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  1. - Top - End - #211
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    To keep the thread from sinking while I keep procrastinating the implementation of Beni's suggestions ... and working on my project ... and everything else ... Have a few more Pale inspired items. I am not at all sure regarding the pricing, so feedback will be eagerly awaited.

    Diverse Pale Items

    Bug-Out Booze: This foul-smelling alcoholic spirit was originally invented by goblins to escape dangerous situations, but the recipe has since spread to other creatures with a tendency to mischief and no care for fine drinks.
    When drinking a bottle of bug-out booze, the user disappears in time, like through the power time hop. One minute later, if the location the user was in is unobserved by intelligent beings, the drinker reawakens in the same spot, none worse for wear besides a horrid hangover. If the location is observed, the drinker stays disappeared until it isn't anymore or 10 minutes have passed, depending on what happens first.
    Moderate psychoportation; ML 10th; Craft Universal Item, 8 ranks in either Profession (Brewing) or Craft (Alchemy), Detect Hostile IntentXPH, Time HopXPH; 750 gp.

    Escape Rope: This otherwise unremarkable piece of rope has an otherwordly shimmer to it. It's long enough to be worn as a belt and have a bit of length left. Escape ropes were created to give explorers sent to investigate other planes a handy exit route.
    An escape rope must be worn as a belt to be used. The wearer can activate the rope as a move action by pulling on the freely dangling part of the rope. If the wearer is on their homeplane, nothing happens. But if the wearer is on another plane, he is instantly returned to the place where he left his homeplane. An escape rope can be used only once and loses its power afterward.
    A major (and more expensive) variant exists that can be activated as an Immediate Action.
    Some specific planar locations are too insidious to be escaped with an escape rope. Trying to use one in a divine realm whose deity has closed the borders will deposit the wearer in a random location within the realm. The same happens when trying to escape the Demiplane of Dread, the Demiplane of Imprisonment, one of the Lady's mazes, the Boundless or similar escape-proof locations.
    Normal: Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Dismissal; 1,100 gp.
    Major: Moderate abjuration; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, Dismissal, Contingency; 1,800 gp.

    Black Rope: The first Black Rope was found in a remote part of the Astral, where the Plane of Shadow had bled into the plane's fabric. Attempts to replicate the Rope were mostly successful.
    A Black Rope is a short loop of pitch black rope. To use it, a character needs to sling it around her hand. When the character remains unobserved, she can teleport herself to any other unobserved location within 500 ft as if using dimensional door (except that she can still act after teleporting). A replica Black Rope can be used up to three times per day. The original one can allegedly be used at will.
    Moderate conjuration (teleportation); CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Dimensional Door or Step into ShadowToM; 22,000 gp.

    Hot Lead: A Hot Lead is made from a spent bullet from a musket or other firearm by imprisoning a minor fire elemental in it and serves as a battery of magical energy. It feels hot to the touch, from barely noticeable when only one charge is left to nearly painfully hot when at five full charges.
    When holding the Hot Lead in hand while activating an ability of an item that requires charges, the character may spend charges from the Hot Lead instead of the item's charges. A Hot Lead regains one charge per day as long as it has charges left. Spending the last charge extinguishes the elemental and renders the Lead useless.
    Moderate evocation (if created with spells) or universal (if created with utterances); CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, Imbue with Spell Ability or Charge ItemBook of Words, Hallaster's Fetch IWaterdeep or Anchor of RealityToM; 50,000 gp.
    Note: I thought about creating a new utterance that can summon extraplanar creatures (something utterances can't do yet as far as I know). That one would then be a requirement instead of Anchor of Reality. But I couldn't come up with anything good on the fly; I couldn't even decide wether that should be a Evolving Mind or Crafted Tool utterance (and in the first case, what the reverse utterance should be). If somebody has an idea how to do this or already designed such an utterance, I'm all ear.

    Odd-One-Out: An odd-one-out is a cursed item, designed to bring misfortune over its owner. Though it tends to look like a counterfeit coin or a marked card when separated from other items, this shapechanging item takes on the appearance of any item of which its current bearer carries multiple (at least three) and inserts itself into the bundle (it even copies the aura of those items, appearing magical or mundane as needed). At an inopportune moment, the bearer may try to use the odd-one-out instead of one of the genuine articles and screw things up. When this happens, the bearer is allowed a Spot check against DC 25 to notice that something is wrong with the item. If the bearer is aware that he carries an odd-one-out, the DC falls to 17.
    Example 1: The odd-one-out becomes an arrow in a quiver. When the bearer draws the odd-one-out, he gets a chance to Spot the subtle differences. If he fails, the arrow shatters on the bow and showers him with sharp wood splinters, ruining the attack and dealing damage to bearer equal to the damage a successful attack would have dealt. (Alternatively, if the game includes a critical failure table, roll on the table).
    Example 2: The odd-one-out becomes a coin in a purse. When the bearer tries to pay a merchant with it and fails the Spot check, the merchant will instantly recognize the odd-one-out as a fake, becoming unfriendly or even hostile to the bearer and accuse him of being a cheat and a forger.
    Example 3: The odd-one-out sneaks into a deck of cards as a marked card. It will be dealt at a dangerous moment to the bearer and, if played, seem like an obvious attempt at cheating by his fellow players, again changing their attitude for the worse.
    Example 4: The odd-one-out hides amongst vials of healing potion. When the bearer fails the spot check and drinks it, it reveals itself to be acid or another damaging liquid, dealing acid damage equal to the amount the potion would have cured.
    After the odd-one-out has caused a problem this way, it disappears when not paid attention to and reconstitutes itself somewhere on its bearer's person as part of another bundle of items.
    An odd-one-out has no special compulsion to be kept. If one can recognize it for what it is, one can discard it without problems.
    Strong transmutation; CL 16th; Craft Wondrous Item, Polymorph Any Object, Nystul's Magical Aura, Bestow Curse; 9,000 gp.

    Weapons Ring: A weapons ring resembles a ring of iron and brass with a protruding decorative blade. Technically a cursed item, it allows you to never be unarmed at the price of the strength you need to actually wield the weapon, unless you can feed its hunger in a different way.
    The wearer can transform an unattended mundane object that is not part of a bigger structure into a weapon with a touch. The weapon must have the same size as the original object, and this size must be one that the wearer can wield as a weapon. The weapon looks like it is made of the same material as the original object, but works just as well as a normal one. The wearer is proficient with the created weapon. He also can dismiss the transmutation with a standard action. The ring can only create one weapon at a time. If the ring is used to create a projectile weapon, it also creates one stack of ammunition with it. After five minutes, the transformation ends.
    The drawback of the weapons ring is that the wearer must feed some of his self to the ring. Whenever it is used to create a weapon, the wearer takes 1 point Charisma burn and 1 point ability burnXPH to whatever their highest (unmodified) ability is (if that is Charisma, he takes 2 points Charisma burn). Alternatively, the wearer may sacrifice a charge from another magical item he carries to the ring. By feeding the ring more, the created weapon can be enchanted. For each additional 2 points of ability burn (one to Cha, one to the highest ability) or each additional charge sacrificed, the created weapon will get an enhancement bonus of +1. The maximal enhancement bonus of the created weapon is dependant on the user's HD: a wearer with at least 2 HD can create a +1 weapon. For every 4 HD after the second HD the enhancement bonus can be increased by +1.
    Strong transmutation; CL 13th; Forge Ring, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Fabricate; 31,000 gp.

  2. - Top - End - #212
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    To keep the thread from sinking while I keep procrastinating the implementation of Beni's suggestions ...
    This is your personal unfinished business! You cannot abandon this thread until you've implemented them. And I'll make daaaaaamn sure this thread isn't abandoned. Hehehehe.... Hahahahaha!!!

    Bug-Out Booze:
    Maybe say "as by Time Hop" to explicitate "disappears". Otherwise nice. A potion of ML 10 Time Hop (or the psionic equivalent) would be 1,500 gp, but potions are very overpriced and it's not a buff spell, so 750 gp seems ok. I don't think I would buy it with a character, but that applies to 95% of official items.

    Escape Rope:
    It's called a move action, not a movement action. An item requiring Contingency should be at least CL 11. The price seems right. Wouldn't Contingency mean you could activate it as an immediate action, maybe for 1800gp or smth?I'd like to see a group or reusable version for planar guides. In a word, I like it.

    Black Rope:
    Cape of the Mountebank, but 3/day and you can act, but you have to be unobserved. I'd say it should explicitly take up a body slot or be more expensive, maybe around 33k?

    Hot Lead:
    Wow. This one's a doozy. Does it work on things that say they work a number of times per day? Does it work on things that do not explicitly require charges, but stop working after a certain number of uses? Can I use one charge from the Lead and two from my staff to cast a spell that requires three charges? It's quite a versatile and powerful item even if you limit it to wands and staves, but it becomes broken if it can apply to something like a Ring of Three Wishes. I'd say 50k is a better first price, or even higher depending on the specifics.
    Fun items with charges that weren't supposed to be reuseable : Ring of Nine Lives, Golden Chalice of Lathander, Quaal's Cloak. I thought there'd be more broken ones, but staves are already quite good for it.

    Note: I thought about creating a new utterance that can summon extraplanar creatures (something utterances can't do yet as far as I know). That one would then be a requirement instead of Anchor of Reality. But I couldn't come up with anything good on the fly; I couldn't even decide wether that should be a Evolving Mind or Crafted Tool utterance (and in the first case, what the reverse utterance should be). If somebody has an idea how to do this or already designed such an utterance, I'm all ear.
    An Utterance is much better at calling something than summoning them (like Conjunctive Gate). Talking to the universe either changes targetted things or creates targetted things, but creating a temporary animated copy of a planar creature you don't actually target is a weird use. I'd say it would be a Perfected Map utterance. You target a terrain so that it attracts the essence of a creature that was there a long time ago, with no actual control over what the summoned creature is. That or an Evolving Mind, but it would actually attract a kind of creature under a specific CR ("I target a bugbear") and you'd have to barter with it, Planar Binding-style. Speaking a Personal Truename would allow to teleport a specific creature to you instead. The reverse would be an Antipathy effect preventing the specific kind of creature from approaching you. I haven't actually seen any similar homebrew either.

    Another odd one. PCs don't usually have several of anything except money (and arrows for archers), and using money is generally in safe zones, so the odd-one-out will generally not do much. There is no indication of how much harm it does (how much damage?) or if Remove Curse could help identifying it. The mechanics are wonky, and I'm not sure how to price it.

