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  1. - Top - End - #421
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

    manwu has been fixed and feats are up


    "I can assure you I am not as foolish as you believe."

    Orogs generally tend to look like taller than average Orcs. They also happen to be more disciplined and intelligent than either Orc or Ogres, which is considered astonishing as the one other Orc/Ogre crossbreed (the Ogrillon) isn't known for either.

    · +6 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
    · Size Class: Medium
    · Humanoid with the Orc and Giantblood Subtypes
    · Base land speed 30 ft.
    · Darkvision 60 ft., Low Light Vision
    · Racial Hit Dice: An Orog begins with three levels of Humanoid, which provide 3d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +2, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +1, and Will +1. An Orog's Humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 6 × (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1). Its class skills are Climb, Listen and Spot. Orog are proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons and all Armor.
    · Automatic Languages: Orc, Giant. Bonus Languages: Common.
    · Level Adjustment: +0
    · Favored Class: Fighter

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 4'10" Female: 4'5"
    Height Modifier: +2d10"
    Base Weight: Male: 140 lbs. Female: 100 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x(2d6)

    If you want to play a hulking melee brute but are tired of Warblade or Int based Fighter Feats being out of reach due to racial Int penalties, the Orog is for you. Granted they don't have an Int bonus, but with their physical stat bonuses it shouldn't be hard to get a decent Int.
    Adventuring Race: Orogs often tire of being surrounded by genocidal, racist idiots. It's not that they don't have some pretty narrow-minded views themselves, but their parent are in all ways dumber, less patient, incapable of taking the long view, and semi-suicidal. For this reason many Orogs sign on as mercenaries to travel away and fight alongside more intelligent partners.
    Character Development: In addition to melee beatsticks Orogs make nice Clerics, though they'll never be champions at Turning Undead.
    Character Names: Orogs generally use Orc or Ogre names.

    Life is short, brutal and messy for Orcs. Thankfully you may be just smart enough to find a way out if you can keep from dying while constantly being flung to the front lines in constant battles.
    Personality: You have a lot of anger. Mostly due to the fact that your sort aren't very common, and you're doomed to live among idiots because they consider you too valuable to let you leave.
    Behaviors: Games of strategy like Go are surprisingly popular among Orogs. Other Orcs may not understand them, but the Orog community is devoted to more intellectual pursuits as a way of distracting themselves from their life circumstances.
    Language: Orog generally use the languages of their parents.

    Orogs have no culture or society of their own, despite being more intelligent than either Orc or Ogres. One could probably arise if there were enough of them and they were given a chance.
    Alignment : Much like their parents Orogs are almost exclusively Chaotic Evil.
    Lands : Almost all Orogs live with their Orc parents, though some few with less self control stay with the Ogres.
    Settlements : Orogs are not so common that they need to settle away from home.
    Beliefs : Most Orogs live with their Orc parents, and are usually indoctrinated into the Orc religion despite their mixed parentage.
    Relations: Orogs aren't all that different from most Orcs or Ogres

    · You wake up to find that you have spent the last 20 minutes in public, naked, beating a shepherd to death with a pigs skull. The local Sheriff would like an explanation, and quite frankly so would you.
    · It's been a hard days work on the battlefield, and unfortunately you're the only one left on your side. The only thing on the other side is a gargantuan undead happily munching the humans. Man you really have to stop eating those mushrooms...
    · An insane elf woman has happily declared that you are now her adopted child. Which is not quite as disturbing as the fact that she calls you her little muscle boy while rubbing olive oil into your many bodily crevices. You aren't sure if she's a pervert or an anthropophagi, and you have no intention of finding out.

    Orog Racial Substitution Levels

    Level 4: Replace the 4th Level Fighter Feat with Student of Warfare.
    Student of Warfare: Intelligence and Dexterity requirements for Fighter Feats are lowered by 2, i.e. if a Fighter Feat requires Int 13 it now requires Int 11.

    Levels 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19: Replace DR with Str Bonus
    Str Bonus: Permanently increase your Strength Score by +2 at Level 10 and 16.

    Paladin of Slaughter
    Level 4: Replace Rebuke Undead with Giant's Wrath
    Giant's Wrath: Your Size Class increases to Large, and your Natural Armor Bonus to AC increases by +2.
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  2. - Top - End - #422
    Ogre in the Playground
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    I made a thing. Is this something that fits here?
    If you see me talking about Shaper Psions, assume that anything not poison immune within 100 feet will be dead.
    Quote Originally Posted by kardar233 View Post
    I was going to PM you about it because I wanted to know, but then you posted it later. Elegant solution. Watch out for Necropolitans.
    My Homebrew Signature such as it is.

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    "Everyone just thinks I'm a big dumb guy."

    Orog's are favorites of the Orc military, who generally put them right up front due to their superior physical abilities (and not incidentally because some see them as expendable due to their being half-breeds). Also their superior intelligence makes them valuable as they're better at quick decision making.

    Most Orog Fighters will find it easy to segue into this PrC.

    Race: Orog
    Feats: Cometary Collision
    Skills: Intimidate 6 ranks
    BAB: +6

    Class Skills
    The Shock Troopers’ class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis) and Swim (Str).
    Skills Points at Each Level : 2 + int

    Hit Dice: d10

       BAB  Fort    Ref    Will  Abilities
    1. +1    +2     +0     +0    Careful Charge
    2. +2    +3     +0     +0    Tactical Charge
    3. +3    +3     +1     +1    Improved Ready Action
    4. +4    +4     +1     +1    Careful Charge
    5. +5    +4     +1     +1    Tactical Charge
    6. +6    +5     +2     +2    Improved Ready Action
    7. +7    +5     +2     +2    Careful Charge
    8. +8    +6     +2     +2    Tactical Charge
    9. +9    +6     +3     +3    Improved Ready Action
    10.+10   +7     +3     +3   Pile On
    Weapon Proficiencies: A Shock Trooper gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Careful Charge (Ex): At 1st Level you gain a +1 Bonus to AC when performing a Charge. This increases to +2 at Level 4, and +3 at Level 7.

