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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default As You Command IC

    The four of you, Dark Lord and his truest council stand atop the forecastle of your flagship, as it sails on through the plunging waves and churning waters you turn to see the two caravels accompanying you flanking you from the left and right. While normally in this formation you'd be able to see each man working on their decks the spray thrown up by churning ships prevents you from making out more detail than the masses of sailcloth whipping in the wind, as you near your destination.

    Every sea chart worthy of the name shows this route now, so it was little trouble to find. The Horsehead bay route connects the Eastern Reaches of Marcelia and their beastclan borders with the river mouth that leads up to the capital. Most of the way, lighthouses and watchtowers sit at every natural feature that could give any trace of harbor making the route safe, but the Smith's eye lighthouse was destroyed as one of the countless fires of war engaged it. This has left the ships vulnerable for longer than they'd usually be.

    The trading fleet ahead of you was chosen for a reason. Various factors ensure it is more valuable than usual. Rumors have came in that in his desperation for military allies and famine relief Emperor Marcellian is attempting to form a marriage alliance with one wealthy lady or another. Highsong and Vanduim social circles are both abuzz with this news but Cypher's information network suggests that Lady Aeronwen of Clan Gwastatir has sought out prestige and renown by tying her name to that of an Emperor. Her family is selling horses to the emperor so he can rebuild his cavalry, and is now sending food relief and gifts of precious metals, artworks and coin.

    It's around 6 in the morning. Perhaps you woke early, perhaps you have been awake for hours preparing for this. There are a few ships and boats that can be glimpsed in the distance as the sun begins to creep over the horizon. Above the ships, catching the early morning light are a squad of well trained four Pegasus knights, light beginning to glint off of their shining plate amour. They're the outer guards of this convoy, meant to prevent any raiders from even reaching the ships, slashing at sails or starting fires to disable them early. You'll have to take them out first. The ships themselves carry several well trained Marcelian marines, while your crew will be able to handle many of them they'll no doubt need your help if they're to take the ships before any reinforcements can arrive, much less if they're to have enough men fit to sail to take your spoils back home, and it presents plenty of opportunities to impress the men as well.

    And that, of course, is the other reason you're here, the leader of your retained pirates, Captain Zukkad is even know watching you carefully from his position at the ship's wheel. Cypher has long known the man has ties to powerbrokers among the corsair coalitions, and while there are no signs he means to leave without your release it's likely he'll be seeking to return to those courts in the near future. His opinion of your competence, ruthlessness and fair dealings will be further shaped by what happens today, and will significantly influence your chances of getting a good relationship with the coral corsairs set up.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Link to the OOC Thread
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Sharkan stands along side his Darklord, hands folded behind his back, wearing the attire of a manservant. The Translucent stripped tabby on his shoulder perched to deflect attacks.

    "My lorrrrd" There is a gentle purr as he speaks the word lord.

    "Should the you wish me to soften the cavalry before they arrive, we may feast upon flying horse flesh before the sun sets, a good flash fry to the exterior can cook the interior to a juicy texture"

    His eyes stay affixed to the skies, with a fireball in his intent.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Cypher finishes his scrying and smartly turns to Lamorak to issue his report, ensuring that he will be well heard by that sea rat Zukkad.

    My Lord Protector, the flag ship hosts a caster, most likely a court druid. I see no animal companion on decks, so they may be below decks or in the water. The lady is apparently not in residence. I believe her clan focuses on equine creatures, hence the pegasi. I see no more of them on the flagship at least. They may have beasts in the sea if these ships belong to a different clan. The contingent of marines has an armored commander with a axe.

    The druid and pegasus knights are both able to disrupt our ships and the druid furthermore may facilitate escape attempts. Both should be priority targets. I could give two of us flight to aid yourself in tackling the knights. Once we are within 700ft I can teleport myself and two other sover to deal with the druid.

    The presence of those marine oafs make it difficult to send a single assassin without great risk. I could mitigate that to an extent by giving then invisibility to cover their approach. The latter I only suggest if the druid causes significant difficulties before the pegasi are eliminated.

    I have some capacity to interfere with attacks from aquatic beasts, assuming the Captain stays close by once the boarding action has begun...

    The last he says with a subtle glance to the Captain, to make sure he knows not to abandon the field without them.

    We must seize control of their flagship quickly lest they receive reinforcements from other vessels. Should we have to abandon it then I can carry a considerable mass of valuables in an extra-dimensional space, assuming that each is small in size.