    Weapons Ring:
    Can transform an *unattended, mundane* item *that is not part of a bigger structure*. We don't want people transforming artifacts of doom and phylacteries into cheap arrows. How long does the weapon last? There has to be a failsafe to prevent the wearer from using it too much. 10 points of Cha and Dex burn during downtime and 31k gp to get an epically-enhanced bow is an issue, especially if the wearer can sell the bow afterwards. As is, unrateable, but it should be around the right price if it is balanced.
    Resurrecting the Negative LA thread, comments and discussion are very welcome!
    Nice find! Have a cookie!
    Do you want to build monstrous characters with reasonable LA? Join the Monster Mash! Currently, round XII: One-Punch Monster!!! Come judge single-strike entries!
    Quote Originally Posted by H_H_F_F View Post
    3.5 allows you to optimize into godhood, yes, but far more importantly, it lets you optimize weak, weird, and niche options into relevance.

  3. - Top - End - #213
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Metastachydium's Avatar

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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Beni-Kujaku View Post
    This is your personal unfinished business! You cannot abandon this thread until you've implemented them. And I'll make daaaaaamn sure this thread isn't abandoned. Hehehehe.... Hahahahaha!!!
    And to think I thought Tzardok was the Devil here!

  4. - Top - End - #214
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Finally got around to this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beni-Kujaku View Post
    This is your personal unfinished business! You cannot abandon this thread until you've implemented them. And I'll make daaaaaamn sure this thread isn't abandoned. Hehehehe.... Hahahahaha!!!
    I'll take that as both a compliment that my work is worth keeping around and as a promise that you'll give me your motivation and inspiration when I need it.

    Maybe say "as by Time Hop" to explicitate "disappears". Otherwise nice. A potion of ML 10 Time Hop (or the psionic equivalent) would be 1,500 gp, but potions are very overpriced and it's not a buff spell, so 750 gp seems ok. I don't think I would buy it with a character, but that applies to 95% of official items.
    Added in.

    It's called a move action, not a movement action.
    Sorry. Another germanism on my part (a move action is called a Bewegungsaktion in German, which translates as, well, movement action). Fixed.

    An item requiring Contingency should be at least CL 11.
    Should it? I had the impression that when a magic item has a spell as a requirement, but doesn't actually cast it, it's not bound to minimum caster levels.

    Wouldn't Contingency mean you could activate it as an immediate action, maybe for 1800gp or smth?
    Good point. I was thinking about making it immediate, but then I felt that move action was a bit more true to the source material. Should I remove Contingency or change it to Immediate? ... I'll split the difference and do both.

    Cape of the Mountebank, but 3/day and you can act, but you have to be unobserved. I'd say it should explicitly take up a body slot or be more expensive, maybe around 33k?
    Price increased.

    Wow. This one's a doozy. Does it work on things that say they work a number of times per day? Does it work on things that do not explicitly require charges, but stop working after a certain number of uses? Can I use one charge from the Lead and two from my staff to cast a spell that requires three charges? It's quite a versatile and powerful item even if you limit it to wands and staves, but it becomes broken if it can apply to something like a Ring of Three Wishes. I'd say 50k is a better first price, or even higher depending on the specifics.
    Fun items with charges that weren't supposed to be reuseable : Ring of Nine Lives, Golden Chalice of Lathander, Quaal's Cloak. I thought there'd be more broken ones, but staves are already quite good for it.
    I was originally thinking about allowing it for all kinds of items, even those that don't explicitely mention charges, and just let people have all the delicious brokenness that could happen. Then you mentioned the Ring of Three Wishes...
    So yeah, the word "charge" does actually have to be used (would the phrasing need to be changed?). I'm not sure what to do with combining the item's and the lead's charges.
    An Utterance is much better at calling something than summoning them (like Conjunctive Gate). Talking to the universe either changes targetted things or creates targetted things, but creating a temporary animated copy of a planar creature you don't actually target is a weird use. I'd say it would be a Perfected Map utterance. You target a terrain so that it attracts the essence of a creature that was there a long time ago, with no actual control over what the summoned creature is. That or an Evolving Mind, but it would actually attract a kind of creature under a specific CR ("I target a bugbear") and you'd have to barter with it, Planar Binding-style. Speaking a Personal Truename would allow to teleport a specific creature to you instead. The reverse would be an Antipathy effect preventing the specific kind of creature from approaching you. I haven't actually seen any similar homebrew either.
    Hmmm... Let's see if I can do something with that...
    Another odd one. PCs don't usually have several of anything except money (and arrows for archers), and using money is generally in safe zones, so the odd-one-out will generally not do much. There is no indication of how much harm it does (how much damage?) or if Remove Curse could help identifying it. The mechanics are wonky, and I'm not sure how to price it.
    In short, I shouldn't have skimped on the paragraph with the examples?

    I tried to clarify a bit how I imagine it works:

    Odd-One-Out: An odd-one-out is a cursed item, designed to bring misfortune over its owner. Though it tends to look like a counterfeit coin or a marked card when separated from other items, this shapechanging item takes on the appearance of any item of which its current bearer carries multiple (at least three) and inserts itself into the bundle (it even copies the aura of those items, appearing magical or mundane as needed). At an inopportune moment, the bearer may try to use the odd-one-out instead of one of the genuine articles and screw things up. When this happens, the bearer is allowed a Spot check against DC 25 to notice that something is wrong with the item. If the bearer is aware that he carries an odd-one-out, the DC falls to 17.
    Example 1: The odd-one-out becomes an arrow in a quiver. When the bearer draws the odd-one-out, he gets a chance to Spot the subtle differences. If he fails, the arrow shatters on the bow and showers him with sharp wood splinters, ruining the attack and dealing damage to bearer equal to the damage a successful attack would have dealt. (Alternatively, if the game includes a critical failure table, roll on the table).
    Example 2: The odd-one-out becomes a coin in a purse. When the bearer tries to pay a merchant with it and fails the Spot check, the merchant will instantly recognize the odd-one-out as a fake, becoming unfriendly or even hostile to the bearer and accuse him of being a cheat and a forger.
    Example 3: The odd-one-out sneaks into a deck of cards as a marked card. It will be dealt at a dangerous moment to the bearer and, if played, seem like an obvious attempt at cheating by his fellow players, again changing their attitude for the worse.
    Example 4: The odd-one-out hides amongst vials of healing potion. When the bearer fails the spot check and drinks it, it reveals itself to be acid or another damaging liquid, dealing acid damage equal to the amount the potion would have cured.
    After the odd-one-out has caused a problem this way, it disappears when not paid attention to and reconstitutes itself somewhere on its bearer's person as part of another bundle of items.
    An odd-one-out has no special compulsion to be kept. If one can recognize it for what it is, one can discard it without problems.
    Strong transmutation; CL 16th; Craft Wondrous Item, Polymorph Any Object, Nystul's Magical Aura, Bestow Curse; 9,000 gp.

    Does it now seem alright or is there anything else that requires clarification?

    Can transform an *unattended, mundane* item *that is not part of a bigger structure*. We don't want people transforming artifacts of doom and phylacteries into cheap arrows. How long does the weapon last? There has to be a failsafe to prevent the wearer from using it too much. 10 points of Cha and Dex burn during downtime and 31k gp to get an epically-enhanced bow is an issue, especially if the wearer can sell the bow afterwards. As is, unrateable, but it should be around the right price if it is balanced.
    Good points. I added the corrections and a duration (5 minutes). I also added a limit to how far the enhancement bonus can be increased. Is this sentence correctly formulated or too clunky:
    The maximal enhancement bonus of the created weapon is dependant on the user's HD: a wearer with at least 2 HD can create a +1 weapon. For every 4 HD after the second HD the enhancement bonus can be increased by +1.

  5. - Top - End - #215
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    I just stumbled over one of my older works and decided to repost it here. This is a conversion to 3.5 of a fanmade conversion to 3.0 of a 2e creature, and was originally published here.

    The Queen of Chaos
    Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Obyrith)
    Hit Dice: 20d8+120 (210 hp)
    Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
    Speed: 20 ft, swim 40 ft
    AC: 34 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +25 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 33
    Base Attack/Grapple: +20/+39
    Attack: +5 anarchic returning trident +35 melee (1d12+16 and 2d6 chaotic damage to lawful creatures); or tentacle melee +29 (2d4+11); or +5 anarchic returning trident +20 ranged (1d12+11 and 2d6 chaotic damage to lawful creatures)
    Full Attack: +5 anarchic returning trident +35/+30/+25/+20 melee (1d12+16 and 2d6 chaotic damage to lawful creatures) and 2 tentacles +27 melee (2d4+5); or +5 anarchic returning trident +20 ranged (1d12+11 and 2d6 chaotic damage to lawful creatures)
    Face/Reach: 15 ft/15 ft (60 ft with tentacles)
    Special Attacks: Constrict (2d4+11), crush (2d6+11), form of madness, improved grab, noxious cloud, spell-like abilities, tear (2d6+5)
    Special Qualities: Chaos gate, damage reduction 20/cold iron, epic and lawful, darkvision 60 ft, empathic link, immunity to mind-affecting and poison, regeneration 10, resistance 20 to cold, electricity, fire and acid, SR 34, telepathy 100 ft, true sight
    Saves: Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +19
    Abilities: Str 32, Dex 13, Con 22, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 20
    Skills: Bluff +28, Concentration +29, Diplomacy +32, Disguise +5 (+7 to pretend to be someone else), Hide -7, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge (Nature) +9, Knowledge (the planes) +30, Knowledge (history) +30, Listen +38, Search +30, Sense Motive +30, Sleight of Hand +3, Spellcraft +32, Spot +38, Survival +30 (+32 when tracking someone, +32 on other planes), Swim +42, Use Magic Item +28, Use Rope +1 (+3 to tie someone up)
    Feats: Dark SpeechB, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (trident)
    Climate/Terrain: Abyss (Steaming Fen)
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 26
    Treasure: Double standard
    Alignment: Chaotic evil

    The Queen of Chaos is an ancient demon queen of the obyrith whose true name is long forgotten. She was the only demon to ever unify a significant amount of demons under her rulership, and she was the driving force of Chaos during the War of Law and Chaos. Yes, some even credit her with creating the first tanar'ri from the first mortal souls to enter the Abyss. For a long time she ruled side by side with her consort Miska the Wolf-Spider, whom she had raised personally to the position of Prince of Demons, until during the final battle at Pesh he was banished and imprisoned with the power of the artifact nowadays known as the Rod of Seven Parts. With that, the tanar'ri, the slaads and the eladrin turned against the Queen and the obyrith, ending the War of Law and Chaos with a win for Law and shattering the obyriths' supremacy in the Abyss. The Queen retreated to her personal realm in the Steaming Fen, layer 6 of the Abyss, and has been plotting to find the Seven Parts of the Rod to free Miska and regain her rulership since then.
    The Queen's lower body is a mass of squid-like tentacles, mauve in color; a beak lies hidden among her lower tentacles. The tentacles are always shiny with slime, and a twisted network of red and purple veins can be seen through her skin. Her upper body is humanoid, female, and grossly fat with bluish skin. Her eyes and hair are dark green and hangs in drooping curls. She stands about 25 feet tall.