    Tactical Charge (Ex): At 2nd Level opponents who Ready a weapon against a Charge do not receive their damage multiplier against you.

    At 5th Level you receive a +4 Bonus on Opposed Combat Checks made as part of a Charge.

    At 8th Level Special Attacks you make as part of a Charge or as a Readied Action do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity.

    Improved Ready Action (Ex): At 3rd Level you gain a +2 Bonus on any rolls made as part of a Readied Action.

    At 6th Level your Initiative result does not change when you use a Readied Action.

    At 9th Level you may Ready a Full Round Action

    Pile On (Ex): Any Ally attacking an Opponent you have successfully Attacked this round does a cumulative +1d6 damage. I.e. you do normal damage, the next Ally does +1d6, the second does +2d6, the third does +3d6 etc.

    Despite the name, Shock Troopers spend as much time anticipating what their enemies may do as they do running about mashing stuff.
    Combat: Unlike the screaming anthropoids you stand in front of you realize the value of teamwork as opposed to simply screaming at the enemy yelling while swinging an axe haphazardly. This means you have to impress said screaming anthropoids while pretending to be one of them, whilst trying to work as a team with your fellows at the same time to kill the enemy while minimizing losses on your own side. It's why your kind dies young. Not from battle, the stress kills you.
    Advancement: Shock Troopers have some versatility. They're expected to fill a very niche position, but as long as they produce they're given some free reign to proceed as they want as far as training goes. As far as most Orcs are considered the Orogs have some pretty weird ideas, but that's due to the Orcs lack of intelligence.
    Resources: Orog's usually get pretty well equipped by either the Orc military or whatever mercenary outfit hires them. They're expensive toys for the Orc. At least the Orcs think so. The Orog's realize they're actually in charge so long as they convince the caqptain all his ideas are theirs.

    "He's got some interesting moves for an Orc."
    You live kind of an unfortunate life. You're consider less of a person due to being a half-breed, yet you have more intelligence than your Orc commanders. Being a specialty unit you rank outside the traditional Orc military structure, and while you get paid and equipped better you have no authority, and are often called upon to face more risk.
    Daily Life: You live the life of a typical military man, with the addition of scheming in ways to improve the army while making your idiot superiors think it was their idea.
    Organizations: Shock Troopers are almost always employed as mercenaries or by the Orcish military.

    NPC Reaction
    To most NPC's you're just another Orc.

    This assumes the party belongs to some form of official army as opposed to a small group.
    Adaptation: This is probably meant for military or mercenary campaigns as opposed to more traditional adventurer type games.
    Encounters: Shock Troopers are usually found in raids what with them being military units and all.

    Sample Encounter
    EL 12: The PC's have fallen so low the only ones willing to hire them are an Orc village trying to secede from their more homicidal kin. The leaders are pretty big for Orcs...actually they kinda remind you of Ogres...

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha


    Hit Die: d10
    Skills Points at Each Level : 2 + int
    Careful Charge Your AC Bonus increases by an additional +1 at Level 21 and every 3 Levels thereafter.
    Bonus Feats: The Epic Shock Trooper gains a Bonus Feat every 3 levels higher than 20th

    Calm Rage
    You're more versatile when angry.
    Prerequisites: Orog, Barbarian Rage
    Benefits: You can use the Combat Expertise Feat and Concentration skill during Rage.

    Improved Calm Rage
    You have adapted to using magical items.
    Prerequisites: Orog, Calm Rage, Use Magic Item 4 ranks
    Benefits: You can activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function while raging.

    Ogre's Strength
    You gain the Ogre's tremendous power.
    Prerequisites: Orog, must be taken at 1st Level
    Benefits: You gain the Powerful Build ability: Whenever an Orog is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the Orog is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him.

    An Orog is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. An Orog can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.

    Improved Ogre's Strength
    You grow a lil bigger than usual.
    Prerequisites: Orog, Ogre's Strength
    Benefits: Replace your Powerful Build with Large Size and increase your Natural Armor Bonus by +2.
    Last edited by Bhu; 2013-06-27 at 07:21 PM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources



    Red Neo-Orogs are a magically created crossbreed made from Orcs, Ogres and other creatures created as a race of servitor Orcs who could fight in daylight. They appear as dark red Orcs with yellow eyes. They are not considered a success as they have very low fertility rates, and many are sterile.

    · +2 Str, +4 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
    · Size Class: Medium
    · Humanoid with the Orc and Giantblood Subtypes
    · Base land speed 30 ft.
    · Low Light Vision
    · +3 Natural AC Bonus
    · War Cry (Ex): A Neo-Orog may use it's war cry once per round as a Swift Action. All Allies within 60' who have the Orc Subtype gain a +1 Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls for 2d4 rounds. This is a Sonic, Mind-Affecting Effect. Multiple uses of this ability are not cumulative.
    · Bodyguard (Ex): Neo-Orogs receive a +1 Bonus on Attack rolls when a Red Wizard of Thay is within 60'.
    · Racial Hit Dice: A Neo-Orog begins with five levels of Humanoid, which provide 5d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +3, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +4, Ref +1, and Will +1. An Orog's Humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 8 × (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1). Its class skills are Climb, Intimidate, Listen and Spot. Orog are proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons and all Armor.
    · Automatic Languages: Orc, Common. Bonus Languages: Giant.
    · Level Adjustment: +1
    · Favored Class: Crusader

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 4'10" Female: 4'5"
    Height Modifier: +2d10"
    Base Weight: Male: 140 lbs. Female: 100 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x(2d6)

    Neo-Orogs are meant to be melee beatsticks, though they make ok gishes too. Assuming anyone will train one in magic.
    Adventuring Race: Neo-Orogs generally adventure because they have been ordered to, or because they suddenly find themselves on their own and have no desire to return to Thay, but aren't sure what t do with their life.
    Character Development: Try to take Leadership to make use of your War Cry if the rest of the party don't have the Orc Subtype.
    Character Names: Neo-Orogs generally use Orc or Thayan names.

