Doctor Bianco didn't come back, which was a loss to my establishments. Although if I'm honest he'd already drawn back from the... professional relationship we had in Mirino. Too many other demands on his time." She sighed. "Still, it's hard to find a physician that good in a place like this, even if only for emergencies."

    "You might have heard that I was ambushed on the road. A friend of mine and some of my soldiers were killed. Doctor Bianco was found guilty of arranging it, but... well, he's not the name that was shouted at me as the guns fired."
    "That's very interesting," said Filomena. "Because you and the witch are associated, I suppose?"

    She gave a quick glance towards the door, just making sure it was closed.

    "I don't feel like you'd be telling me this to make conversation. You're looking to do something about it."


    "So it's just us?" said Tattie. "Or... us and your friends."


    "Not as close as it did the first time. We drove the daemon out before it could make another attempt."
    "Hm," said Sforza. "Still."

    He didn't elaborate on what that meant.

    "He lives," Sieghard confirmed with a nod. "He's shaken by what happened, but unharmed." He paused. "I do not think Father Hieronymus knew what was happening or had any hand in it. Most likely the daemon took advantage of his injuries when he tried to banish it, waiting within him for another opportunity. He puts far more blame on himself than I believe he deserves."
    "Well, it's not a question of blame, is it?" said the Prince. "It's not a man's fault if he has a sickness - but he can still be a danger to his fellow men."

    Again, Sieghard shrugged. "What business she had in Savonne, I don't know. It was lucky that she was there, though. If not for her, the daemon may have caused far more damage than it did."
    Irene looked sideways at her husband, as if to ask if he was hearing what she was hearing. "A little convenient, isn't it?" she asked. "I mean... the first time this creature appears, her apprentice lets it loose, and now it just... happens to reappear when she happens to be visiting?"

    <Not now,> said Sforza, not meeting her gaze.

    <I always heard these things were conjured by sorcerers,> she continued. <How many sorcerers do we have in the Reaches, Muzio, now that the necromancer is dead?>

    <I said not. Now.>

    Irene bit her lip and fell silent.
    Last edited by LCP; 2022-12-19 at 05:13 PM.
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
    Threads: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

  13. - Top - End - #133
    Titan in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by LCP View Post
    "Well, it's not a question of blame, is it?" said the Prince. "It's not a man's fault if he has a sickness - but he can still be a danger to his fellow men."
    Sieghard considered that. "The daemon is no longer within him," he said. "He doubts himself, but I believe he can be trusted no less than he could before."

    He knew better than to respond to Irene's suggestion.

  14. - Top - End - #134
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    "Elsa called for me to defend her and the lady Irene was willing to kill fifteen people, my friends and family included, to prevent me getting there to do it," Ludo said, trying to keep the bitterness out of his voice. "Since then she's threatened my family directly. I don't know what I'm doing yet. But it's going to be something, and I'm looking for allies when I do it."

    He looked Filomena dead in the eye. "I'm sure you'd benefit from having her... gone. If nothing else, I imagine you could probably find all sorts of ways to get influence over Sforza with his wife out of the picture. You know all the young women in the city, after all. I'm sure you could find one who wanted to be queen."

    "Here's some interesting information for free. The lady Irene was recieving the same services from Bianco that I imagine your employees were. She's been buying the Lady's Helper from the apothecary in the low town. She made herself ill on the journey south, trying to replace it with weeds from the forest. I think Sforza might suspect. But he's never getting an heir out of her if she has any say in it."
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  15. - Top - End - #135
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    "So it's just us?" said Tattie. "Or... us and your friends."

    "Should be at least five of us, I think," Elsa confirmed. "Enough to handle most things that get in our way."
    Voyages of the Ghostlight (Risus)

    The Bloody Crown (WFRP) as Elsabeth Holt, rogue pyromancer and court wizard

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSummoner View Post
    Oh wow. I will never again underestimate [our characters'] ability to turn friendly conversation into a possible life or death situation.
    Quote Originally Posted by LeSwordfish View Post
    Ludo has a crowbar, if that helps.