    An opponent can make sunder attempts againstthe Queen’s tentacles as if they were weapons. The tentacles have 15 hit points. If the Queen is currently grappling a target with one tentacle, it usually uses another limb to make its attack of opportunity against the sunder attempt. Severing a tentacle deals the same amount of damage to the Queen.
    Spell-Like Abilities: At will—chain lightning (DC 21), chaos hammer (DC 19), clairvoyance/clairaudience, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect magic, fear (DC 19), greater dispel magic, major image (DC 18), magic circle against law, magic missile, mantle of chaos (DC 23), mass charm monster (DC 23), pyrotechnics (DC 17), read magic, slow (DC 18), suggestion (DC 18), symbol of death (DC 23), symbol of insanity (DC 23), symbol of pain (DC 20), symbol of persuasion (DC 21), symbol of weakness (DC 22), telekinesis, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), tongues (self only), unhallow, ventriloquism, and word of chaos (DC 22); 3/day—polymorph any object (DC 23); 1/day—circle of death (DC 21). Caster level: 20th.
    Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Queen must hit an opponent with a tentacle attack. If she gets a hold, she can constrict.
    Constrict (Ex): The Queen deals 2d4+11 points of damage with a successful grapple check against Large or smaller creatures. She may pass a trapped creature to the tentacles on her lower body in order to free up her primary tentacles. This is a free action. A foe still takes constriction damage each round regardless of which tentacle holds it.
    Noxious Cloud (Su): Once every hour, the Queen can exhale a cloud of noxious gas in a 30ft cone obscuring vision as deeper darkness and nauseating creatures as stinking cloud (Fortitude save DC 26). The DC is based on Con.
    Crush (Ex): The Queen may place a constricted opponent under her massive lower body as a standard action. A trapped opponent takes 2d6+11 points of crushing damage per round. A creature may escape by making an Escape Artist check or Strength check with a DC of 32. DC is based on Str.
    Tear (Ex): If the Queen is crushing one or more enemies under her body, she can bite one of them per round with a beak hidden among her tentacles. This bite hits automatically and deals 2d6+5 points of damage.
    Empathic Link (Su): The Queen has a sixth sense concerning the Rod of Seven Parts and can sense its precise location when a creature begins assembling the pieces or when the wielder uses one of the Rod’s powers. This ability is not inhibited by distance or plane, though she can only detect the Rod if it is in the Abyss, the Material Plane, or the current plane in which she is traveling.
    Regeneration (Ex): The Queen of Chaos takes normal damage from lawful weapons and effects and from epic weapons. If she loses a tentacle or body part, the lost portion regrows in 4d12 hours.
    Chaos Gate (Su): Three times per hour, when the Queen detects the Rod being used, she can create a gate within 30 feet of her. The other end opens in the Abyss or the Material Plane 1d10 x 10 ft + 20 ft. feet away from the current wielder of the Rod. For each piece of the Rod that has been assembled, subtract 10 feet from the distance the gate appears in front of the wielder. Through this gate, the Queen will send a pack or troupe of spider-demons to slay the wielder and retrieve the Rod.
    Any creature except for demons that steps through the gate (on either side) has a 25% chance of being swept to a random outer plane of existence.
    Objects and magical effects cannot pass through the chaos gate unless worn or carried.
    Form of Madness (Su): Any non-demon creature within 120 feet that observes the Queen of Chaos must attempt a Will save (DC 25; DC is based on Cha). Failure means that the creature perceives the endless rift of chaos that the obyriths desire to bring about across the multiverse, standing fascinated until broken free of the effect. Creatures so affected take a -4 penalty to saving throws to escape being fascinated (such as due to an approaching hostile creature), and must make a save (with a +4 bonus) for any other circumstance that would normally end fascination immediately. Blocking off the creature's line of sight to the Queen completely instantly ends the fascination, as does dispel chaos or a dictum. Similar effects may also be successful.
    The horror of the Queen's form of madness is particularly insidious. A creature that has failed a saving throw against this effect begins to believe the world is inherently wrong, that lines and shapes and order are a kind of toxic rigidity, a prison for the mind, a chain for the soul. The victim takes a morale penalty of -2 to all rolls made while acting under the direction of another (whether an order, an encouragement, or a suggestion), as they dread the idea that freedom may not exist. Similarly, they take a -2 morale penalty to any rolls made while knowingly in the company of lawful creatures, as they suffer from a terror that such beings are automatons attempting to keep the multiverse in a fixed and inescapable state. Once per week, the victim must make another Will save. On a failure, they suffer 1 point of Wisdom drain and their alignment shiftsone step towards chaotic on the law-chaos axis, or towards evil on the good-evil axis if the creature is already chaotic. A victim whose Wisdom reaches 0 is transformed into a beast of chaos.
    Heal or greater restoration can cure the effects if the caster makes a DC 30 caster level check, as can modify memory if the experience of seeing the Queen is removed from the victim's mind. Any Wisdom drain sustained converts to Wisdom damage and recovers normally. The experience of changing alignment, even temporarily, may have long-term repercussions for the victim. Once the transformation is complete, only a wish or miracle can reverse it - such spells will also instantly cure the effects of the form of madness.

  6. - Top - End - #216
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Should it? I had the impression that when a magic item has a spell as a requirement, but doesn't actually cast it, it's not bound to minimum caster levels.
    From the SRD : "While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell."

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Good point. I was thinking about making it immediate, but then I felt that move action was a bit more true to the source material. Should I remove Contingency or change it to Immediate? ... I'll split the difference and do both.
    The lesser and greater versions are good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    So yeah, the word "charge" does actually have to be used (would the phrasing need to be changed?). I'm not sure what to do with combining the item's and the lead's charges.
    Seems better that way. Honestly just leaving it as is to the DM and rules-lawyers to decide whether combining the charges is possible is not bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Hmmm... Let's see if I can do something with that...
    We'll be following your carreer with great attention.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    I tried to clarify a bit how I imagine it works:
    Does it now seem alright or is there anything else that requires clarification?
    I like it. The examples are detailed enough to give an idea of what to expect of other uses.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    The Queen of Chaos
    Spell-Like Abilities: At will—chain lightning (DC 21), chaos hammer (DC 19), clairvoyance/clairaudience, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect magic, fear (DC 19), greater dispel magic, major image (DC 18), magic circle against law, magic missile, mantle of chaos (DC 23), mass charm monster (DC 23), pyrotechnics (DC 17), read magic, slow (DC 18), suggestion (DC 18), symbol of death (DC 23), symbol of insanity (DC 23), symbol of pain (DC 20), symbol of persuasion (DC 21), symbol of weakness (DC 22), telekinesis, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), tongues (self only), unhallow, ventriloquism, and word of chaos (DC 22); 3/day—polymorph any object (DC 23); 1/day—circle of death (DC 21). Caster level: 20th.
    Typical obyrith lord SLAs. PAO is strong. With 20th level cleric casting, Obyrith perks and form of madness, it may be higher than CR 24. Maybe 25 or 26.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Constrict (Ex):An attack with a slashing weapon that deals at least 15 points of damage severs a tentacle (AC 25).
    Does this require a Sunder attempt? Or to specifically target the tentacle? Does the Queen take the 15 damage?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Tear (Ex): A beak hidden among her tentacles automatically bites a trapped opponent for 2d6+5 points of damage each round.
    How is it different from Constrict? If it's not, then add it to Constrict. If it only affects one creature, then say "one trapped creature each round for ...damage", rather than "a trapped opponent for ... damage each turn".

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Noxious Cloud (Su): Affected as by deeper darkness and stinking cloud, cone, 30 feet, once per hour; Fortitude save (DC 26). DC is based on Con.
    Use a sentence. "Once every hour, the Queen can exhale a cloud of noxious gas in a 30ft cone obscuring vision as deeper darkness and nauseating creatures as stinking cloud (Fortitude save DC 26). The DC is based on Con."

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Chaos Gate (Su): Three times per hour, when the Queen detects the Rod being used, she can create a gate within 30 feet of her. The other end opens in the Abyss or the Material Plane 1d10 x 10 ft + 20 ft. feet away from the current wielder of the Rod. For each piece of the Rod that has been assembled, subtract 10 feet from the distance the gate appears in front of the wielder. Through this gate, the Queen will send a pack or troupe of spider-demons to slay the wielder and retrieve the Rod.
    Can the Rod actually be used if it is not fully assembled? Maybe make it so that the Queen can open the Gate every time a new fragment of the Rod is assembled. Why does she not simply steps through herself to absolutely destroy the poor PCs who found the first and second fragments? Is she bound to her realm somehow? I don't have the courage to read the whole Rod of Seven Parts adventure book just to find out. I'd say she fears the power of the Rod itself, even incomplete. It has the power to make things act more Lawful, which is the exact opposite of the Queen's own power, and she knows exactly what alignment-changing magic can do to someone, and wants nothing to do with it, unless she absolutely has no choice, when the last or penultimate fragment is assembled.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Form of Madness (Su):The victim suffers a -2 morale penalty to any action done at the direction of another, whether an order, an encouragement, or a suggestion, as they dread the idea that freedom may not exist.
    The form of madness is extremely cool, but that sentence makes no sense, either in english or in D&D. Does it affect attacks or spells? To what die does the -2 apply? It would be more streamlined to just have it apply to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidation and Sense Motive skill checks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    On a failure, they suffer 1 point of Wisdom drain and their alignment shifts one step toward chaotic evil.
    *one step towards chaotic on the law-chaos axis, or towards evil on the good-evil axis if the creature is already chaotic*
    Resurrecting the Negative LA thread, comments and discussion are very welcome!
    Nice find! Have a cookie!
    Do you want to build monstrous characters with reasonable LA? Join the Monster Mash! Currently, round XII: One-Punch Monster!!! Come judge single-strike entries!
    Quote Originally Posted by H_H_F_F View Post
    3.5 allows you to optimize into godhood, yes, but far more importantly, it lets you optimize weak, weird, and niche options into relevance.

  7. - Top - End - #217
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Beni-Kujaku View Post
    From the SRD : "While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell."

    I like it. The examples are detailed enough to give an idea of what to expect of other uses.
    I'm glad.
    Typical obyrith lord SLAs. PAO is strong. With 20th level cleric casting, Obyrith perks and form of madness, it may be higher than CR 24. Maybe 25 or 26.
    Adjusted CR.
    Does this require a Sunder attempt? Or to specifically target the tentacle? Does the Queen take the 15 damage?
    This seems like a 3.0-ism that snuck into it. I changed it to use the language the kraken has (which means that the tentacles are now sunder-able).

    How is it different from Constrict? If it's not, then add it to Constrict. If it only affects one creature, then say "one trapped creature each round for ...damage", rather than "a trapped opponent for ... damage each turn".
    It's connected to Crush, not to Constrict. I changed the wording and maade it clearer.

