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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    "I like foreign people too! They traded me some of their clothes and all their stuff is interesting. I don't think any of them have bad things..." Nika frowns. "What bad things do you know about?"


    "No...he's a Pokemon." Waye says. "They don't normally answer then I talk to them. He did try to paint the egg, but he paints on everything."

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Leah hesitates, "That's, umm... He, uh, he didn't give any, uh, any indication..?" She shakes her head a little, trying a different approach, "If he, uh, if he paints, maybe it'd be worth asking him to, uh, to paint where it came from..?"

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    "Do you think he would know that?" Waye asks, casting a doubtful gaze sideways. "He might have been sleeping when I was..."

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Leah shrugs, "Well, umm, it's definitely a, uh, a Smeargle egg, so... If, uh, if he doesn't know where it, uh, where it came from, then we can, uh, we can start looking for other people with, uh, with Smeargle's..?"

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    "That seems really hard." Waye says. "How would we do it?"

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Alyssa runs her hand through her hair. "W-when things go w-wrong with their technology, s-sometimes people get r-really hurt." She doesn't continue any further and smiles at Nika. "If y-you like it, then I think you should keep looking into it. B-but, um, everything that can be good can be bad, too, I think. S-so, um, I guess be careful and open."
    Thanks to araveugnitsuga for my Pika-tar!
    PTU: Alyssa OOC IC

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Leah rubs behind her neck, "Well, umm, hopefully we, uh, we wouldn't have to..?" She shrugs, "I mean, uh, unless someone is, uh, is looking for a lost Smeargle egg, it, uh, it may as well just be yours..?"

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Nika furrows her brow at that statement. "Everything that can be good can be bad...? How did you come up with that?"


    "'s not mine." Waye protests. "I just found it in my room. It's got to be someone else's or it doesn't make any sense."

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Alyssa shrugs. "J-just from what I've seen. It's, um, kinda like Pokemon, and, um, like people. Some are really good and nice and kind, and others are mean and try to hurt others. And some are more in the middle." She looks down a bit, then back at Nika. "I, um, I think th-that technology is more like that th-that. S-some of it can b-be good and some of it can be bad, and, um, you d-don't always know when you look at it."
    Last edited by tgva8889; 2019-03-03 at 03:56 PM.
    Thanks to araveugnitsuga for my Pika-tar!
    PTU: Alyssa OOC IC

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    "Hmm...I don't know. I think I have to see it for myself before i can say anything like that." Nika says, scratching her head. "And it's not bad if it's just doing the same stuff differently, right? The Pokeballs do the same thing, just different, so they're not bad."

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Leah finds herself feeling a little exasperated at this point, "Well, uh, maybe, uh, maybe it was left for you..? I mean, I can't, uh, I can't imagine someone accidentally leaving an, uh, an egg in your room while you're asleep..."

    GLaDOS Avatar and Pokémon Sig. by me

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    "Neither can I, that's why I'm confused." Waye says. "And if somebody wanted me to have it, they'd have said so, or left a note or...what do I want with a Smeargle egg? I have a Smeargle."

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Alyssa nods. "Y-yeah, that stuff I think is okay. I haven't, um, seen much of their Pokeballs. I guess it depends on how it does it, but most of that stuff is okay. Like, um, I think clothes are fine, and, um, I like the Pokegear, so it's not all bad." She smiles. "I don't mean to say I don't like it, j-just that I don't like all of it."
    Thanks to araveugnitsuga for my Pika-tar!
    PTU: Alyssa OOC IC

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Leah gives an uncertain shrug, "Maybe the egg was, uh, was left for you because you have a Smeargle..? Maybe it was a, uh, a Pokémon who thought you'd, uh, you'd be best for caring for it..?"

    GLaDOS Avatar and Pokémon Sig. by me

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    "I guess...that's okay?" Nika says. "I like the clothes too. Hey, you've seen Leah's clothes! Do you think any would look good on me?"


    "How did it get in?" Waye peers at Leah. "Pokemon can't just walk into my room. We have locks."

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Alyssa takes a moment to think. After looking Nika up and down she shrugs. "I'm n-not sure which ones would fit you b-best. I, um, d-don't usually t-try to look that good s-since I do a lot of dirty work. Wh-what sorts of clothes do you like?"
    Thanks to araveugnitsuga for my Pika-tar!
    PTU: Alyssa OOC IC

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Leah gives another shrug, "Well, umm, maybe I can, uh, can take a look? See if there's a way for a, uh, a pokémon to get in that you missed..?"

    GLaDOS Avatar and Pokémon Sig. by me

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    "Foreign ones!" Nika answers, smiling bright. "But not those things with heels. Or the, kind of, really big shorts that look like a skirt but they're not a skirt? And I saw this one woman from Yoonover who had a dress, but it was just strips pf black across her chest, and her bellybutton. That wouldn't be practical..."

    "Okay, if you want." Waye says. "We can go there after your inn."