    Now if you will excuse me, I will ensure that we all survive any unexpected trips below the waves.

    Spoiler: OOC
    On waking he had cast mage armor and familiar pocket, which his rat familiar promptly crawled inside.

    After this speech he casts water breathing, giving us four 4 hours of breathing time underwater each.

    It goes without saying (to the characters) that he will cast haste on you when the fighting starts, including the dragon mount and one two lucky pirates.
    Last edited by Waistcoatwill; 2022-02-11 at 06:19 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Maiabel listens silently to the reports of the other two members of Lord Lamorak's inner circle, hands on the hilts of her sheathed blades. Her face was unreadable behind her mask, but even if the mask were to be removed one would find no expression upon her face. Even so, she felt the slightest touch of trepidation at the coming battle. The stakes weren't as high as the previous time she had taken to the battlefield, but this would still be an important battle for her lord and his fledgling army.

    Once Cypher had finished speaking, Maiabel took her turn. "Master, my magical abilities may be minor, but I also have help I can provide. Before you take to battle, I can apply a protective shield to you, courtesy of the God-King. I can also slightly bolster the combat prowess of all of us. I plan to cast that spell the moment before we storm the enemy vessel."

    My buffs only last four minutes, so I'm going to wait until the last possible moment to cast them. For Lamorak, I have Shield of Faith. For our army, I have Bless. Also, I'm going to shift into the Child of Shadow stance.
    Last edited by Dusk Raven; 2022-02-11 at 07:52 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    He is a figure of singular menace, standing on the aftcastle of the stolen ship amidst the council of his Inner Circle. To the sailors observing the interaction, it may seem he is ignoring them; but to these three who know him better, his senses are simply divided - ears to his advisors, eyes to the enemy ahead on their winged steeds. The malice he feels for them comes off him in palpable waves; they seem to issue from the shadows of his slabby, spiked plate armor. Typho, the dark red scaled drakkensteed, rumbles lazilly beside him on the deck; as absolutely indifferent as his master is intensely focused. His voice in such moments is a humorless, flattened tone of a man who is deeply woven into an imagination of what the coming violence will be like, and how he intends to navigate it.

    "I am not too proud to accept all these boons. The pegasi are a problem; such beasts are fast enough to outmanoeuvre Typho and I. But if they're smart, they won't fly past me, or I'll have them when they're going after the sails. Sharkan - do not hesitate to use your flames if they crowd me, in the air. Typho and I can slip the worst of such a blast. Cypher - you have the right assessment. If the druid causes consternation, wait for Maiabel to dispense her blessing to our crew, then take her with you to teleport-strike the druid. I should like to take such an enemy prisoner, but there will always be more druids. Maiabel - if that scenario manifests, I expect you to weave the web of steel against the bulk of the enemy to permit Cypher to operate most freely. Beyond these directives, I trust your capacities to conduct your own dispensations of wrath. I..." He begins, taking the horned helm from the saddlehorn on Typho and settling it over his head, vanishing the fallen prince entirely into the bleak and terrible guise of the Murderer. "...Will engage the knights directly once they are within range for Sharkan's bombardment. There's no reason this should not be over and dealt very swiftly indeed."

    Spoiler: OOC Actions!
    It's time to d-d-d-d-d-duel! Specifically, Lamorak is going to brood on deck with Typho, while his allies slather him with helpful magics, and he'll take wing when Sharkan flings a fireball at the enemy.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    cool Re: As You Command IC

    Cypher stares up at the pegasi for a short while, making mental calculations.

    Estimating the airspeed velocity of a fully laden pagasus at approximately fifty miles per hour; once they start moving, we will have considerably less than a minute before those glorified ponies reach us. If you have any further medium term augmentation perform them now.

    Cypher begins a series of incantations and hand gestures, touching himself twice, then Maiabel, then himself again, racing the approaching knights.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Cypher begins his buff routine. Obviously I'm happy to edit it to whatever he manages before initiative is rolled.

    1. Heroics (self) - Improved trip - 70 mins duration.
    2. Heroics (self) - Improved Disarm - 70 mins duration.
    3. Fly (Maiabel) - 7 mins duration
    4. Fly (self) - 7 mins duration.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Sharkan begins making calculations, his max range for ranged baking was 720ft with an additional 20ft blast radius, but he would rather hit 3+ riders with his attack. His eyes narrowing and calculating, aiming for an optimal explosive point to hit the most amount of riders.