    Use a sentence. "Once every hour, the Queen can exhale a cloud of noxious gas in a 30ft cone obscuring vision as deeper darkness and nauseating creatures as stinking cloud (Fortitude save DC 26). The DC is based on Con."

    Can the Rod actually be used if it is not fully assembled?
    It can, actually. Each piece can be used to cast a single spell per day, and they get additional abilities the more are together.
    The form of madness is extremely cool, but that sentence makes no sense, either in english or in D&D. Does it affect attacks or spells? To what die does the -2 apply? It would be more streamlined to just have it apply to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidation and Sense Motive skill checks.
    I think it makes perfectly sense. It essentially says "Everytime you tell me to do something, I get a penalty to all rolls I make as part of doing that something." You tell me to attack, I take a penalty to my attack rolls. You say "Dodge the fireball!", I get a penalty to my reflex save. You ask me to walk the dog, I get penalties to my Handle Animal check. And so on. I rewrote the sentence to make it clearer.

    *one step towards chaotic on the law-chaos axis, or towards evil on the good-evil axis if the creature is already chaotic*

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    I think it makes perfectly sense. It essentially says "Everytime you tell me to do something, I get a penalty to all rolls I make as part of doing that something." You tell me to attack, I take a penalty to my attack rolls. You say "Dodge the fireball!", I get a penalty to my reflex save. You ask me to walk the dog, I get penalties to my Handle Animal check. And so on. I rewrote the sentence to make it clearer.
    Oooh! I misread it completely. I thought "at the direction of another" meant something like "towards someone else" (and was supposed to be "in the direction of", since it was followed by "like an encouragement...". I thought the affected creature was the one doing the encouragement/order. I think it should then be "under the direction of another creature" rather than "at". Thank you for the clarification. It makes much more sense now. I still think it should be further clarified to "[...] to all rolls made while acting under the direction of another [...]".
    Resurrecting the Negative LA thread, comments and discussion are very welcome!
    Nice find! Have a cookie!
    Do you want to build monstrous characters with reasonable LA? Join the Monster Mash! Currently, round XII: One-Punch Monster!!! Come judge single-strike entries!
    Quote Originally Posted by H_H_F_F View Post
    3.5 allows you to optimize into godhood, yes, but far more importantly, it lets you optimize weak, weird, and niche options into relevance.

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    Done. I think it looks a bit more concise now too.

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    I'm not sure wether this actually counts as a pun, but whatever.

    Just for Pun 5: Spherical Cow
    Large Aberration
    Hit Dice: 3d8+12 (25 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: Flying 30 ft. (6 squares) (Perfect)
    Amor Class: 13 (-1 Size, +4 natural), touch 9, Flat footed 13
    Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+12
    Attack: Multiple Gores melee +7 (1d8+6)
    Full Attack: Multiple Gores melee +7 (1d8+6)
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: Abstracted Bodyshape
    Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., breathless, weakness to gravity
    Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +3
    Abilities: Str 22, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
    Skills: Survival +6
    Feats: Endurance, Improved Toughness
    Environment: Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum
    Organisation: Singular, constellation (2-5) or herd (6-30)
    Challenge Rating: 2
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always Neutral
    Advancement: 4-8 HD (large); 9 HD (huge)
    Level Adjustment: -

    Spherical cows are creatures native to the Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum. Though they exist wild, they are the preferred lifestock of the few native societies that actually require sustenance, like the local ruvoka.
    A spherical cow resembles a perfectly smooth orb with a diameter of at least 6 ft, often more. Its surface is covered in white and black irregular spots. The creature feeds on vacuum pseudomatter and various detritus floating in its surroundings. These are simply absorbed through the skin. A cow can survive on other gravityless planes like the Ethereal by absorbing local substances like protomatter, but it won't thrive under these circumstances. Spherical cows reproduce asexually; roughly once every two years a cow will bud a calf, unless starved. Spherical calves grow up in seven months and start budding three years after that. A spherical cow roughly lives fourteen years.
    If a spherical cow doesn't feel threatened, it can be induced through gently punching the surface (hungry calves bump into their dams) into exuding milk from its skin. This milk is just as nourishing as normal cow milk, maybe even more, but it is completely homogenous, has a smooth practically nonexistent texture, and the most averagely milky taste imaginable.

    Abstracted Bodyshape (Ex): A spherical cow's body is absolutely spherical, unless it is not. When the creature needs to have body parts, it has them, when it doesn't need them, it doesn't. For this reason, a spherical cow can make as a Standard Action a gore attack against every creature within reach. It is simply assumed that the horns (that it doesn't have when it doesn't need them) are in the correct direction for any given creature.
    For the same reason the cow can't be flanked and enjoys a 50% fortification against critical hits, sneak attacks, etc. No side of the cow actually differs from any other side, and the shifting of vital organs in location and out of existence makes them difficult to hit.
    Breathless (Ex): A spherical cow does not breathe, so it is immune to drowning, suffocation, and attacks that require inhalation (such as some types of poisons).
    Weakness to Gravity (Ex): A spherical cow is adapted to places without gravity. On planes and in locations with no gravity or subjective gravity (which treat the cow as if it was mindless), it can survive without problems, but anywhere where gravitational forces rule, they rapidly die. On a plane with light strength gravity, a spherical cow takes 1d6 damage per 10 minutes. On a plane with normal strength gravity it takes 1d6 damage per minute. On a plane with heavy gravity, it takes 1d6 damage per round.
    Abilities and spells that use gravity to deal damage deal double the amount of damage to a spherical cow, and those that impose gravity in some way on the cow, but normally don't deal damage, cause 1d6 damage per spell level if successful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    +28/+23/+18/+13 (3d8+16 &c.) for the sword (Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization).
    I thought Melee Weapon Mastery overwrites those. Isn't the description of the feat that you can apply your weapon focus and specialization to all weapons off the chosen category?
    Huh. That's not in the benefit line, but yeah, it's there, so… I'd let them stack, but I guess that's fair.
    Incidentally, I just stumbled over the errata of the PHB 2, and there it says that Melee Weapon Mastery explicitely stacks with Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization, so I applied those to General Ticktock now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Incidentally, I just stumbled over the errata of the PHB 2, and there it says that Melee Weapon Mastery explicitely stacks with Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization, so I applied those to General Ticktock now.
    Mine intuition knoweth no limit! (And man, Melee Weapon Mastery does need that buffing.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    I'm not sure wether this actually counts as a pun, but whatever.
    The greatest of puns in this game is Pun-Pun, who's not even a pun. I'll allow it.

    Just for Pun 5: Spherical Cow
    Many a catgirl died this day. Good.

    Large Aberration (Extraplanar)
    (Hrm. While that really is the prevailing custom for such creatures, the Spherical Cow is something of an odd duck in that it has no good reason to ever leave its home plane (and gain the Extraplanar subtype) and every reason not to ever do that.)

    Attack: Multiple Gores melee +7 (1d8+9)
    Full Attack: Multiple Gores melee +7 (1d8+9)
    Make no mistake: I LOVE this, but I kind of feel like it's crazy broken enough without each attack being treated as a single attack by a singular natural weapon and getting the 1,5×STR.

    Organisation: Singular
    Deliberate astrophysics pun, or just your accent showing?

    Level Adjustment: +3
    I thought you said you think INT 2 still means inherently animal-level intelligence even if the type would regularly allow higher values. That aside, I'm not sure making this playable is a good idea. It is hideously unbalanced in marvelous ways, but it's pretty much locked into the "murderize melee mobs on a no gravity plane" role.

    If a spherical cow doesn't feel threatened, it can be induced through gently punching the surface (hungry calves bump into their dams) into exuding milk from its skin. This milk is just as nourishing as normal cow milk, maybe even more, but it is completely homogenous, has a smooth practically nonexistent texture, and the most averagely milky taste imaginable.
    This is oddly wholesome and utterly gross at the same time. Well played.

    Breathless (Ex): A spherical cow does not need to breath.

    It is immune to all inhaled effects.
    How do you inhale an effect? (I understand what this does perfectly, but do consider some rephrasing.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Make no mistake: I LOVE this, but I kind of feel like it's crazy broken enough without each attack being treated as a single attack by a singular natural weapon and getting the 1,5×STR.
    Yeah, that's kinda a mistake from the point of time when this ability only worked with Full Attacks. Changed.

    Deliberate astrophysics pun, or just your accent showing?
    Sometimes you luck into good things, like when you forget what the proper term for Solitary is.

    I thought you said you think INT 2 still means inherently animal-level intelligence even if the type would regularly allow higher values. That aside, I'm not sure making this playable is a good idea. It is hideously unbalanced in marvelous ways, but it's pretty much locked into the "murderize melee mobs on a no gravity plane" role.
    LA got cut.


    How do you inhale an effect? (I understand what this does perfectly, but do consider some rephrasing.)
    Formulation from the air genasi is now used.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Spherical cows reproduce asexually; roughly once every two years a cow will bud a calf, unless starved. Spherical calves grow up in seven months and start budding three years after that. A spherical cow roughly lives fourteen years.
    I've been told spherical cows do not grow up, the calves remain at an average size and weigh of a regular calf until reaching adult age, at which point it rapidly inflates and reaches its final size in a matter of minutes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Abstracted Bodyshape (Ex): A spherical cow's body is absolutely spherical, unless it is not. When the creature needs to have body parts, it has them, when it doesn't need them, it doesn't. For this reason, a spherical cow can make as a Standard Action a gore attack against every creature within reach. It is simply assumed that the horns (that it doesn't have when it doesn't need them) are in the correct direction for any given creature.
    For the same reason the cow can't be flanked and enjoys a 50% fortification against critical hits, sneak attacks, etc. No side of the cow actually differs from any other side, and the shifting of vital organs in location and out of existence makes them difficult to hit.
    But what happens when you start counting their limbs? Do they immediately manifest exactly 4 legs per cow, or do the number of limbs in a herd is always in average 4 so that if you count them you always get 4 per cow?
    Resurrecting the Negative LA thread, comments and discussion are very welcome!
    Nice find! Have a cookie!
    Do you want to build monstrous characters with reasonable LA? Join the Monster Mash! Currently, round XII: One-Punch Monster!!! Come judge single-strike entries!
    Quote Originally Posted by H_H_F_F View Post
    3.5 allows you to optimize into godhood, yes, but far more importantly, it lets you optimize weak, weird, and niche options into relevance.