    Killing is not wrong inherently. Everyone kills to eat or in self defense, so how can they say killing is wrong in any circumstance? The other races are weak.
    Personality: A military lifestyle has been drummed into you from birth, as well a s obedience to the Red Wizards. You are surprisingly conformist and devoted to the rule of law for a member of an Orcish race.
    Behaviors: Neo-Orogs are pretty violent, even for Orcs. Were they not also Lawful they would be difficult to restrain, and would be little more than spree killers.
    Language: Neo-Orogs speak Orcish and the common tongue.

    Neo-Orogs have no culture or society. Technically they are members of Thayan society, but they are military units sheltered from public life and only brought forth when their use is required.
    Alignment : Neo-Orogs are almost compulsively Lawful Evil being as they are a magically created race.
    Lands : The Neo-Orogs originated in Thay, and have not spread past it.
    Settlements : Neo-Orogs are confined to their barracks in Thay when not on a mission.
    Beliefs : Being brought up in Thay, the majority of Neo-Orogs worship Bane.
    Relations: Beyond the Thayan wizards and their fellow Orcs, the Neo-Orogs don't consider anything else as beings with rights. Murdering them is as inconsequential an act as ordering lunch.

    · The Wizards have ordered you to take a tower haunted by a Lich. Who used to be a Giant. Sure. No problem. While your at it, maybe you can depose a few Gods too...
    · The companies leaders have been wiped out by a small group of Half Dragon Orcs who have given you the option of joining their draconic sire or dying. You're tempted, but they're waaay too lawless for you. Time to bust out the diplomacy skills. AKA lying.
    · You wake up in your guard post to find out that all the Wizards are dead and you and your fellows are free men. So begins the argument about whether or not to avenge the Wizards, run for your lives, return to Thay, or stay here and take over.

    Neo-Orog (Red) Racial Substitution Levels

    Level 4: Replace the Level 4 Fighter Feat with Improved War Cry.
    Improved War Cry (Ex): The Bonus from your War Cry Ability increases to +2, and the duration increases to 2d6 rounds/.

    Level 1: Class Abilities or Maneuver DC's based off Charisma, are based off Wisdom instead.

    Paladin of Tyranny
    Level 5: Replace Special Mount with Black Gauntlet
    Black Gauntlet: Spells that have the Evil descriptor or that are from the Necromancy school that you cast have their Save DC increased by +2 (this stacks with other effects increasing DC like Spell Focus).
    Last edited by Bhu; 2013-07-28 at 04:20 PM.
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  6. - Top - End - #426
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources


    "Step away from the Wizard."

    The Red Neo-Orog's are the bodyguards and shock troops of the Thayan Red Wizards. When not in service they are restricted to barracks

    Being a Red Neo-Orog pretty much qualifies you.

    Race: Orog
    Feats: Violence, Ultraviolence
    Skills: Intimidate 6 ranks, Listen 4 ranks, Spot 4 ranks
    BAB: +6

    Class Skills
    The Soldiers class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Swim (Str).
    Skills Points at Each Level : 2 + int

    Hit Dice: d10

       BAB  Fort    Ref    Will  Abilities
    1. +1    +2     +0     +0    Living Shield
    2. +2    +3     +0     +0    Improved Bodyguard
    3. +3    +3     +1     +1    Magical Conduit
    4. +4    +4     +1     +1    Living Shield
    5. +5    +4     +1     +1    Improved Bodyguard
    6. +6    +5     +2     +2    Magical Conduit
    7. +7    +5     +2     +2    Living Shield
    8. +8    +6     +2     +2    Improved Bodyguard
    9. +9    +6     +3     +3    Magical Conduit
    10.+10  +7     +3     +3    Veteran Bodyguard
    Weapon Proficiencies: A Soldier gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Living Shield (Ex): At 1st Level you gain Self-Sacrifice as a Bonus Feat.

    At 4th Level you may also use your Self-Sacrifice Feat against melee attacks. If you choose to step between your Ally and an Opponent making a Full Attack your opponent must concentrate all their attacks on you.

    At 7th Level you may wait to see the results of an Opponents Attack roll or your Allies Saving Throw before you have to announce whether or not you are using this Ability.

    Improved Bodyguard (Ex): At 2nd Level your Racial +1 on Attack rolls when a Red Wizard is within 60' becomes a +1 to all rolls.

    At 5th Level the Bonus increases to +2.

    At 8th Level the Bonus increases to +3.

    Magical Conduit (Su): At 3rd Level, beneficial spells cast on you by Allies have a duration 3 rounds longer than usual.

    At 6th Level beneficial spells cast on you by Allies are considered to be cast at +1 Caster Level.

    At 9th Level beneficial spells cast on you by Allies are considered to be cast with the Empowered Spell Feat.

    Veteran Bodyguard (Ex): At 10th Level when a Red Wizard of Thay is within 60' you can simply choose to succeed at one Saving Throw once per day as a Free Action.