  16. - Top - End - #136
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    All the young women in the city?” said Filomena. “You’ve got some uncharitable ideas about how the women of Savonne spend their time. You know the money in that box came out of men’s pockets.” She motioned to the strongbox. “They’re the ones I see coming through these doors most often.”

    She sat for a little while in thought. Ludo could practically hear the clicking of the abacus in her head.

    “In all honesty, Herr Stubbs, I don’t see much real benefit. Maybe two years ago, there would have been. Or ten years ago. But now I have this place,” she said, gesturing around her with an open hand, “and she has her fine castle, and for the first time she doesn’t have to remember that I exist. For me, that is absolutely fine.”

    She took a deep breath, in and out.

    “But still… Irene Sforza is a venomous bitch. I can’t say it wouldn’t please me if you succeeded. Which, I would say you have maybe one chance in ten of doing, and eight of ending up dead.” She paused, tapping her fingers on the table - a habit Ludo thought was quite like Sforza’s. “I would be less generous, but you say she’s already tried to kill you once, and here you still are.”

    “I can’t let this get in the way of business, you understand. I’ve survived her for a decade, I’m not going to throw that away. Anything you want from me has to have total deniability.”


    "I'll speak to him when we return to the city," said Sforza, still not sounding wholly convinced. "Perhaps the other priests will be able to pass judgement on the subject. I can speak to Daniele on the road."

    He gritted his teeth in clear displeasure. "It's a shame," he said. "The old man seemed amiable enough. If he has to go, who's to say we won't get some troublemaker in his place?" He shook his head. "But we'll have to see."


    Tattie nodded. “Most things,” she echoed, and said no more about it. Elsa did notice that she subconsciously rubbed her eyepatch with her knuckle - as if her lost eye were giving her a phantom itch.
    Last edited by LCP; 2022-12-20 at 07:26 AM.
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
    Threads: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

  17. - Top - End - #137
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    Ludo nodded. "I'm not asking for anything right now, but it sounds like I can approach you in future if I have a more solid plan. And I'm sure we can make it beneficial for you when I do. I'm not roping you into anything without your say-so."
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  18. - Top - End - #138
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    Filomena gave a small, tight-lipped nod.

    "A pleasure doing business with you," she said. "I'll tell Pietro to accompany you back."

    Rising from her chair, she went to the door. Before she opened it, she turned back to Ludo.

    "I wish you every success, Herr Stubbs - but I hope you're not underestimating your enemy. She has every advantage on her side. It's what she was born with."
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
    Threads: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

  19. - Top - End - #139
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    "Well, let's see how well what she was born with works against what I've earned."

    Ludo nodded a polite goodbye to Filomena and headed out into the Savonne streets.

    I don't have anything else to say to Filomena. The next thing I have that Ludo would like to do is speak to Sforza once he returns to Savonne.
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  20. - Top - End - #140
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    Elsa felt a pang of guilt when Tatiana rubbed her eyepatch. This was a failure of hers that could never be reversed. She would have to see it every day, and Tatiana would have to actually live with it.

    "We're not chasing after trouble this time," she assured her apprentice. "Trouble may find us, but it always does sooner or later, no matter our choices. All we can do is prepare ourselves."

    She guided her horse at a slow pace towards another patch of weeds. "I told you before that trained Amber wizards can turn into animals, like birds or wolves. Sounds handy for those situations where you're in over your head. Unfortunately, I can't teach you to do that, or even know if you're ready. It's a cliff you'll have to leap off blindly, and trust that the water at the bottom is deep enough. But once you've done it once, the second time is a lot easier."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Elsa earlier made a cliff analogy about spellcasting.
    Last edited by -Sentinel-; 2022-12-20 at 10:42 AM.
    Voyages of the Ghostlight (Risus)

    The Bloody Crown (WFRP) as Elsabeth Holt, rogue pyromancer and court wizard

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSummoner View Post
    Oh wow. I will never again underestimate [our characters'] ability to turn friendly conversation into a possible life or death situation.
    Quote Originally Posted by LeSwordfish View Post
    Ludo has a crowbar, if that helps.