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    Excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Marvels, Life Forms and other Phenomena of Zamonia and its Environs by Prof. Dr. Abdul Nightingale: Critters of Zamonia

    Twin-Headed Lambchick
    “Where else can one enjoy the evening drinking a good glass of blueberry wine while listening to the twin-headed lambchicks singing beautiful duets with themselves?”
    – Excerpt from a travel guide to Treeshire

    Tiny animal
    Hit Dice: ½d8 (2 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
    Amor Class: 14 (+2 Size, +2 dex), touch 14, Flat footed 12
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-11
    Attack: Two pecks melee +4 (1d3-3)
    Full Attack: Two pecks melee +4 (1d3-3)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: -
    Special Qualities: Doubled attention, low-light vision
    Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
    Abilities: Str 5, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
    Skills: Listen +7, Spot +7
    Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (B)
    Environment: Temperate and cold forests
    Organisation: Solitary, pair or flock (4-12)
    Challenge Rating: 1/4
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: -
    Level Adjustment: -

    Twin-headed lambchicks are a strange hybrid of bird and mammal that dwells in Zamonian forests. They are sometimes hunted as their meat tastes like an appealing mixture of hare and pheasant, and their fur makes good fur caps, though their two heads and fast speed makes them difficult to catch.
    In appearance, the creature resembles a furred quail with two heads. They also act mostly like quails and other ground-dwelling forest birds. Twin-headed lambchicks are hermaphroditic, with each specimen having a male and a female head that court their respective counterpart on other lambchicks. Only if both heads are compatible with the other specimen's head does a mating happen. Like some snakes and sharks, twin-headed lambchicks produce eggs, but do not lay them, instead incubating them in their body and birthing the hatched and already active chicklets.

    Doubled Attention (Ex):
    A twin-headed lambchick's two heads keep it from being flanked by two creatures. Only when at least three creatures flank it do flanking bonuses apply. They additionally give it a racial bonus of +4 to Listen and Spot checks.

    Vaguely inspired by Ensel und Krete.

    “Kronk, Plr: kronks. Beaked burrowing mammal. The kronks are the original inhabitants of the Underdark. Of no other creature there are as many around as of them, if you ignore the insects.”
    – Yggdra Sil, the Nurnwood Oak

    Tiny animal
    Hit Dice: ½d8+1 (3 hp)
    Initiative: +2
    Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), Burrow 20 ft.
    Amor Class: 15 (+2 Size, +2 dex, +1 natural), touch 14, Flat footed 13
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-10
    Attack: Peck melee +4 (1d4-2)
    Full Attack: Peck melee +4 (1d4-2)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: -
    Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
    Saves: Fort +3*, Ref +4, Will +1
    Abilities: Str 7, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
    Skills: Listen +5
    Feats: Endurance, Weapon Finesse (B)
    Environment: Underground
    Organisation: Solitary, pair or colony (4-100)
    Challenge Rating: 1/4
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: -
    Level Adjustment: -

    Kronks are small burrowing mammals with a hooked bill that dwell in the Underdark. These far-spread beings mostly dine on bugs, fungi and carrion. They can smell if a creature or corpse carries a disease and find this smell appetizing, preferring not to eat healthy food if they can help it.
    For some reason, maybe because they smell of their diseased diet, most predatory inhabitants of the Underdark don't hunt or otherwise harm kronks at all. Amongst primitive societies, a myth circulates according to which the kronks dug the whole Underdark out of the rock, allowing life there in the first place. For that reason, those societies believe that harming a kronk will bring misfortune. The reluctance of predatory creatures to harm kronks is taken as proof for this belief.

    Saves: A kronk receives a racial bonus of +6 to saves against disease.

    Inspired by Rumo and his Miraculous Adventures.

    “Crat fat is a tried and tested agent in alchemy. It preserves pest odours three times better than dog fat. Leidenculi impregnated with crat fat last twice as long as ordinary ones. It lubricates a perpetual motion machine better than any machine oil."
    "I'm glad to hear that my species is capable of producing such a quality product. Unfortunately I don't have a single gram to offer at the moment."

    – Dialogue between Alchemaster Ghoolion and his soon-to-be apprentice

    Tiny magical beast

    Hit Dice: ½d10 (2 hp)
    Initiative: +4
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
    Amor Class: 14 (+2 Size, +2 dex), touch 14, Flat footed 12
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-11
    Attack: Claw +5 melee (1d2-4)
    Full Attack: 2 claws +5 melee (1d2-4) and bite +0 melee (1d3-4)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: -
    Special Qualities: Crat got a tongue, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, unconscious memory
    Saves: Fort +2*, Ref +4, Will +1
    Abilities: Str 3, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 15
    Skills: Balance +10, Climb +6, Deciver Script +8, Hide +16, Jump +10, Knowledge (any) +6, Listen +4, Move Silently +8, Spot +4
    Feats: Stealthy, Weapon Finesse (B)
    Environment: Urban
    Organisation: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 1/3
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Usually neutral
    Advancement: -
    Level Adjustment: +2

    On the streets of Zamonian towns, one can encounter the crat, a creature that seems identical with a common house cat, yet it is as smart as a human and possesses the ability to speak with all creatures. Despite their sapience, crats tend to be unambitious and prefer to live just as normal cats do, preferable as spoiled pets, though they aren't above catching mice and other pests, though they tend to negotiate their payment. Crats have gotten rare over the course of the centuries.

    Crat Got a Tongue (Su): A crat can speak and read any language spoken by mortal creatures, including dead and secret languages. It is also permanently under effects of speak with animals. Crats receive a racial bonus of +8 to Deciver Script checks and can roll them untrained.
    Unconscious Memory (Ex): A crat's brain is much more retentive than it seems to be. A crat can store any kind of information in its brain and continue its careless life without knowing that it ever learned it until the information is needed. Crats always treat knowledge as a class skill, can roll untrained knwoledge checks and receive a racial bonus of +4 to all Knowledge checks and rolls on Bardic Knowledge or Lore. Crats also receive a racial bonus of +2 to saves against memory altering or reading magic. Many crats never learn about this talent of theirs.
    Saves: A crat's two livers grant it a racial bonus of +4 to saves against poison.
    Skills: Crats have a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks. Crats have a +8 racial bonus on Balance checks. They use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks.

    Inspired by The Alchemaster's Apprentice.

    “These weird birds refuse to fly even in highest danger. Can you believe it? How nature went astray here! Like a fish that declines swimming. Such a refusal of performance must be unique in the world of ornithology.”
    – Excerpt from a letter by Optimus Yarnspinner to his friend Hachmed ben Pewit

    Small animal
    Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Flying 50 ft. (Average)
    Amor Class: 14 (+1 Size, +3 dex), touch 14, Flat footed 11
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-4
    Attack: Wing beat melee +4 (1d4)
    Full Attack: Two wing beats melee +4 (1d4) and peck melee -1 (1d4)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attacks: -
    Special Qualities: Low-light vision, imitate sounds, scent
    Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
    Abilities: Str 11, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 8
    Skills: Listen +3, Spot +7, Swim +4
    Feats: Run, Weapon Finesse (B)
    Environment: Temperate coasts
    Organisation: Solitary, scavenging (2-30) or squabble (40-300)
    Challenge Rating: 1
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: 2-3 hd (small)
    Level Adjustment: -

    The strandlöper or beach runner is a bird of peculiar behaviour. Strandlöpers are infamous for the fact that they can fly, even pretty well, they just utterly refuse to do so, even in mortal danger.
    A strandlöper resembles a big grey seagull with especially strong legs. Strandlöper dwell on coasts, occasionally swimming on the sea water out, and feed on trash, carrion and smaller animals that they can catch with their speed, lure in with imitation of sounds, and/or beat to death with their wings.
    When a strandlöper is three years old, it migrates in the summer to the cliffs that are its colony's traditional breeding grounds, mates with another strandlöper and produces a clutch of two to four eggs. When the young strandlöpers are fully grown at the end of summer, they fly for the first and last time in their lives from the cliffs and then land on a beach that seems promising to them. The parents die after seeing their brood off without ever having flown a second time.
    Strandlöper feathers are considered wind and water repellent and very aerodynamic. Societies that dwell near strandlöper colonies often use them as fletching for arrows, make cloaks from them or involve them as decoration in magical items dealing with flying or falling.

    Imitate Sounds (Ex): Strandlöper can imitate any sound or voice they've heard. A Will save against DC 13 is necessary to detect the ruse. The DC is based on Cha und includes a racial bonus of +4.
    Skills: A strandlöper has a racial bonus of +4 to Spot and Swim.

    Inspired by Die Insel der Tausend Leuchttürme.

    Humtootle sings high – weather be dry.
    Humtootle sings low – rain will flow.

    – Eydernornian superstition

    Diminuitive aberration (aquatic)
    Hit Dice: ½d8+1 (3 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), Swim 20 ft.
    Amor Class: 17 (+4 Size, +3 natural), touch 14, Flat footed 17
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-15
    Attack: -
    Full Attack: -
    Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Tooting song
    Special Qualities: Amphibious, darkvision 60 ft.
    Saves: Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +3
    Abilities: Str 5, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 13
    Skills: Perform (Sing) +6, Spot +3, Swim +5
    Feats: Skill Focus (Perform [Sing])
    Environment: Temperate and cold aquatic
    Organisation: Solitary, pair or rout (12-60)
    Challenge Rating: 1/4
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: -
    Level Adjustment: -

    On and around Zamonian islands lives a bizarre amphibious creature that is called humtootle for the never-ending humming and tootling it produces.
    A humtootle resembles a cross of a sea anemone, a nautilus and a big snail. From its shell multiple tendrils grow that surround a singular eye, many of which end in small mouths. With those it feeds on algae, mosses and small bugs, or it flutes its songs. Humtootles are very social creatures that communicate through their song, and they have a broad register. Humtootles mate often and eagerly, and switch sexes up to once per day.
    Humtootles are often kept as pets because of their calming qualities and the common superstition that their song can predict the weather. Humtootle meat is considered a delicacy by gourmets when eaten raw. As it is believed to be best when as fresh as possible, decadent and evil societies typically serve the humtootle raw and smother it directly at the table. Earplugs are included in the service.

    Tooting Song (Su): A humtootle's song can have either calming or invigorating effects. If the song is calming, any aggressive creature within 30 ft that can hear the humtootle must make a Will save (DC 11) or be affected by calm emotion. Creatures that are friendly to the humtootle have an easier time sleeping while listening to the calming song and receive a circumstance bonus of +1 to saves against effects that cause nightmares.
    If it sings an invigorating song, any creature withing 30 ft. that is friendly to the humtootle and can hear it awakens as if affected by the dawnSC spell and receives a circumstance bonus of +1 to saves against effects that cause fatigue or despair.
    This is a mind-affecting sonic effect.

    Inspired by Die Insel der Tausend Leuchttürme.

    Familiar Critters

    Kronks and twin-headed lambchicks can be taken as familiars. A lambchick grants its master a bonus of +1 to AC when flat-footed. A kronk grants a +3 bonus to Heal checks.
    A humtootle can be taken as an Improved Familiar. It does not have any special requirements beyond taking the feat.
    Strandlöpers are available as animal companions.