    You were conceived and designed to be an instrument of terror. A monster to stand between your owner and whatever wishes to harm him, though to be honest your master may be far more of a monster than you will ever be.
    Combat: Soldiers are meat shields. Your job is to stand between your master and the enemy and take whatever punishment is necessary for your master to get off the right spells. You don't exactly do ranged combat much, that's what the Black Neo-Orog's are for.
    Advancement: Thayan Soldiers are beholden to their benefactors, and they train in whatever manner their master desires unless they escape.
    Resources: If your master is the rewarding type you have whatever he has to offer. On the other hand he may also be stingy in which case you had better be quick thinking.

    "If you want to kill Izzedin, you will need to get past his lapdog first."
    You are a hermit, a shut-in, you see no one but your owner and your fellow owned until such time as your skills are needed, and then you kill a few targets, and are retired to heal up until the next time.
    Daily Life: Your life is endless training until an errand becomes necessary.
    Organizations: All Red Neo-Orog's work for the Red Wizards of Thay unless they have been taken captive or escaped. Few know enough about outside life that they wish to escape unless their master if pretty harsh.

    NPC Reaction
    The Neo-Orog's pretty much terrify everyone.

    This class assumes you are (or were) the pet killer of an evil Wizard (who may or may not be a PC). It could be troublesome.
    Adaptation: This is meant for an all evil campaign set in Thay, but can be adapted with work.
    Encounters: Thayan Soldiers are only encountered when dealing with the Red Wizards or Thayan military.

    Sample Encounter
    EL 12: The PC's are enjoying a nice brandy, relaxing after an exhausting mission when a bunch of huge red orc-like weirdos burst in and demand food and directions or they'll kill everyone. The group needs to stop going to taverns...

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha


    Hit Die: d10
    Skills Points at Each Level : 2 + int
    Class Ability
    Class Ability
    Bonus Feats: The Epic Soldier gains a Bonus Feat every x levels higher than 20th

    Self Sacrifice
    You have learned to take a bolt for your masters and survive.
    Prerequisites: Neo-Orog (Red), 3rd Level
    Benefits: When an Ally within 5 feet of you is successfully hit by a Ranged Attack or Spell, you may take a 5' Step to place yourself between him and the attacker and take the effects instead of your Ally. You may do this once per round.

    You are incredibly violent, even for an Orcish warrior.
    Prerequisites: Neo-Orog (Red), must be taken at 1st Level
    Benefits: You gain a +1 Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls made in melee combat.

    You have a fair amount of control for a rabid dog...
    Prerequisites: Neo-Orog (Red), Violence, Level 6
    Benefits: The BAB for your Humanoid Levels becomes equal to your Hit Dice (i.e. +5).

    Horrifying Ultraviolence
    Your own side is afraid of you...
    Prerequisites: Neo-Orog (Red), Ultraviolence, Level 12
    Benefits: The Critical threat range for all melee attacks made by you increases by +1. This does not stack with other effects that increase Critical Threat range.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

    Racial feats and sub levels are up, will have the soldier up soon
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  8. - Top - End - #428
    Ettin in the Playground
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    I'd make the racials Fighter feats, personally. Violence is okay, I question whether the upgrades are, though. I realize they stack with Weapon Focus and the like but Point Blank Shot isn't considered to be that great a feat, either.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mulletmanalive View Post
    Damn you Cieyrin! Cieyrin!!!!!read as Khaaaaan!

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    Extra damage dice instead for the Feats perhaps?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Extra damage dice instead for the Feats perhaps?
    Could work, though I'd need to see specifics. Maybe some action enhancements, like Horrifying Ultraviolence granting standard action Full Attacks but at a price or limited somehow.
    Goblin Cannon Crew avatar by Vrythas.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mulletmanalive View Post
    Damn you Cieyrin! Cieyrin!!!!!read as Khaaaaan!

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    Re-did Feats and soldier has fluffies.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    Re-did Feats and soldier has fluffies.
    Looking better. How does Horrifying Ultraviolence interact with Keen or Improved Critical?
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    Damn you Cieyrin! Cieyrin!!!!!read as Khaaaaan!

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    Considering that stuff never stacks it's proly be the same. It's just that instead of getting the critical bonus with one weapon you get it with any melee attack.
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    Soldier is ready for review. WIll start Black Neo-Orog while I await feedback



    Black Neo-Orog's are taller and thinner than the Red's, and generally less bestial looking. Skin color ranges from dark green to pure black, and their eyes are usually pure black.

    · +2 Str, +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma.
    · Size Class: Medium
    · Humanoid with the Orc and Giantblood Subtypes
    · Base land speed 35 ft.
    · Low Light Vision
    · Camouflage (Ex): Identical to the Ranger Ability listed in the PHB.
    · Skills: Black Neo-Orog's gain a +4 Racial Bonus on Hide Checks.
    · Racial Hit Dice: A Neo-Orog begins with four levels of Humanoid, which provide 4d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +3, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +4, Ref +1, and Will +1. An Orog's Humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 7 × (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1). Its class skills are Climb, Hide, Listen, Move Silently and Spot. Orog are proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons and all Armor.
    · Automatic Languages: Orc, Common. Bonus Languages: Giant.
    · Level Adjustment: +1
    · Favored Class: Scout

    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 30
    Old: 45
    Venerable: 60
    Maximum Age: +2d10 years

    Base Height: Male: 5'10" Female: 5'5"
    Height Modifier: +2d10"
    Base Weight: Male: 140 lbs. Female: 100 lbs.
    Weight Modifier: x(2d6) lbs

    The Black Neo-Orogs were designed as ranged back-ups for the Reds. They're also used as assassins and saboteurs to soften up targets before the Reds come in to finish them off.
    Adventuring Race: Neo-Orogs generally adventure because they have been ordered to, or because they suddenly find themselves on their own and have no desire to return to Thay, but aren't sure what to do with their life.
    Character Development: Given the Neo-Orog's talent for stealth it would be a shame not to make use of it. Try to find a way to get Sneak Attack or Death Attack.
    Character Names: Neo-Orogs generally use Orc or Thayan names.