    Spoiler: ready action
    when the riders enter fireball range cast empowered fireball to hit as many as possible in a 40ft diameter. Empowered will come from the 3/day ability from praying to Ravanna.
    Last edited by Darius Vibrtrar; 2022-02-12 at 08:21 PM.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    You wait and watch the horizon as the ship beneath your feet plunges through the next wave, the crew growing eager and confident as their target grows steadily nearer. Soon though, your targets begin to respond, the armored forms above the enemy ship begin to move as if they've spotted you, first flitting down to the other ships in the fleet then forming up into a loose vertical diamond formation above the main ship. Something happens there with a brief flash of radiant light. This leads to some response from the ships below, but a more immediately problematic one from the riders as they move swiftly towards you.

    The formation widens further as they approach, with the front most rider level with the deck of your ship, the rearmost 100ft above him and two others 50ft to the left and right and halfway between the other two riders. This fierce gallop continues, unabated until the frontmost rider is raked by a blast of sorcerous fire.

    Spoiler: Roll

    Dex Saves: (1d20+5)[15] (1d20+6)[8]
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Skarkan gathera fire in his claws before a small bout of flame in the shape of a kitten forms.

    "Go get them" he whispers to the kitten as if speeds toward the lead pegasai and then explodes not in the shape of a ball, rather the shape of a giant cats head with long whiskers.

    Spoiler: dice rolls
    (8d6)[27] DC 18 for half
    Last edited by Darius Vibrtrar; 2022-02-12 at 08:40 PM.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Maiabel takes this as her cue to cast her spell on her master. After a grateful nod towards Cypher, she mutters a short incantation - "May glory shield this one's form" - and touches a hand to Lamorak. With that done, she prepares to head towards the sky for an aerial battle.

    A simple Shield of Faith, a +2 Deflection bonus for the next four minutes.
    Last edited by Dusk Raven; 2022-02-12 at 08:45 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Both shining knight and snow white steed plunge through the fiery maw of the cat, emerging wounded but alive. You see the lowest pegasus rider hold his course but slow his pace, his hand resting on his mounts back as a small spot of light flares up and the mount seems somewhat healed. The res push on at full speed though leaving you three foes 320ft out and verticall above you, and another 440ft out, wounded and level with you.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Skarkan smiles seeing the pair slow down and work to get themselves back into fighting form. Looking up at the flock, then back to the already injured. He judged weither he could hit a pair up above, if her could not hit more than one, he would focus fire and hit the injured paladin again.

    Sharkan gathers his fire again as another firey kitten appears.

    "Give them the hot treatment" the kitten flies off before exploding into a.giant firey cat head.

    Spoiler: dice rolls
    (8d6)[34] DC 18 reflex
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Fortified by the magic of his confidante and tempered by hate, Lamorak spurs Typho into action. Sluggish at first, then with an appetite for violence, the drakkensteed takes two loping steps then beats heavy wings, carrying its master into the air. The creature is powerful, and swift; but pegasi were the princes of the air, in terms of direct speed; quicksilver slick, and uncorruptable to boot. But Typho, the tyrant knew, could corner with the best; and perhaps that would be enough. Unlimbering the bladed lance from the lugs at Typho's side, he carries the lance upright as they soar up toward the incoming trio - but then bank away, as if thinking better of charging three opponents.

    Spoiler: OOC Actions!
    Lamorak is going to gain altitude toward the cluster of three. Seventy feet should take him to 250ft away from the enemy, starting to turn away. Then he's going to ready an action, when the enemy is closing on him with a charge, to move at the last moment and hook off with another move action to the side 70ft. If all goes well, since you must move in a direct line in a charge, that will foul their first effort, and set Lamorak up to wingover and charge back at them next round.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Cypher grits his teeth and unsheathes his odd blade

    We still won't match them for speed in the air, but at least the disparity will be smaller. Maiabel and I will also have the edge in maneuverability.

    A thrum echoes out from the dark librarian, his form now blurred with motion, spreading our to those around him. He lifts off into the sky, veering off to port slightly, and raises his blade in challenge to the rider off to that side.

    A pearlescent shield of force manifests in front of him, trying to interposed itself between him and the rider. As he waits, attack patterns run through his head, identifying the most likely attacks from the knight.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Swift action: Haste (sudden casting). We four, Typho, Zukkad, and a random pirate with a bow nearby are hasted for 7 rounds. (+30 ft movement, +1 Dodge bonus to AC, +1 to hit, +1 Reflex saves).