    Quote Originally Posted by Beni-Kujaku View Post
    But what happens when you start counting their limbs? Do they immediately manifest exactly 4 legs per cow, or do the number of limbs in a herd is always in average 4 so that if you count them you always get 4 per cow?
    This problem is easily solveable. A normal, non-spherical cow has twelve limbs: two at the front, two at the back, two at the left, two at the right and one at each corner. As a spherical cow has none of those locations, one can only conclude that they have no limbs. At least, no cow limbs. Management does not assume any liability for spherical cows being delivered with pseudopods, appendages, paralimbs, paragraphs or axioms.

  16. - Top - End - #226
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    IMO, spherical cows shouldn't simply be native to the Quasielemental plane of Vacuum. They should be equally-common on both Vacuum and Mechanus, with residents of either plane tending to believe they first came from the other, possibly via the Ordial Plane.

    After all: the statement being referenced isn't "There are spherical cows in a vacuum with zero gravity."
    It's "First, assume spherical cows in a vacuum with zero gravity."
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

  17. - Top - End - #227
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Mechanus does not assume. We do not do such vageries here.

    Also, Mechanus has objective gravity, which means that the Weakness to Gravity trait kills the cows until they go home.

  18. - Top - End - #228
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Mechanus does not assume.
    Counterpoint: when things are stolen then recovered, the Modrons tend to put up signs that say things like "no stealing" and become baffled when it gets stolen again. They do, in fact, make over-simplified assumptions that cause problems which anyone else would have foreseen.
    "Assume spherical cows in a vacuum" is exactly the same sort of thing as "assume the thief didn't know any better"
    Also, Mechanus has objective gravity, which means that the Weakness to Gravity trait kills the cows until they go home.
    That is more of a problem.
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

  19. - Top - End - #229
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    Excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Marvels, Life Forms and other Phenomena of Zamonia and its Environs by Prof. Dr. Abdul Nightingale: Critters of Zamonia

    Overall comment: most of these are very cute and colourful, but often rather non-note in mechanical terms. That is, of course, a valid approach, given how WotC envisions Animal/Vermin design, and their personality makes them very nice background fauna doing very nice background fauna things in the background. I'll, nevertheless, formulate a few suggestions here and there on what could be done to close the gap between fluff quality and crunch punch; needless to say, ignore any such comment at your own discretion. Again, everything really is fine as is.

    Double-Headed Wool Chick
    “Where else can one enjoy the evening drinking a good glass of blueberry wine while listening to the double-headed wool chicks singing beautiful duets with themselves?”
    – Excerpt from a travel guide to Treeshire

    Tiny animal

    Attack: Two pecks melee +2 (1d3-3)
    Full Attack: Two pecks melee +2 (1d3-3)
    +4 to-hit (they are TINY BIRDIES!).

    Double-headed wool chicks are a strange hybrid of bird and mammal that dwells in Zamonian forests. They are sometimes hunted as their meat tastes like an appealing mixture of hare and pheasant, and their fur makes good fur caps,
    Bad locals! BAD!

    though their two heads and fast speed makes them difficult to catch.
    They do know how to run, at that size!

    In appearance, the creature resembles a furred quail with two heads. They also act mostly like quails and other ground-dwelling forest birds. Double-headed wool chicks are hermaphroditic, with each specimen having a male and a female head that court each other. Only if both heads are compatible with the other specimen's head does a mating happen. Like some snakes and sharks, double-headed wool chicks produce eggs, but do not lay them, instead incubating them in their body and birthing the hatched and already active chicklets.
    Somene remembers ovoviviparous critters are a thing? I like that. Goes well with the whole "sorry folks, can't make it to »today's prey item«, gotta run, bye" strategy. And the love rectangles are funny.

    Skills: A double-headed wool chick's two heads give it a racial bonus of +4 to Listen and Spot checks.
    But two heads could do so much more. Maybe an insight bonus to Will on an Animal? Messing up precision damage dealing, Uncanny-Dodge-Lite-style?

    “Elme, Plr: elmes. Beaked burrowing mammal. The elmes are the original inhabitants of the Underdark. Of no other creature there are as many around as of them, if you ignore the insects.”
    – Ygg Drasil, the Nurnwood Oak

    Tiny animal
    Sounds like the local planties don't like them. Never a good sign!

    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-11
    Grapple -10.

    Attack: Peck melee +2 (1d4-2)
    Full Attack: Peck melee +2 (1d4-2)
    +4 to-hit (size).

    They can smell if a creature or corpse carries a disease and find this smell appetizing,
    For some reason, maybe because they smell of their diseased diet, most predatory inhabitants of the Underdark don't hunt or otherwise harm elmes at all.
    Have you considered making one of these an actual ability? Automatic Pseudo-Aid Another to healers trying to find disease carriers, or some kind of stench-based Ex faux-Sanctuary perhaps?

    Blegh. Cats. I don't engage with cats.

    “Crat fat is a tried and tested agent in alchemy. It preserves pest odours three times better than dog fat. Leidenculi impregnated with crat fat last twice as long as ordinary ones. It lubricates a perpetual motion machine better than any machine oil."
    "I'm glad to hear that my species is capable of producing such a quality product. Unfortunately I don't have a single gram to offer at the moment."
    Beyond two obvius question, naturally. How do you harvest the fat? Does it fetch a good price?

    “These weird birds refuse to fly even in highest danger. Can you believe it? How nature went astray here! Like a fish that declines swimming. Such a refusal of performance must be unique in the world of ornithology.”
    – Excerpt from a letter by Optimus Yarnspinner to his friend Hachmed ben Pewit

    Small animal
    More BIRDIES!

    Speed: 30 ft. (4 squares), Flying 50 ft. (Average)
    6 squares, if that's indeed 30' there. (That and Run sounds like a good adaptive strategy to mitigating "♪I believe I can't flyyyy♫").

    Attack: Wing beat melee +3 (1d4)
    Full Attack: Two wing beats melee +3 (1d4) and peck melee -2 (1d4)
    +4/-1 to-hit (still size).

    Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
    Ref +5 (DEX).

    The strandlöper or beach runner is a bird of peculiar behaviour. Strandlöpers are infamous for the fact that they can fly, even pretty well, they just utterly refuse to do so, even in mortal danger.
    A strandlöper resembles a big grey seagull with especially strong legs. Strandlöper dwell on coasts, occasionally swimming on the sea water out, and feed on trash, carrion and smaller animals that they can catch with their speed, lure in with imitation of sounds, and/or beat to death with their wings.
    When a strandlöper is three years old, it migrates in the summer to the cliffs that are its colony's traditional breeding grounds, mates with another strandlöper and produces a clutch of two to four eggs. When the young strandlöpers are fully grown at the end of summer, they fly for the first and last time in their lives from the cliffs and then land on a beach that seems promising to them. The parents die after seeing their brood off without ever having flown a second time.
    That's sad, but in a wholesome way. Poor weirdo birdies.

    Humtootle sings high – weather be dry.
    Humtootle sings low – rain will flow.

    – Eydernornian superstition

    Diminuitive aberration (aquatic)
    Hit Dice: ½d8 (2 hp)
    That +1 (3 hp). Thing's got CON.

    Special Qualities: Amphibian
    English D&D uses Amphibious for that. (Which is kinda fair, we're not talking taxonomy here.)

    Tooting Song (Su): A humtootle's song can have either calming or invigorating effects. If the song is calming, any aggressive creature within 30 ft that can hear the humtootle must make a Will save (DC 11) or be affected by calm emotion. Creatures that are friendly to the humtootle have an easier time sleeping while listening to the calming song and receive a circumstance bonus of +1 to saves against effects that cause nightmares.
    If it sings an invigorating song, any creature withing 30 ft. that is friendly to the humtootle and can hear it awakens as if affected by the dawn (SC) spell and receives a circumstance bonus of +1 to saves against effects that cause fatigue or despair.
    This is a mind-affecting sonic effect.
    Can I get one of these as a familiar? They are cute, the right size, and not that much out of the usual bounds so far as power level goes, even with Fake Familiar HD boosting the Calm DC.

    Inspired by Die Insel der Tausend Leuchttürme.
    Shoulda figured you've long since finished that one! I still can't find the time to really read all that much, sadly.

  20. - Top - End - #230
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    How do you harvest the fat?
    I assume the method provides motivation for the quote. By which I mean, it's not so much that the crat in question doesn't have fat, as it is that they don't want it harvested.

    Because they aren't willing to die for the profit of an alchemist( they just met?).
    Does it fetch a good price?
    On the black market? I'd assume so.

    Quote Originally Posted by enderlord99 View Post
    If I may make a request, I'd like to see an Ashtadhatu Dragon brewed up (perhaps as a hybrid of Gold and Prismatic, but maybe some other combination would work better)
    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    An interesting idea, but if it happens, it will take some time. I've got the flu, and don't feel like brewing anything besides herbal tea. Sorry about that.
    Feeling better yet?
    Last edited by enderlord99; 2024-05-28 at 11:14 PM.
    Spoiler: Vanity quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigon View Post
    That took a very sudden turn for the dark.

    I salute you.
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthorGirl View Post
    I wish it was possible to upvote here.

    I use braces (also known as "curly brackets") to indicate sarcasm. If there are none present, I probably believe what I am saying; should it turn out to be inaccurate trivia, please tell me rather than trying to play along with an apparent joke I don't know I'm making.

  21. - Top - End - #231
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    +4 to-hit (they are TINY BIRDIES!).
    Grapple -10.

    +4 to-hit (size).
    6 squares, if that's indeed 30' there. (That and Run sounds like a good adaptive strategy to mitigating "♪I believe I can't flyyyy♫").

    +4/-1 to-hit (still size).

    Ref +5 (DEX).
    That +1 (3 hp). Thing's got CON.

    English D&D uses Amphibious for that. (Which is kinda fair, we're not talking taxonomy here.)
    All fixed.

    Somene remembers ovoviviparous critters are a thing? I like that. Goes well with the whole "sorry folks, can't make it to »today's prey item«, gotta run, bye" strategy.
    I added it because, well, what says "bird-mammal-hybrid" better than having eggs, but not laying them?

    But two heads could do so much more. Maybe an insight bonus to Will on an Animal? Messing up precision damage dealing, Uncanny-Dodge-Lite-style?
    I originally planned to give them Allround Sight, but the precedent for double-headed creatures like the ettin is to just give skill bonuses. What about:
    Doubled Attention (Ex): A double-headed wool chick can't be flanked by two creatures. Only when at least three creatures flank it do flanking bonuses apply.