  21. - Top - End - #141
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    Konigstag, 2nd Sigmarzeit


    The royal party rode in by the south gate early on Konigstag. A decent-sized crowd had gathered in the south market square; Norten's guards had to herd them back to make a clear path for the Prince's retinue. They cried out as the royal carriage rumbled by, shouting their futile petitions through the wall of men and horses that stood between them and their rulers.

    Behind the Sforzas' carriage came a pair of wagons, each with an Iron Company man sitting beside the driver, and another on the back. They were carrying the most recent trophies of the Prince's hunts, along with sacks and barrels of other goods. The crowd pressed closer at the sight of them, making Norten's men push back harder to keep them clear.

    The first wagon - the one carrying the most impressive prizes - rattled on after the royal carriage, up the road and out of sight. The second stopped in the middle of the square, and one of the horsemen pulled up in front of it to address the crowd. Weaving through the legs of the onlookers, Ludo got a good enough view to recognise Barbaro.

    "Friends!" he called out. "Il Principe Sforza is glad to see so many of you gathered here to celebrate his return." A number of voices rose up from the crowd in reply, shouting about a dozen different things. Barbaro took it in stride.

    "He is so pleased," he determinedly continued, "that he has brought you gifts!" He raised his hand theatrically towards the wagon, and the soldiers unhooked the sidings, letting them drop. The crowd pressed closer to get a better look at the contents - besides a doe taken by the hunt, there were sacks of beets and cabbages, loaves of rye bread - even a couple of casks of wine. The soldiers took up stations around them, anticipating the rush.

    "Gifts from the south," said Barbaro, sweeping out his hand to encompass the wagon and its contents. "Know that as long as the house of Sforza rules here, Savonne will always enjoy the bounty of all the Reaches."

    He motioned to Norten, and the guards let the first people come streaming through. There was no more shouting at Barbaro or the soldiers now - everyone was too concerned with getting their share.


    When the royal carriage reached the castle, it was immediately attended by a cloud of servants, unloading their baggage and the Prince’s hunting trophies. Sforza seemed happy and in rude health, while Jarla thought Irene uncharacteristically quiet.

    “Have those carcasses taken to the kitchens,” said Sforza, motioning to his prizes. “I want to eat well tonight.”

    <I'm glad to see you had good hunting, your Highness,> said Al-Makir.

    <Excellent hunting,> said the Prince. <No drought in the Vale, that’s for certain - not after those rains we had in the hills. We’ll have to lean on the fat millers down there a little harder, eh Abdul?>

    Al-Makir gave a courteous nod.

    <I met with Sieghard on the way back,> said the Prince. <He had something to report about our high priest.>

    <Ah, yes,> said Al-Makir. <I would have sent a messenger, your Highness, but it seemed you were already on your way back to the city. I can give you the full report, if you wish… although signor Stubbs would be the best witness.>

    <The halfling?> said Sforza. <Send for him shortly. I have something better to tell you first. Come!> he said, slapping Al-Makir on the back. <Let’s go inside.>


    Gathered in the Prince’s solar, Al-Makir, Barbaro, Jarla and Jacques waited to hear what he had to say. A servant poured out goblets of wine - for everyone, Jarla noticed, except Irene. The principessa’s expression was remarkably difficult to read. While her husband seemed fairly bursting with energy, she sat there quietly, observing.

    “Gentlemen,” said Sforza, “Lady Schreiber. I am pleased to tell you the happiest news.” He put a hand on Irene’s shoulder. “My wife is with child.”

    The other three immediately broke out in expressions of admiration and congratulation. Sforza beamed; Irene gave a faint smile.

    “For the moment,” said Sforza, “I would like this to stay among the members of the court. There’s no need to go shouting it in the market squares. But we are certain.” He held Irene’s shoulder a little tighter. “I am to have a son.”
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
    Threads: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

  22. - Top - End - #142
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    Jarla - Konigstag, 2nd Sigmarzeit

    Jarla had spent hours the evening before agonising over the right dress and eventually selected her dark red velvet gown and matching gable hood with the lighter patterning on the bodice and the Nuln style of shoes. Her most tasteful jewellery went with the outfit and while the outfit might not have impressed an Elector Countess it was surely stylish enough for a pocket borderlands principality.

    "Welcome your highness," she said, curtsying to the Prince. "Your highness," she continued and curtsied again to Irene. "It is good to have you back."