    Killing is not wrong inherently. Everyone kills to eat or in self defense, so how can they say killing is wrong in any circumstance? The other races are weak.
    Personality: A military lifestyle has been drummed into you from birth, as well a s obedience to the Red Wizards. You are surprisingly conformist and devoted to the rule of law for a member of an Orcish race.
    Behaviors: Neo-Orogs are pretty violent, even for Orcs. Were they not also Lawful they would be difficult to restrain, and would be little more than spree killers.
    Language: Neo-Orogs speak Orcish and the common tongue.

    Neo-Orogs have no culture or society. Technically they are members of Thayan society, but they are military units sheltered from public life and only brought forth when their use is required.
    Alignment : Neo-Orogs are almost compulsively Lawful Evil being as they are a magically created race.
    Lands : The Neo-Orogs originated in Thay, and have not spread past it.
    Settlements : Neo-Orogs are confined to their barracks in Thay when not on a mission.
    Beliefs : Being brought up in Thay, the majority of Neo-Orogs worship Bane.
    Relations : Beyond the Thayan wizards and their fellow Orcs, the Neo-Orogs don't consider anything else as beings with rights. Murdering them is as inconsequential an act as ordering lunch.

    · Your team has been sent to scout and sabotage a border fort only to find it empty, with all it's stores and equipment intact. You are divided about going back to report or holding the fort till more reinforcements arrive within a week.
    · Your team is sent to assassinate a neighboring politician, only to find him in small pieces when you arrive. Now you have to find out who did it and why, while dodging the local authorities who are almost sure to blame you.
    · Your master hasn't been seen in months. Food and supplies still arrive on schedule, but no news, and none of the delivery teams know anything other than they're still being paid. Some believe it's time to go make sure everything is okay, as formerly your ownerr was something of a micro manager.

    Neo-Orog (Black) Racial Substitution Levels

    Levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19: Replace Skirmish with Ambush
    Ambush (Ex): In any round in which the Scout makes an attack against an opponent who is Flat-Footed or unaware of his presence he does +1d6 damage. He also gets this bonus to ranged attacks performed on any round in which he does not move. This extra damage increases by 1d6 for every four levels gained above 1st (2d6 at 5th, 3d6 at 9th, 4d6 at 13th, and 5d6 at 17th level).

    The extra damage only applies against living creatures that have a discernible anatomy. Undead, constructs, oozes, plants, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are not vulnerable to this additional damage. The scout must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Scouts can apply this extra damage to ranged attacks made while skirmishing, but only if the target is within 30 feet.

    At 3rd level, the applicable range for your Ambush attack increases by +20'. This bonus improves by and additional 20' for every four levels gained above 3rd (+40' at 7th, +60' at 11th, +80' at 15th, and +120' at 19th level).

    A scout loses this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. If she gains the skirmish ability from another class, the bonuses stack.
    Level 8: Replace Camouflage with Improved Uncanny Dodge
    Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): This is identical to the Rogue Ability listed in the PHB.

    Level 10+: You gain additional options with the Rogue's Special Ability.
    Special Ability: Ranged Sneak Attack (Ex): This may be chosen multiple times, each time it increases the range of your Sneak Attack by +30'. If you have Death Attack it increases the range of it as well.

    Levels 2, 6, 11: Different option with Combat Mastery
    Combat Mastery: At 2nd Level you gain the Disabling Strike Feat, at 6th Level you gain the Able Sniper Feat, and at 11th Level you gain the Concealed Ambush Feat.
    Level 4: Replace Animal Companion with Dark Knowledge
    Dark Knowledge: At each Level when you attain a new Level of Spells you can cast you gain one Bonus spell per day (i.e. one Bonus spell from Spell Levels 1-4). These spells are chosen from the Assassin Spell list. In addition at each new Level you may switch one spell you already know for a spell of the same Level (this may be chosen from either the Ranger or Assassin Spell lists).
    Level 13: Replace Camouflage with Skill Mastery
    Skill Mastery (Ex): Identical to the Rogue ability listed in the PHB.
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    Thayan Infiltrators are sent to scout out military targets for conquest. Once a target is chosen they soften it up via assassination and sabotage in preparation for the Thayan military to arrive.

    A Black Neo-Orog with the proper training is all that's required.

    Race: Neo-Orog (Black)
    Feats: Sniper Training, Advanced Sniper Training
    Skills: Hide 6 ranks, Spot 6 ranks
    BAB: +6

    Class Skills
    The Infiltrators class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Geography) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex).
    Skills Points at Each Level : 4 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

       BAB  Fort    Ref    Will  Abilities
    1. +1    +2     +0     +0    Ambush
    2. +2    +3     +0     +0    Masters of Surprise
    3. +3    +3     +1     +1    Saboteur
    4. +4    +4     +1     +1    Ambush
    5. +5    +4     +1     +1    Masters of Surprise
    6. +6    +5     +2     +2    Saboteur
    7. +7    +5     +2     +2    Ambush
    8. +8    +6     +2     +2    Masters of Surprise
    9. +9    +6     +3     +3    Saboteur
    10.+10   +7     +3     +3    Veteran Scout
    Weapon Proficiencies: An Infiltrator gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Ambush (Ex): At Levels 1, 4, and 7 you gain an additional +1d6 Ambush (see the Black Neo-Orog Scout Racial Substitution Levels for details).