    Sounds like the local planties don't like them. Never a good sign!
    Not sure why you think so. That quote is just from the scene where Ygg Drasil explains to Rumo what an elme is (incidentally, I have no idea what the are actually called in the official English translation. The original calls them "Elm, plural Elme".)
    Small spoiler for Rumo and his Miraculous Adventure, I guess: Ygg can neither speak nor directly communicate telepathically; instead it communicates by temporarily controlling critters like squirrels, ravens, toads etc and giving them the ability to speak. In the Underdark, around its roots, it practically always uses elmes as there's not a lot of other stuff.

    Have you considered making one of these an actual ability? Automatic Pseudo-Aid Another to healers trying to find disease carriers, or some kind of stench-based Ex faux-Sanctuary perhaps?

    Beyond two obvius question, naturally. How do you harvest the fat? Does it fetch a good price?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Alchemaster's Apprentice
    [Ghoolion] knew countless methods of harvesting fat, from alchemical liposuction over surgical removal to the primitive fat press. But his favourite was still trying. And so the great fat cauldron bubbled day and night in his laboratory and filled his house ceaselessly with disgusting smells.
    Can I get one of these as a familiar? They are cute, the right size, and not that much out of the usual bounds so far as power level goes, even with Fake Familiar HD boosting the Calm DC.
    Maybe with Improved Familiar feat? Doesn't even need another restriction.

    Quote Originally Posted by enderlord99 View Post
    I assume the method provides motivation for the quote. By which I mean, it's not so much that the crat in question doesn't have fat, as it is that they don't want it harvested.

    Because they aren't willing to die for the profit of an alchemist( they just met?).
    It's practically the first scene of the book. The Alchemaster's Apprentice is about a kitty-crat called Echo who lives on the street and is starving. When he encounters the dread alchemaster Ghoolion, he offers Echo a deal: for one month Ghoolion will feed Echo the best delicacies, teach and entertain him and generally treat every wish of his as a command. When the month is over, He will butcher Echo and try his fat out. Echo accepts.
    What follows is a mixture of food porn and psychological crat-and-mouse game, as Echo tries to escape his contract.

    Feeling better yet?
    I do actually, yes.

    Though I`ve been lacking in motivation the last months and now that it has partially come back, my muse has steared my attention elsewhere, flitting between half a dozen started projects. I'll try to come up with something, but don't get your hopes up.

  22. - Top - End - #232
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    I added it because, well, what says "bird-mammal-hybrid" better than having eggs, but not laying them?
    Very true!

    I originally planned to give them Allround Sight, but the precedent for double-headed creatures like the ettin is to just give skill bonuses. What about:
    Doubled Attention (Ex): A double-headed wool chick can't be flanked by two creatures. Only when at least three creatures flank it do flanking bonuses apply.
    And that's most cleverly balanced. I'd be happy to see it added to the chassis.

    Not sure why you think so.
    How much burrowing insects are a plant's friends varies wildly, and sadly, they are as likely to mess up the roots as they are to be industirous saprophages making everything better for everyone. I suppose it's the association.

    That quote is just from the scene where Ygg Drasil explains to Rumo what an elme is (incidentally, I have no idea what the are actually called in the official English translation. The original calls them "Elm, plural Elme".)
    Small spoiler for Rumo and his Miraculous Adventure, I guess: Ygg can neither speak nor directly communicate telepathically; instead it communicates by temporarily controlling critters like squirrels, ravens, toads etc and giving them the ability to speak. In the Underdark, around its roots, it practically always uses elmes as there's not a lot of other stuff.
    Hey, wait, I do have the book in English! They were renamed Kronks (sg. Kronk), burrowing through the Netherworld (but the latter term certainly works better rendered into the Underdark in this context). And the Anglicized Wool Chick goes by Twin-Headed Lambchick there. Also, listen to that tree! That tree (with the name rearranged to be split into Yggdra and Sil in the translation for some reason) gets it and is very cool (seriously, it's so nice to see someone finally refute the whole "planties are immobile" thing in a manner so eloquent).

    Maybe with Improved Familiar feat? Doesn't even need another restriction.
    I tend to agree. Calm Emotions should be able to scsaler, but otherwise the numerical bonuses don't exceed those granted by the standard fare, and arguably the BIRDY familiars tend to come with better overall utility.

  23. - Top - End - #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    And that's most cleverly balanced. I'd be happy to see it added to the chassis.

    That tree (with the name rearranged to be split into Yggdra and Sil in the translation for some reason)
    That was a mistake on my part; I forgot where the space was supposed to be. Even did it correctly in the quote for the nurns. Fixed.

    I tend to agree. Calm Emotions should be able to scsaler, but otherwise the numerical bonuses don't exceed those granted by the standard fare, and arguably the BIRDY familiars tend to come with better overall utility.
    I added a short section:

    Familiar Critters

    Kronks and twin-headed lambchicks can be taken as familiars. A lambchick grants its master a bonus of +1 to AC when flat-footed. A kronk grants a +3 bonus to Heal checks.
    A humtootle can be taken as an Improved Familiar. It does not have any special requirements beyond taking the feat.
    Strandlöpers are available as animal companions.

  24. - Top - End - #234
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    I added a short section:

    Familiar Critters

    Kronks and twin-headed lambchicks can be taken as familiars. A lambchick grants its master a bonus of +1 to AC when flat-footed. A kronk grants a +3 bonus to Heal checks.
    A humtootle can be taken as an Improved Familiar. It does not have any special requirements beyond taking the feat.
    Strandlöpers are available as animal companions.
    Lovely. Thanks!

  25. - Top - End - #235
    Ogre in the Playground

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    So... it seems that my advice to @enderlord99 not to get his hopes up was little premature. Here is the dragon you ordered. I hope it's halfway what you imagined.

    Ashtadhatu Dragon (Yazhi)
    Similiar to the Lung, the ashtadhatu dragon or yazhi is a servitor of the divine, though unlike them the yazhi wasn't created whole-cloth. Instead, the Vedic pantheon, after fighting the evil dragon Vritra, recognized the power of these creatures and transformed dragons willing to serve. Kin to both Bahamuth's metal dragons and the lawful ferrous dragons, ashtadhatu dragons take their name from an alloy of metals with sacred properties, to symbolize both their commitment to virtue and their role as guardians of shrines and holy places.

    A yazhi possesses a serpentine build, with wings resembling nothing as much as a giant cobra's hood. Two elephant-like tusks grow from the creature's mouth. When reaching the Juvenile age, a fur starts to grow around its head, until from Young Adult on a splendrous lion's mane has formed that only keeps growing more majestic with age. When born, an ashtadhatu dragon has a honey-brown color that gains more and more metallic luster over the centuries.

    Ashtadhatu dragons are always Lawful Good. As they are servants of a pantheon that includes deities of all alignments, they are much more willing to accept the presence of chaotic or evil creatures than other highly lawful good beings, as long as those creatures show the proper piety. Yazhi defend the shrines of evil deities just as diligently as those of good ones.

    Spoiler: Tables
    Age Size HD Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha BAB/Grapple Attack Fort Ref Will Purifying Roar (DC) Frightful Presence CR
    Wyrmling S 7d12+14 (59 hp) 11 10 15 14 17 14 +7/+3 +8 +7 +5 +8 2d6 (15) 4
    Very young M 10d12+30 (95 hp) 13 10 17 14 17 14 +10/+11 +11 +10 +7 +10 4d6 (18) 5
    Young M 13d12+39 (123 hp) 15 10 17 16 19 16 +13/+15 +15 +11 +8 +12 6d6 (19) 7
    Juvenile L 16d12+64 (168 hp) 17 10 19 18 21 18 +16/+23 +18 +14 +10 +15 8d6 (22) 9
    Young adult L 19d12+76 (199 hp) 21 10 19 18 21 18 +19/+25 +23 +15 +11 +16 10d6 (23) 23 10
    Adult H 22d12+110 (253 hp) 25 10 21 20 23 20 +22/+35 +27 +18 +13 +19 12d6 (26) 26 13
    Mature adult H 25d12+150 (312 hp) 27 10 23 20 23 20 +25/+39 +31 +20 +14 +20 14d6 (28) 27 14
    Old H 28d12+168 (350 hp) 29 10 23 22 25 22 +28/+43 +35 +22 +16 +23 16d6 (30) 30 16
    Very old H 31d12+217 (418 hp) 31 10 25 24 27 24 +31/+47 +39 +24 +17 +25 18d6 (32) 32 19
    Ancient G 34d12+238 (459 hp) 33 10 25 26 29 26 +34/+55 +41 +26 +19 +28 20d6 (34) 35 21
    Wyrm G 37d12+296 (536 hp) 37 10 27 28 31 28 +37/+60 +46 +28 +20 +30 22d6 (36) 37 23
    Great wyrm C 40d12+360 (620 hp) 41 10 29 30 33 30 +40/+69 +47 +31 +22 +33 24d6 (39) 40 25

    Age Speed Initiative AC Special abilities
    Wyrmling 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (average) +0 19 (+1 size, +8 natural) Alternate Form, Earth, Spirit and Water subtype, Immunity to Acid and Disease, Resistence 20 to Fire and Electricity
    Very young 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 21 (+11 natural)
    Young 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 24 (+14 natural) 1st
    Juvenile 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 26 (-1 size, +17 natural) Shield other 3/day 3rd
    Young adult 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 29 (-1 size, +20 natural) DR 5/Adamantine 5th 20
    Adult 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 31 (-2 size, +23 natural) Karmic AuraCM 3/day, Karmic BacklashCM 3/day 7th 23
    Mature adult 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor) +0 34 (-2 size, +26 natural) DR 10/Adamantine 9th 24
    Old 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) +0 37 (-2 size, +29 natural) Karmic RetributionCM 3/day 11th 26
    Very old 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) +0 40 (-2 size, +32 natural) DR 15/Adamantine 13th 29
    Ancient 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) +0 41 (-4 size, +35 natural) Wall of Force 15th 31
    Wyrm 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) +0 44 (-4 size, +38 natural) DR 20/Adamantine 17th 33
    Great wyrm 40 ft., swim 40 ft., fly 200 ft. (clumsy) +0 43 (-8 size, +41 natural) Sublime RevelryBoED 19th 35

    *Can also cast cleric and paladin spells and spells from the Brahman, Patience and Protection domains as arcane spells.

    A yazhi has an additional natural weapon compared to other true dragons: a gore attack with its tusks. This gore attack is their primary natural weapon, deals as much damage as the bite of a true dragon their size and also has the bite's reach. Their bite is comparatively weaker, being relegated to secondary natural weapon and only dealing as much damage as their claws.