    After that it was a few more agonising moments of waiting before Sforza dropped his bombshell. A startled Jarla looked at Irene, unable to conceal her shock and it took her a few moments to gather her wits and try and sound delighted: "This is wonderful news sire! Truly wonderful!"

    She smiled at Sforza, but it was impossible to keep her gaze from drawing back to Irene and Irene's expression. Suddenly feeling the strain she drank her wine, gripping the stem of the goblet just to give her something to hold onto in this topsy turvy world she had slipped into. "When...?"

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    "Well, I imagine it will take the usual time," said Irene, softly. She clearly didn't intend to be drawn any further.

    "He will be with us early in the winter," said Sforza, with much greater confidence. "We must make sure everything is ready for him when he arrives. But there is plenty of time yet." He raised his cup. "To my son!"

    The other men toasted him back. Irene met Jarla's eyes - though she didn't speak, Jarla thought she felt some meaning pass between them. It was clear she didn't fully share her husband's happiness.



    That evening, the kitchens of the castle were the busiest they had been in weeks. Fires blazed, pots bubbled, begging dogs were chased away with brooms. Midway through the preparations, Jarla was called down by Mouna to see something. She seemed a little agitated - coming from that stone-faced old matriarch, that seemed to Jarla as worrying as if she had been shouting "fire!".

    "The Prince's boar," she said, motioning to a table where one of Sforza's hunting prizes was being butchered. "It's no good."

    A closer examination showed Jarla what she meant. The animal had already been gutted and cleaned by the hunters - but where the cooks had cut into its flesh, the meat had a greenish, oily sheen. Fine veins of ashy blackness ran through it, converging in a knot of dark gristle close to its backbone.

    At a nod from Mouna, the cook reluctantly took her knife and drew back the edges of the cut to show it better. It wasn't just gristle - there were teeth in there, and one blind, staring eye.

    "Call me a fool," she said gruffly to Mouna, "but I don't think we should be serving their highnesses mutant meat."


    It was a little before dinner that Ludo was summoned to the castle by Al-Makir's page boy, Salih. There the Prince was waiting in the long room he had used to tell his courtiers his plans for the new year, alone except for Abdul.

    "Signor Stubbs," he said. He had changed out of his travelling clothes into finer attire, and as far as Ludo had learned to read these things, he seemed in a good mood. "The Lord Treasurer has been telling me about some unfortunate events concerning our high priest. He says you were at hand to witness them." He motioned for Ludo to take a seat. "I would like to hear your account."
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
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  24. - Top - End - #144
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    Ludo nodded: he was getting unnervingly used to the halls of power.

    Ludo is going to essentially tell the truth about what happened.

    • He had been a bit worried about Father Hieronymous' mental state for a while, and had mentioned it to Brother Cezar.
    • Very serious accusation to make without evidence, so didn't bring it up to Sforza.
    • When Sforza mentioned that the father had suggested they travel south, Ludo became suspicious of his motivations, and they went to Savonne.
    • In Savonne they laid a trap for Hieronymous, telling him that the book was being moved that night: he came to investigate.
    • That was enough to make us think he was involved, so we told Herr Al'Makir at this point. With his permission, we went to confront Hieronymous at his house.
    • He was posessed by the daemon and possibly performing some kind of ritual. With the help of the priest of Morr, we forced our way into his house. Brother Cezar began an exorcism, which forced the daemon out. It tried to set a fire, but we quenched the fire and Frau Holt and Commander Sieghard killed it with their swords.
    • I can't remember how Tshula died and GiantITP is running very slowly for me at the moment so I can't dig it up, but Ludo will be honest about that.
    • It behaved differently upon being killed to what we had seen before. Frau Holt believes it's really dead, or at least banished.
    • We then took Father Hieronymous to the castle. He's offered his resignation as head of the temple.

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    Jarla felt her gorge rising. She had to turn away from the appalling sight. "Moana I want that... Thing destroyed. Have some servants - the ones you trust not to blab - take it out of here, burn it, bury itand cover it with quicklime if you can find it. We'll serve the royals something else, meat if we can, fish if not. Now if you'll excuse me I need some fresh air."