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Alyssa nods, laughing at Waye's descriptions. "Y-yeah, um, maybe the more regular stuff? I d-don't think I like any of the really strange stuff, but the more normal stuff like they wear more everyday. Like, um, I like the really rough blue stuff? They usually wear it as pants or a jacket and it's really tough? I think that's nice."
    Thanks to araveugnitsuga for my Pika-tar!
    PTU: Alyssa OOC IC

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    "I know that stuff! It's called jean." Nika bobs her head excitedly. "Maybe Leah has stuff made of jean?"

    Just as she says that, the group arrives outside of The Duelist's Rest.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Alyssa nods, smiling. "Yeah, um, I think that's what Doctor Perry said. That sounds right to me at least."

    Outside their place, Alyssa looks over at Waye and Leah. "W-well, um, should Waye and I wait out here for you and Nika, or, um, should we go in with you?" She turns to Waye. "Actually, um, wh-where are you staying, Waye?"
    Thanks to araveugnitsuga for my Pika-tar!
    PTU: Alyssa OOC IC

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Leah nods her agreement to Waye's suggestion. Once at the inn, she turns to Alyssa at her question. She shrugs in response, one of her hands rising to her bag strap, "Well, uh, I don't mind if, uh, if you want to come as well, though it might, uh, it might get a bit crowded in the room if, uh, if we're all there." She pauses a moment, glancing to the building, "Umm, I, uh, I didn't get as far as, uh, as finding Bibi, though. She, uh, she might still be here..?"

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    "I'm in another inn," Waye answers. "Why?"

    Nika lingers, apparently having no particular insight on what the others do.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Leah hesitates a moment, then looks back to the inn, "Well, umm, if you want to come, our room is, uh, is down this way."

    With that said, she makes her way to the room she and Alyssa were sharing, going slow enough that anyone wanting to follow wouldn't be left behind. Once there, she takes a moment to actually look around the room for the first time before then finding her baggages and turning to Nika, "Umm, was there, uh, was there anything in particular you might, uh, might want..?"

    GLaDOS Avatar and Pokémon Sig. by me

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Nika follows Leah inside the Duelist's Rest and they soon find the room, which consists of a small room whose free space is roughly equivalent to the size of the double bed that sits at the center. There's just enough area in the bare wooden room to store some bags and move around. Bibi has tucked them up against the far walls, Leah's packs on one side and Alyssa's on the other. The woman herself is not present.

    Maggie stays beside Alyssa.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Alyssa shrugs to Waye. "Just curious. Wanna come inside?" She heads in behind Leah inside, smiling as Maggie sticks close to her.

    Once inside, she sits on her bed and takes out her sketch pad. She gestures to Maggie to join her, and prepares to do some sketching of the others.
    Thanks to araveugnitsuga for my Pika-tar!
    PTU: Alyssa OOC IC

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Leah finds her cheeks colouring a little as she notes the single bed in the room, but she quickly turns her attention back to the task at hand as the others file into the room behind her. Moving deeper in to make space, she pulls her bag up to rest on the bed. She starts to empty out the clothing within, separating the piles out into clothes she was willing to part with, and a pile that she'd prefer to keep. Once properly sorted, the pile she's willing to offer up contains a couple of jeans, a few T-shirts, and a single jacket. Straightening up a little, she tucks some hair away from her face and glances up. She offers Alyssa a smile as she sees her sketching, then glances over to Nika, "So, umm, see anything you, uh, you might want..?"

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    Leah and Saura, Summer Rose, and Firebrand by me

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Waye stares for a moment, then nods and follows Alyssa, along with the much more enthusiastic Maggie. The Gothorita hops onto the bed beside Alyssa and leans against her, while Waye steps inside and gazes over the ceiling. "Small room."

    "I'll, uh, look away in case of delicates." Nika says, when Leah starts to go through her bag, then turns back once the clothes are laid out. Her eyes are filled with excitement. "You have jean things! This is great!" She leans down to pick up a t-shirt and holds it up, barely able to keep still. "I...I want all of it. Can I trade you stuff? I've got some stuff!"

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Leah looks a little surprised at Nika's enthusiasm, giving her a faintly embarrassed grin. "Umm, yeah, they're, uh, they're called jeans." She rubs behind her neck, glancing down at the clothes pile being offered out. It wasn't that she minded giving away the clothes, but it did mean she'd need to get some replacements if they were all going...

    "Umm..." She hesitated a moment longer, then nodded slowly, more to herself than Nika, "Yeah, uh, yeah I guess that can work. Umm, what, uh, what were you looking to trade for them..?"

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  30. - Top - End - #30
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Heights of Londo [IC 4: Turnabout Trainers]

    Nika freezes for a moment. "I, uh, I have gold, and I can make Pokeballs? If you want can put Pokemon you have in the new ones. The old one stops working, but I can do it. And...uh..." She taps a finger to her chin. "I can cook a bit. I have some clothes, too. Or...head massage?"

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