    Masters of Surprise (Ex): At 2nd Level when using your Hide skill for Sniping (See PHB) the Hide Check made after your attack take only a -10 Penalty.

    At 5th Level when using your Hide skill for Sniping your range is now up to 30 ft.

    At 8th Level when using your Hide skill for Sniping (See PHB) the Hide Check made after your attack take only a -5 Penalty.

    Saboteur (Ex): At 3rd Level you gain Trapfinding as per the Rogue ability listed in the PHB.

    At 6th Level if you make a Disable Device roll and beat the DC needed by +10, not only do you disable the trap, anyone else must make a Spot Check (DC is equal to your Disable Device Check DC) to realize the trap is non functional).

    At 9th Level if you make a Disable Device roll and beat the DC needed by +10, you may opt to completely destroy the trap as opposed to merely disarming it and anyone else must make a Spot Check (DC is equal to your Disable Device Check DC) to realize the trap is non functional).

    Veteran Scout (Ex): At 10th Level when using your Hide skill for Sniping your range is now up to 60 ft.

    Thayan Infiltrators are the Red Wizards attempt at having a race of personal ninjas. Flawed, incredibly tall ninjas with emotional stability problems, but ninjas nonetheless.
    Combat: Infiltrators fight strictly from ambush as much as they can. They are assassins, not warriors. They do fil in as archers during wartime but that is not their preferred role.
    Advancement: As with most military classes your advancement is at the whim of your superiors unless you decide to escape.
    Resources: Infiltrators have the backing of their masters but since they spend much time alone in the field they need to be resourceful enough to steal or craft what they need on the fly if necessary.

    "What was that?"
    The world doesn't like to talk to 7' tall magically crossbred orcish monstrosities all dressed in black, and therefore your social life largely consists of your unit. You'd better like them, because quite frankly you don't have anyone else.
    Daily Life: Your life is training and missions. Any of your people too weak to pursue that lifestyle are culled.
    Organizations: All Infiltrators are part of the Thayan military unless they have run away.

    NPC Reaction
    NPC's feel the same about you as they would pretty much any other monster.

    This assumes you are part of the Thayan military or hunted by them for desertion. Either way it could introduce complications to the campaign.
    Adaptation: This is meant for Forgotten Realms settings but can be adapted.
    Encounters: Infiltrators are found during wartime or in the months just leading up to it.

    Sample Encounter
    EL 12: The group is arguing with a fence when a bunch of black clad giants swoop in, shoot him in the head, and run off laughing. It's just not their day...

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha


    Hit Die: d10
    Skills Points at Each Level : 2 + int
    Class Ability
    Class Ability
    Bonus Feats: The Epic Infiltrator gains a Bonus Feat every x levels higher than 20th

    Cover Fire
    You provide cover fire for your charging allies.
    Prerequisites: Neo-Orog (Black), 3rd Level
    Benefits: When making a ranged Attack you may announce you're using this Feat. Make a ranged attack roll, and if successful, instead of doing damage that opponent takes a -2 Penalty on ranged Attack and Damage rolls for the remainder of the round. If making a Full Attack you may affect multiple Opponents.

    Sniper Training
    You have spent long hours training to be an archer.
    Prerequisites: Neo-Orog (Black), must be taken at 1st Level
    Benefits: You gain a +1 Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls made in ranged combat.

    Advanced Sniper Training
    You've put in more hours than most.
    Prerequisites: Neo-Orog (Black), Sniper Training, Level 6
    Benefits: The BAB for your Humanoid Levels becomes equal to your Hit Dice (i.e. +4).

    Veteran Bowman
    You have survived many wars.
    Prerequisites: Neo-Orog (Black), Advanced Sniper Training, Level 12
    Benefits: The Critical threat range for all ranged attacks made by you increases by +1. This does not stack with other effects that increase Critical Threat range.
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    Infiltrator has fluff, crunch to come soon.
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    Infiltrator is ready for review

    Giant Heritage Feats

    You are descended form the mighty Giants.
    Prerequisites: None
    Benefits: If a race possesses the Giantblood Subtype, it has a strong affinity to Giants—which means that spells, effects, powers, and abilities that affect or target Giants also affect it. The Subtype qualifies a creature to use magic items normally only usable by Giants, and qualifies the creature to take feats that have the Subtype as a prerequisite. The Giantblood Subtype also makes creatures subject to harmful effects that affect Giants.The Giant Subtype does not confer the Giant Type or any traits associated with that Type. For instance, it does not give a creature Rock Throwing. Giants automatically qualify for any classes, prestige classes,
    racial substitution levels, feats, powers, or spells that require the Giantblood Subtype. Should a creature acquire the Giant Type, it loses the Giantblood Subtype.

    You also gain Powerful Build: Whenever you are subject to a Size Modifier or special Size Modifier for an opposed check (such as during Grapple Checks, Bull Rush attempts, and Trip attempts), you are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to you.

    You are also considered to be one size larger when determining whether your Opponents special attacks based on size (such as Improved Grab or Swallow Whole) can affect you. You can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, your space and reach remain those of a creature of your actual size. The benefits of this Feat stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change your size category.

    Giant's Toughness
    Your skin toughens into hide.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood
    Benefits: Your Natural Armor Bonus to AC increases by an amount equal to the number of Giant Heritage Feats you have.

    Giant's Power
    Your fists are potent weapons.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood
    Benefits: You gain a Slam Attack equal to your Unarmed Strike Damage. You perform 2 Slam Attacks with a Full Attack action.