    It was hard to run in her Nuln heels but she did it anyway in a race to get somewhere private where she could lose her breakfast.

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    Sforza listened closely to Ludo's report. "Thank you, Signor Stubbs," he said, when it had come to an end. "A very thorough account. It matches what I have heard from our friend Sieghard in Painford."

    He sat for a while in thought, drumming his fingers on the arms of his chair.

    "...You say Father Hieronymus is giving up his post? Perhaps that is for the best… although I would like to know who his replacement will be."

    He fell quiet again for a moment or two, still thinking.

    "I was speaking of this with Father Barbaro on my journey home… I understand the taint of Chaos can be a subtle thing. Perhaps, when his immediate responsibilities are concluded, it would help the Revered Father's recovery to take a long rest in the country. Somewhere outside the city… and far away from the book." He looked Ludo squarely in the eye. "Perhaps you could suggest this to him, signor Stubbs. He may take it better if it comes from a friend."


    "The other game they brought back from the hunt looks clean enough," said the cook. "There's venison and fowl. They won't go hungry."

    "I'll see the pig disposed of," said Mouna. "Thank you, Lady Schreiber."
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
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    Ludo considered this. "It would be an honour for us to host him in Painford, mio principé. I think the reverend father is such a... such a part of the heart of the temple that I'm sure he would want to return here once we're sure he can be trusted."

    "To be frank, I'm not certain who could take over the leadership of the temple. Father Hechsler is..."
    He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, trying to at least appear to find the idea of offering advice to the prince difficult. "I'm not sure he would be a, uh, moderating influence in the way that Father Hieronymous was."

    "If you'd allow me to offer my opinion, mio principé?" With Sforza's assent, Ludo pressed on. "Brother Cezar has little desire to lead, but would be rather better at it. Perhaps if he were to be reassured that Father Hieronymous was taking a temporary leave of absence, rather than a permanent resignation? And once we're confident that the father is, uh, fully recovered, he could take his position again."

    Obviously cut this post off at the appropriate time if Sforza isn't taking advice from a random halfling.
    Last edited by LeSwordfish; 2022-12-22 at 06:19 PM.
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    "Well, the priests look after their own affairs. You know it's not for me to choose the old man's replacement, signor Stubbs," said Sforza, with only the faintest hint of smugness that if he wanted to, he could. "Still, I thank you for your counsel."

    "As for when he can return... I see no reason not to entertain the possibility. If we can keep a close eye on him, and assure ourselves that he is not a danger. But that's a question for the future."
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
    Threads: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIV

    "Thank you, my prince," Ludo said. "I'll give him that counsel and arrange the necessities."

    "On a related note, after the trial, you asked me to come to you if I wanted any work other than for Commander Sieghard and the Thorns. I'm expecting to be away for a short while but I'd be very appreciative to take you up on that on my return."
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    Sforza and Al-Makir both looked a little surprised.

    "Hm. I had thought you'd decided the offer didn't suit you," said the Prince. "Still... I'm certain we can find a use for someone of your skills, signor Stubbs." Al-Makir nodded assent. "Come to us when you return to the city, and we'll speak of it further."

    Jarla, that evening

    When supper-time came around, no trace of the disquiet that the mutant boar had caused in the kitchens made its way up to the Prince's dining hall. Sforza seemed well-pleased with Jarla's efforts, and all present seemed happy - perhaps a little relieved - at the Prince's return.

    The only person who didn't seem entirely to be enjoying herself was Irene. Picking at some of the hunt's fine venison, her thoughts seemed to be elsewhere.

    "This is very fine cooking," she said at last. "Is it still the little halfling who cooks for us?"

    Her husband looked a little surprised that she should know or care. "There are... other cooks," he said, looking to Jarla for confirmation. "But I believe we gave him the run of the kitchens, yes."

    "I think I would recognise his cooking anywhere," said Irene, graciously. She turned her eyes to Jarla. "Will you send him up to us, after dinner? I would like to give him my thanks."

    Sforza furrowed his brow even further at the idea of his wife thanking a servant - but it didn't seem to trouble him for long. If Irene was happy, he was happy.
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
    Threads: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

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