    This grants Cypher a 30% miss chance from blurred alacrity.

    Move: He flies 90 feet up and off to port.

    Action: Shield - +4 shield bonus to AC - duration 7 mins.

    Free actions: Declares Dodge on the rider off to the port side of the ship. He also activates Cunning Defence using 1 Inspiration Point (adding a further +6 Dodge bonus to AC against him for 1 round).

    When a Knight charges him he will cast Treacherous Weapon as an immediate action range 40ft, Will save DC 17, -4 to attack and damage for 1 round.

    AC now 22 general, 29 vs the port side knight.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Maiabel nods swiftly, before taking off into the air on the ship's starboard side, similar to Cypher's position. Once there, shadows start to curl around her hand as she prepares a supernatural maneuver against the next foe to come too close...

    Spoiler: Actions
    Moving up and to starboard, but keeping the ship within 60 feet. Readying an action to use Shadow Garrote on any rider that closes within 60 feet of me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Spoiler: Rolls

    Dex Saves: (1d20+5)[13] (1d20+6)[19]

    Attack on DL from Knight: (1d20+14)[15] for (3d8+12)[26]
    Attack on DS from Pegasus: (1d20+9)[13] for (1d6+4)[9]

    The second bite of the flaming feline's jaws weakens both rider and mount, but the mount seems to remain conscious. With the rider on it's back slumped and bleeding it turns in a circle, the magical beast fleeing back to the other ships.

    The first rider plunges towards Lamorak in a headlong charge, only for the dark lord to swing his steed well out of the way. He wheels back around, and nearly catches a blow from the starboard rider, only for the knight to miss entirely, the beat of the Pegasus' wings throwing him off. The Pegasus itself also makes a spirited effort to kick at the Drakkensteed, but the reptilian mount backs neatly out of the way. The Second rider is left close enough to Maiabel for her Shadow Garotte to shoot towards them.

    The third rider brings his steed towards Cipher, but doesn't make it the full distance towards the ex-archivist, instead readying his lance at the man while making it to 80 feet away.
    Last edited by JbeJ275; 2022-02-13 at 04:17 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    May 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    A thin stream of shadows shoots out from Maiabel's outstretched hand towards the rider, wrapping around his neck and threatening to throttle him.

    Spoiler: Effect
    (1d20+12)[19] Ranged touch attack versus the rider.
    If it hits, deals (5d6)[20] damage and the rider must make a Fortitude save, DC 16. On a failure, the rider is flat-footed until the start of his next turn.

    What Maiabel does next depends on whether the save was successful or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Mar 2017

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Spoiler: Roll

    (1d20+8)[26] VS 16

    The Shadow cuts deep into the rider's shoulders, but fails to constrain his movement effectively.
    Last edited by JbeJ275; 2022-02-13 at 04:32 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    At the end of the feint move, Typho's sleek reptilian shape sharply banks, rolls, and tumbles over itself, turning to face the pegasus rider who blew past on the initial failed charge. With a throaty, barking roar, the drakkensteed bursts towards the now outmaneuvered, faster knight. The charge provokes a strike from their immediate opponents - but without the momentum of a charge of their own, the attacks do not seem to dissuade rider or beast. Both commit their efforts as expected - steed to steed, rider to rider, Lamorak making a lunging stab with his lance as they close, its point flashing with grim red fury.

    Spoiler: Attacks!
    Provoking attacks of opportunity from adjacent enemies. Charging Pegasus Rider 1. Smiting Good!

    (1d20+19)[35], tripled damage for a lance charge with smite good, for a whopping (3d8)[13]+(6d6)[9]+36 Damage, presuming the rider is a good aligned target as I've guessed! Total 58!

    TyphoForGoodMeasureOnPegasus - (1d20+19)[23] for (1d8+7)[15]
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2022-02-13 at 05:09 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Cypher leans forwards and loops through the sky towards his mounted opponent. Staying just within reach of his ancient blade he lashes out as he draws level with the warrior, striking at the lance. His loop continues past the knight, behind his right shoulder, staying just close enough to menace both.

    Oh, didn't you need that? What a pity.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Cypher uses his 90ft fly speed and spring attack to attempt to disarm the knight of his lance as he goes past, then end up behind him. Hopefully he'll be able to stay out of range of the pegasus the while time.

    (1d20+27)[37] Opposed by a normal attack roll from the knight (+4 if he has been holding his lance in 2 hands).

    Cypher keeps his Dodge on the knight but won't use Cunning Defence after all.