    Giant's Strength
    Your Heritage has left you quite physically powerful.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You gain a Bonus on all Str Based Checks or Opposed Combat Checks equal to the number of Giant Heritage Feats you have.

    Giant's Stride
    You are long of leg.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood
    Benefits: Increase your Base Land Speed by +10.

    Giant's Legacy
    Your sorcerous powers are enhanced due to your ancestry.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, any 4 Giants Heritage Feats
    Benefits: Based on your Giantblood Heritage, add the following spells to your list of spells known. Each spell is added at the level that a spellcaster would normally gain it.

    Cloud Giant: Obscuring Mist, Air Walk, Telekinesis

    Fire Giant: Produce Flame, Body Blaze, Fire Breath

    Frost Giant: Ice Slick, Lesser Aura of Cold, Freezing Fog

    Stone Giant: Fist of Stone, Meld into Stone, Wall of Stone

    Storm Giant: Shocking Grasp, Call Lightning, Call Lightning Storm

    Hill Giant: Magic Stone, Greater Mighty Wallop, Greater Enlarge Person

    Troll: Claws of the Beast, Vigor, Regenerate Critical Wounds

    Ogre Mage: Charm Person, Gaseous Form, Cone of Cold

    Geriviar: Lesser Fire Orb ,Explosive Runes , Telekinesis

    Death Giant: Inflict Light Wounds, Dispel Magic, Flame Strike

    Eldritch Giant: Magic Missile, Improved Mage Armor, Greater Dispel Magic

    Sand Giant: Hail of Stone, Meld Into Stone, Wall of Sand

    Forest Giant: Arrow Mind, Forestfold, Nightstalker's Transformation

    Sun Giant: Endure Elements, Stone Shape, Wall of Stone

    Ocean Giant: Speed Swim, Water Breathing, Transformation of the Deeps

    Mountain Giant: Mighty Wallop, Curse of the Brute , Righteous Might

    Craa'ghoran Giant: Barkskin, Stony Grasp, Wall of Stone

    Bog Giant: Speed Swim, Darkvision, Airy Water

    Shadow Giant: Net of Shadows, Deeper Darkness, Shadow Evocation

    Fensir: Detect Magic, Lightning Bolt, Transmute Mud to Rock

    Dusk Giant: Ray of Enfeeblement, Slow, Lutzaen's Frequent Jaunt

    Abyssal Giant: Demonflesh, Rockburst, Stonefire

    Primordial Giant: Swift Invisibility, Invisibility Purge, Mass Fly

    Maur: Enlarge Person , Meld Into Stone, Wail of Doom

    Ettin: Raptor's Sight, Haste, Improved Enlarge

    Totem Giant: Protection from Incarnum, Wall of Incarnum, Incarnum Weapon

    Fomorian: Barkskin, Vigor, Regenerate Critical Wounds

    Firbolg: Detect Magic, Vigor, Feeblemind

    Ken-Kuni: Fist of Stone, Earthbolt, Stoneskin

    Ken-Li: Burning Hands, Wreath of Flames, Fire Breath

    Ken-Sun: Obscuring Mist, Sleet Storm, Control WInds

    Giant's Presence
    You are quite terrifying...
    Prerequisites: Giantblood
    Benefits: Whenever you cast a spell (or perform a charge if you are not a caster) , all opponents within 10 feet of you who have fewer Hit Dice than you become Shaken for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell you cast (or Shaken for the duration of the encounter for non casters who charge). The effect is negated by a Will save (DC 10 + level of the spell cast + your Cha modifier, DC 10 + Hit Dice + your Cha Modifier for non-casters). A successful save indicates that the opponent is immune to your Giants Presence for 24 hours. This ability does not affect creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or lower or creatures that are already shaken.

    Rock Throwing
    You have inherited the Giants ability to throw rocks.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood
    Benefits: You may throw rocks as a Ranged Attack up to 5 range increments, with a +1 Racial Bonus on the Attack Roll. Size, damage, and range of the rocks you can throw is determined by your Size Class listed on the chart below:

    Small: Diminutive (20-25 pounds), 1d6 plus Str Modifier, Range Increment 80'

    Medium: Tiny (30-35 pounds), 2d4 plus Str Modifier, Range Increment 100'

    Large: Small (40-50 pounds), 2d6 plus Str Modifier, Range Increment 120'

    Huge: Medium (60-80 pounds), 2d8 plus Str Modifier, Range Increment 140'

    Gargantuan: Large (100-120 pounds), 4d6 plus Str Modifier, Range Increment 160'

    Colossal: Huge (160-200 pounds), 4d8 plus Str Modifier, Range Increment 180'

    Rock Catching
    You have inherited the Giants Ability to catch rocks.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood
    Benefits: You may catch thrown rocks whose Size is equal to yours or smaller (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, if you would normally be hit by a rock you can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 5 for Diminutive, 10 for Tiny, 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium one, 25 for a Large one, and 30 for a Huge Rock. (If the projectile provides a magical bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that amount.) You must be ready for and aware of the attack in order to make a rock catching attempt.

    Two Handed Rock Throwing
    You get some extra range by using both hands.
    Prerequisites: Rock Throwing
    Benefits: The Range Increment of your Rock Throwing Ability is 1 /12 times normal (i.e. 100 ft. becomes 150, 120 ft. becomes 180, etc).

    Giant's Vigor
    You are quite hardy.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You gain 10 hit points plus an additional 2 hit points per Giant Heritage Feat you possess.

    Cloud Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to cover yourself in fog.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Fog Cloud 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Fog Cloud instead.

    Fire Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to start fires.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Produce Flame 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Produce Flame instead.

    Frost Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to create an icy weapon.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Ice Knife 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Ice Knife instead.