    Alternate Form (Su): A ashtadhatu dragon can assume any animal or humanoid form of Medium size or smaller as a standard action three times per day. The dragon can remain in its animal or humanoid form until it chooses to assume a new one or return to its natural form.
    Damage Reduction (Su): A yazhi's damage reduction is supernatural, unlike other kinds of damage reduction that can be overcome by adamantine.
    Purifying Roar (Su): A yazhi does not have a breath weapon. Instead, it can produce a roar that sounds like a gong or a temple's bell. This roar lifts the spirits of the faithful the dragon protects, while tearing despoilers apart.
    The range of this ability equals the length of a cone breath weapon of this dragon's size. Any enemy within this range takes the damage indicated in the table. Half of this damage is sonic damage, the other half divine. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage.
    Allied creatures in range that hear the roar receive a +2 morale bonus to AC and saves for a duration of 1 round per age category of the ashtadhatu dragon.
    After roaring this way, an ashtadhatu dragon must wait 2d4 rounds before it can roar again. Metabreath feats can be applied to the roar if they make sense, though the increase to recharge time is doubled. This ability is a sonic attack.
    Skills: Bluff, Handle Animal and Swim are class skills for yazhi.

    Ashtadhatu Half-Dragons
    Half-Yazhi have Immunity to Acid, a sonic attack that deals 6d6 sonic damage to all creatures within 30 ft instead of a breath weapon, and a natural gore attack instead of a bite.


    As an aside, I hate transcribing those tables. That's so. Much. Work.

    As it fits here, let me post the 3.5 conversions of the Vedic pantheon as it appeared in 2e's On Hallowed ground. Some of those were made by afroakuma, the rest by me. They originally appeared here and here:
    Quote Originally Posted by afroakuma
    Brahma is not identified separately from Brahman in the Vedic pantheon, which is to say he's functionally not a distinctive deity as opposed to a functional overdeity for said pantheon. As for the other two, and under protest:

    Vishnu is lawful good; his realm, the Divine Lotus, is on Mount Celestia. His favored weapon is the mace. Vishnu's domains are Brahman, GloryBoED, Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection, RenewalFRCS, and SkyRotW.

    Shiva is neutral evil; his realm, the Vortex, is on the Negative Energy Plane. His favored weapon is the trident. Shiva's domains are BalanceSC, Brahman, Destruction, EntropyFCI, Evil, ForceSC, and RetributionSC.

    Brahman Domain
    Granted Power Once per day per cleric level, when you roll a natural 20, you may reduce the result by 5 to confer a one-time +2 insight bonus to another being within 60 feet. This bonus may be applied to any attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check of their choice, but must be used within 24 hours or it expires without effect. A creature may not be granted more than one of these bonuses at a time. This ability is not an action.
    1st - comprehend languages
    2nd - divine insightSC
    3rd - attune formSC
    4th - restoration
    5th - telepathic bond
    6th - mass owl's wisdom
    7th - mental pinnacleXPH
    8th - true creationSC
    9th - miracle
    Agni (CG Intermediate Power of Fire, Communication and Messages and Omens) has the duty of faciliating communication between the other gods and their worshippers. He ferries sacrifices to the gods and omens to the mortals. His favoured weapon is the scimitar, and he grants the Brahman, Chaos, CommunitySC, Fire, Good, OracleSC and RenewalSC domains.

    Indra (CE Greater Power of Storms, Battle and Might) is one of the foremost leaders and defenders of the pantheon. His favoured weapon is the light mace, and he grants the Brahman, Chaos, Evil, Protection, StormSC, Strength and War domains.

    Vayu (CN Lesser Power of Wind, Life and Destruction) is the incarnation of the air that every being needs to life, but also leads to devastating storms. His favoured weapon is the club, and he grants the Air, Brahman, CelleritySC, Chaos, Destruction and RenewalSC domains.

    Together those three gods are known as the Three Gods of Chaos. They share a divine realm in Limbo called "Swarga".

    Brihaspati (LG Intermediate Power of Wisdom and Worship) is a deity of knowledge and meditation who reminds the mortals of their duty to worship their gods, for without worship the gods would wither and die, and without the gods the mortals would be helpless and unprotected. He has a divine realm on Lunia named "Nectar of Life". His favoured weapon is the quarterstaff, and his domains are Brahman, Good, HeraldBoED, Knowledge, Law and MeditationCSEb.

    Kali (CE Intermediate Power of Life, Death and the Circle of both), Shiva's wife, is a dualistic being of contradictions: protector and murderer, cruel and kind, the mother who devours her children. She rules the 643th layer of the Abyss, the Cavern of Skulls. Her favoured weapon is the trident, and her granted domains are Brahman, Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil, FuryFC 1 and LifeCSEb.

    Kartikeya (CG Demipower of War and Warriors) guides those who fight. He is a contemplative deity who teaches that a warrior should also be a philosopher. His realm "The Fortunes of War" is located on Ysgard's first layer. His favoured weapon is the spear, and he grants the Brahman, Chaos, CourageSC, Good and War domains.

    Lakshmi (CG Lesser Power of Fortune, Wealth and Beauty) teaches that good things come to those who do good. She lives with her husband Vishnu in his realm "The Divine Lotus" on Mercuria. Her favoured weapon are the darts, which her clerics fashion in the shape of lotus flowers, and her domains are Brahman, Chaos, CharmSC, Good, Luck and WealthSC.

    Mitra (LG Intermediate Power of Friendships, Contracts, Light, Warmth and Growth) is the god who binds people together, the protector of oaths and honor. He is a bringer of light and good into the world. His favoured weapon is the longsword, and he grants the domains of Brahman, CommunitySC, Good, GlorySC, Healing, Law, PactSC and Sun.

    Surya (LG Greater Power of the Sun, the Day, Morning and Evening) is the most powerful of all the different deities in this pantheon that are associated with light and the sun. He ensures that the sun rises and sets when it is supposed to and through that keeps the motion of the world in order. His favoured weapon is the quarterstaff, and he grants the Brahman, Good, GlorySC, Healing, Law, MeditationCSEb, Sun and TimeSC domains.

    Surya and Mitra share a divine on realm on Mercuria, named "Goldfire"

    Puchan (NG Intermediate Power of Travel and Relationships) is a protector of travelers, a psychopomps and a god of marriage. His divine realm on Brux, "Restweal", is a haven for weary travellers. His favoured weapon is the lance, and he grants the Brahman, FamilySC, Good, Protection, TradeSC and Travel domains.

    Ratri (CN Lesser Power of Darkness and the Night) is a capricious goddess who doesn't care what you do under her protection as long as you show her thankfulness and respect. She is even more of an hermit than the rest of her pantheon, and her divine realm "The Dark of the Night" is hidden somewhere in Niflheim. Her favoured weapon is the chakram, and her domains are Brahman, Chaos, IllusionSC, NightDragon 342 and Trickery.

    Rudra (NE Intermediate Power of Storms, Animals, Disease and Retribution) is a merciless god associated with the hurricane's roar and the wild beasts in the world. He is the last of a group of spirits called Rudras, which he devoured, and he is the one who punishes the sinners and hunts gods who neglect their duties. His divine realm is called "The Focus of Energy" and is situated in Mechanus. His favoured weapon is the longbow and his domains are Animals, Brahman, Evil, PestilenceSC, RetributionSC, WindstormSC and WrathSC.

    Savitri (NG Intermediate Power of Light and Life) is another life giving and light bringing god. He is the Awakener, the Invirogator, who grants the drive to live, to do, to act. His realm is called "Domain of the Day-Long Sun" and lies in Amoria. His favoured weapon is the shortbow and he grants the Brahman, Good, Healing, JoyBoED, LifeCSEb and Sun domains.

    Soma (CG Intermediate Power of the Moon, Plants, Intoxication and Prophecies) is a moon god who is associated with a special drink, brewed from mysterious plants, that grants visions to those who drink it. He shares a realm with the Faerûnian moon goddess Selûne, "The Gates of the Moon", on Ysgard. His favoured weapon is the club, and he grants the domains of Brahman, Chaos, Good, MoonSC, OracleSC, PassionCSEb and Plants.

    (CG Demipower of Invention and Creation) is not only associated with creating machinery and art, he is also invoked when trying to conceive. His rulership over invention doesn't seem to involve name-giving, as his realm in the Outlands has a very uninventive name: "Tvashtri's Laboratory" . His preferred weapon is the battleaxe, and his domains are Brahman, Chaos, CraftSC, CreationSC and Good .

    Ushas (LG Intermediate Power of Dawn, Light and Beginnings) is Ratri's sister and the most powerful (or at least, most beloved) female deity in the pantheon. Ushas is a servant of Surya and is generally associated with Beginnings, Awakenings and so on, putting her and Savitri generally into the same niche. She shares a divine realm named "Morninglory" on Eronia with the Faerûnian god of the Dawn, Lathander, and a Greyhawk god of Hope named Zodal. Her favoured weapon is the weaponless strike, and her domains are Brahman, Good, HopeDragon 340, Law, RenewalSC and Sun.

    Varuna (LN Greater Power of Cosmic Order, the Sky and the Sea) watches over the structure of the cosmos and it's continued working. The whole sky is his eye to watch the mortals and record who regrets their sins and who doesn't. Logically, his realm in Mechanus is named "The Vigilant Eye". His favoured weapon is the lasso, and his domains are BalanceSC, Brahman, DestinyRoD, Law, PurificationSC, SkyRotW and Water.

    Yama (LN Intermediate Power of Death and Judgement over the Dead) is believed to be the first human who ever died. Through that he was given the role of guiding and judging the souls of the dead. His divine realm is situated in Mechanus and named "Yamasedana". His favoured weapon is the lasso, and his domains are BalanceSC, Brahman, Death, Law, Protection and ReposePGtF.

  26. - Top - End - #236
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
    As an aside, I hate transcribing those tables. That's so. Much. Work.
    Well. Ever wondered why I've never ever doen a True Dragon? Frankly, even a proper review of those is daunting. All I'm gonna say here is, therefore, that I see what you did there with Karmic Backlash/Retribution, and the DR/adamantine is much appreciated.

  27. - Top - End - #237
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Forgot to include the section on half-dragons.

  28. - Top - End - #238
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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
    Well. Ever wondered why I've never ever doen a True Dragon? Frankly, even a proper review of those is daunting. All I'm gonna say here is, therefore, that I see what you did there with Karmic Backlash/Retribution, and the DR/adamantine is much appreciated.
    Honestly, the tables would almost be worth the hassle to set up an Excel sheet to calculate everything.
    Resurrecting the Negative LA thread, comments and discussion are very welcome!
    Nice find! Have a cookie!
    Do you want to build monstrous characters with reasonable LA? Join the Monster Mash! Currently, round XII: One-Punch Monster!!! Come judge single-strike entries!
    Quote Originally Posted by H_H_F_F View Post
    3.5 allows you to optimize into godhood, yes, but far more importantly, it lets you optimize weak, weird, and niche options into relevance.

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    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Quote Originally Posted by Beni-Kujaku View Post
    Honestly, the tables would almost be worth the hassle to set up an Excel sheet to calculate everything.
    Sadly, I don't really like to use Excel for anything besides drawing these days. (And any brewing that would need to make me do that is not worth doing, as far as I'm concerned.)

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