    AC vs knight 23, vs pegasus 22. 30% miss chance.
    Last edited by Waistcoatwill; 2022-02-13 at 05:41 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Sharkan begins casting as the pegasi rider nearing cypher can see a kitty paw the size of his torso appears next to him, before it attempts to push him off the pegusus much like a bottle off a shelf.

    Spoiler: Dice Rolls
    Bigby's Striking Fist.
    (1d20+15)[29] Attack roll vs rider.
    (4d6)[16] damage if it hits.
    If it hits bull rush attempt to push him off the flying horse.
    DC 17 Reflex save to avoid the bull Rush
    (1d20+8)[10] Bull Rush Attempt

    "you dont belong up there. you belong in the water"
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Behind her mask, Maiabel frowns. Despite her earlier stunt with the boarding of an enemy vessel during the last battle she was in, she actually wasn't suited to fighting solo. She did better with someone nearby to distract the enemy. She glances towards Lamorak, then Cypher, then back to the knight she attacked. Making a quick decision, she races towards the latter, shadows beginning to cloak her as she goes. She focuses her mind on her target, waiting for just the right moment to strike...

    Spoiler: Actions
    Moving towards the knight I attacked. Since I've moved at least 20 feet, I gain concealment thanks to Child of Shadow.
    Standard action: Sapphire Nightmare Blade. I first make a Concentration check, with the DC being the rider's AC. (1d20+12)[21]
    If that succeeds, my attack gains an additional 1d6 damage and the target is flat-footed, which also procs 2d6 sneak attack damage. If it fails, my attack is at a -2 and is otherwise conducted as normal.
    Attack roll: (1d20+14)[20]
    Damage: (1d6+6)[12]
    SNB damage: (1d6)[2] Sneak attack damage: (2d6)[5]
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    As the fight in the skies continues, the ship keeps its steady course, arriving now only a few feet behind the mass of the flying duels, those with a mind to catch impressed and frightened stares from your sailors and marines alike, though most have shed blood before they have not seen a martial display like this.

    As Lamorak makes his charge towards the knight in the center, the rider by his side makes a desperate thrust with his lance, bringing the blow up from where it missed before and scouring the dark lord along his side. Neither this, nor the ineffective kicking of that riders mount threw Typho from his course. He carried his rider to the side of the central knight, and viscously gores the steed while Lamorak's lance pierces the knight's amour in the stomach, piercing deep into the man's gut. The man makes some final desperate effort to swing at the dark lord, but only succeeds in ensuring he topples out of the saddle as his eyes close and he plunges into the water below. The Pegasus, now lacking a rider, withdraws from the fight.

    Cypher makes a flying attack run against the portside rider, but coming so close also brings him within range of that knights lance, which had been readied against any attacker. The point of the lance punches towards Cypher's arm, leaving him dependent on the magically granted speed to try and avoid the strike. The returned strike though was successful in tearing the lance from the rider's hand, and it soon joined the fallen knight in the seas below. The lack of his weapon doesn't seem to have shaken him too greatly though, as he dodges around Sharkan's paw of force and draws a sword from a scabbard at his side. Now past Cypher, he lets out a war cry, leveling his blade at the sorcerer on the deck below and charging towards him, swiping at Sharkan's shoulder then continuing on past him to stop 30ft off the starboard bow. This attracts some attention from the crew, but only a few are ready to take shots, and only one strikes the rider.

    The final rider takes a swipe with his Lance at Maiabel, while his mount withdraws to line up another charge. While the man will soon be out of your reach you have a chance to throw a quick swipe in as he backs off. The hit punches at your leg, wounding you lightly as the rider shoots 100ft away far off the starboard bow.

    Spoiler: Rolls and Consequences therof

    (1d20+15)[19] for (2d8+20)[29]

    (1d20+3)[8] for (1d6)[5]
    (1d20+3)[5] for (1d6)[5]
    (1d20+3)[6] for (1d6)[4]
    (1d20+3)[18] for (1d6)[2]

    (1d20+12)[31] for (1d8+4)[6]

    Lamorak takes 11 damage, Cypher rolls for his miss chance, anything less than 71 on a d100 means he takes 11 damage Maiabel takes six damage and gets an attack of oppurtunity.
    Last edited by JbeJ275; 2022-02-14 at 09:36 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Lamorak feels a flash of pain from where one warrior struck him; but emits no sound but a sucking of breath that might be thrill, more than suffering. Tracking the remaining two pegasus knights over his shoulder, the Lord Protector pulls Typho into another wing-over maneuver, sharply about facing in the air before beating another furious charge towards rider who blew past Maiabel; the shadow of the drakkensteed racing overhead as the bladed lance lunges towards the only other lance-wielder remaining.

    Spoiler: OOC Actions!
    This might be a little out of sequence - but I'm about to head to bed, so I figured I'd line up my next attack! Lamorak is charging the last lancer, and will decline to blow past, preferring instead to leave his enemy in his threatened area.

    LamorakVsRider - (1d20+17)[26] (13 Base, +2 Charging, +1 For attacking from above, +1 Haste) for potentially (3d8+12)[23] + (2d6)[5]
    TyphoVsPegasus - (1d20+9)[18] for [ROLL]1d8+7[ROLL]!

    No smites this time; just gumption.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Jul 2021

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    Cypher's smugness at dodging the knight's blow and disarming him becomes a cry of frustration as he is ignored in favour of attacking Sharkan.

    But I challenged you, aren't you meant to have some stupid honour code? Maybe I should focus on your stinking pet instead!

    Cypher flies in pursuit, pulling out a Tanglefoot bag as he goes and lobbing it after the speeding Pegasus.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Fly 90 ft, assuming the Pegasus can fly 120ft I should be 40ft away. Throwing the bag and using Cunning Insight for 1IP for +6 to hit to mitigate the -8 range increment a bit.

    Ranged touch attack (1d20+12)[16] if it hits then DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly. Automatic 1/2 movement and -2 attack, -4 dex penalty.

    Keeping his Dodge on the knight he's pursuing. Will attempt to trip him off the pegasus as an opportunity attack (when he moves within my 10ft reach) if he does turn around and attack.

    If the other knight charges him then he'll cast Treacherous Weapon as an immediateaction, Will save DC 17, -4 to attack and damage for 1 round

    AC 22 general, 23 vs sword knight. 30% miss chance.
    Last edited by Waistcoatwill; 2022-02-15 at 06:29 AM.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: As You Command IC

    With these two last powerful blows, you make to settle this clash of blades. Lamorak descends from on high and plunges the tip of his weapon through the brain of the last knight, the deep cuts made by Maiabel moments before slowing the knight sufficiently to prevent any attempt to force a lesser stike. Though his beast still makes to flee only one knight remains in any fit condition to fight you.

    That knight though is quickly slowed and made vulnerable as goo spreads over his steed, slowing it dramatically. Though desperate wingbeats keep the equine in the air it's now a much more vulnerable target, and is the only foe remaining on the field in front of you. In one last act of defiance he shouts back at the archivist mockery.

    "Goodness does not render me a fool you traitor. It only calls that I serve to save others, rather than acting out every sick creulty going on within your heart."
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    May 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    "Opposing us is foolish enough." Maiabel's words are likely lost to the wind, but she utters them all the same. She sets her sight on the last rider, then flips her weapon into a reverse grip, moving rapidly towards her foe shortsword poised to strike. If the rider expects this to make her vulnerable, he's sorely mistaken, as Maiabel remains mobile throughout the maneuver, not letting her desire to kill weaken her defenses.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Using Bounding Assault, letting me take a double move and then attack with a +2 bonus, along with a +3 bonus to damage thanks due to being a Diamond Mind strike. Moving up to the last rider and attacking.
    Attack roll: (1d20+16)[25]
    Damage: [roll]1d6+9[/roll
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Troll in the Playground

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    Jan 2014

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    "Its a pity, how being so bitter would befoul the taste of your flesh"

    Sharkan begins to cast as 4 spiritual Norwegian Forest Cats appear above him, he then thrusts his finger at the mouthy knight as the cats sprint toward the knight like it was 3 am, impacting his center of mass.

    Spoiler: dice rolls

    Magic missile
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    With his three most vicious and competent companion-subordinates falling upon the lone survivor of the doomed pegasus knights, Lamorak coasts back to the deck on Typho's back. The beast is still restlessly licking its own snout, resentful to not be tearing pieces of prize even at that moment. From within the helmet, his voice emerges to the nearby Captain Zukkad - his tones seeming to ring with unsettling, profane resonance.

    "Bring us in, Captain. Everything proceeds apace."

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Jul 2021

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    I don't know if you are more naive or arrogant. Those 'ideals' are lies the powerful use to wield you as a weapon. But why waste my breath, you were blind but soon you will be dead, and you will have served no purpose but to hone our blades.

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