    Hill Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to increase someone's strength.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Bulls Strength 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Bulls Strength instead.

    Stone Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to toughen your skin.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Barkskin 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Barkskin instead.

    Storm Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to blast attackers with electricity.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Electric Vengeance 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Electric Vengeance instead.

    Geriviar Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to turn invisible.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Invisibility 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Invisibility instead.

    Death Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to wound others with a touch.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Inflict Moderate Wounds 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Inflict Moderate Wounds instead.

    Eldritch Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to dispel magic with a touch.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Dispelling Touch 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Dispelling Touch instead.

    Sand Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to create a protective ribbon of sand.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Halo of Sand 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Halo of Sand instead.

    Forest Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to increase your skills at ranged attacks.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Hunter's Eye 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Hunter's Eye instead.

    Sun Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to trap earthbound allies.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Soften Earth and Stone 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Soften Earth and Stone instead.

    Ocean Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to swim like a fish.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Swim 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Swim instead.

    Mountain Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to find enemies by scent.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Scent 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Scent instead.

    Craa'ghoran Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to turn your fist temporarily into stone.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Stone Fist 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Stone Fist instead.

    Bog Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to sink opponents in a mire.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Sink 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Sink instead.

    Shadow Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to cover yourself in shadow.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Veil of Shadow 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Veil of Shadow instead.

    Fensir Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to resist attacks.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Major Resistance 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Major Resistance instead.

    Dusk Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to create a wall of darkness.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Wall of Gloom 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Wall of Gloom instead.

    Abyssal Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to curse your opponents.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Infernal Wound 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Infernal Wound instead.

    Primordial Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to make yourself or another look regal.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Eagle's Splendor 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Eagle's Splendor instead.

    Maur Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to climb like an arachnid.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Spider Climb 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Spider Climb instead.

    Ettin Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to act more often than usual.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Snake's Swiftness 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Snake's Swiftness instead.

    Totem Giant Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to increase the targets Essentia.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Soul Boon 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Soul Boon instead.

    Ogre Mage Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to fly briefly.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Swift Fly 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Swift Fly instead.

    Fomorian Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to make yourself hardier.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast False Life 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast False Life instead.

    Firbolg Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to change your appearance.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Alter Self 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Alter Self instead.

    Ken-Kuni Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to create a small tremor.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Local Tremor 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Local Tremor instead.

    Ken-Li Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to wreath yourself in fire.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Body of the Sun 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Body of the Sun instead.

    Ken-Sun Lineage
    You can harness the legacy of your Giant ancestry to have winds intervene on your behalf.
    Prerequisites: Giantblood, Level 3
    Benefits: You may cast Wind Wall 1/day as a Supernatural Ability. If you can cast spells, you may instead 'lose' any 2nd Level spell you have prepared to cast Wind Wall instead.
    Last edited by Bhu; 2013-10-02 at 07:45 PM.
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  18. - Top - End - #438
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

    I have no idea what the increased sniping range is meant to do for the Infiltrator, as it seems to suggest you have to be even further away than normal to snipe (a.k.a. you're getting worse at it). The normal min is at least 10' away from your target, so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

    The Giantblooded Heritage feats are pretty interesting, I am rather intrigued by them. I haven't examined them enough to know power level but they're at least as intriguing as the Aberration Blood feat chains are.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mulletmanalive View Post
    Damn you Cieyrin! Cieyrin!!!!!read as Khaaaaan!

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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

    Sorry, I misread sniping, I will fix
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  20. - Top - End - #440
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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

    I'd like to give my contribute as well! Please feel free to correct every error (even ortography errors) that you find:)

    Here is the result of orcs getting with goblins:


    Ogwr are sons of orcs and goblins, be them the result of a violence or something more. At first they just stayed with their parents' tribes but, as years went on, they grew in number and decided to form their own societies. Usually they live on mountainous areas, where they build villages on perilous places difficult to reach; this usually makes them good climber.
    Ogwr usually form alliances with both orcs and goblins and even with worgs; their relations are not outstanding anyway. The other races, as humans, elves and dwarves, simply sees ogwrs as just another, dangerous, breed of orcs.

    They have a slender but muscular body. Their hairs are black and become white as they age. Their eyes' colours can be dark red, white or black. Their skins can span from a dark green to a light gray. They usually stands from 4,5 to 5,2 feet tall.

    Ogwr Racial Traits

    · +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.
    · Medium size.
    · Humanoid (Ogwr).
    · Base land speed 30 ft.
    · Darkvision out to 60 feet.
    · Light Build: even though ogwrs are medium sized, their light physical structure, inherited by their goblins ancestors, allow them to be treated as one size smaller if doing so is advantageous to them. They gain the same +1 bonus on attack rolls and AC against medium sized creatures and taller and also the +4 bonus on Hide checks. Lastly, they can elect medium sized creatures as their mounts (usually this role is covered by worgs or wolves).
    · +2 bonus on Climb, Jump and Ride checks.
    · Orc blood:For all effects related to race, an ogwr is considered an orc.
    · Orcish weapon familiarity. Ogwrs may treat weapons with "orcish" in the name as martial weapon rather than exotic.
    · Automatic Languages: Orc, Common. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Undercommon.
    · Favored Class: Ranger

    Starting Age
    Adulthood: 14
    Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer: +1d4
    Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: +1d6
    Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard: +2d6

    Middle Age: 28
    Old: 42
    Venerable: 56
    Maximum Age: +2d6 years

    Ogwr Racial Substitution Levels

    Level 2: Replace the Archery combat style with Mounted combat style. at second level an ogwr ranger who selects the Mounted combat style is treated as having the mounted archery feat even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

    At sixth level an ogwr ranger that has selected the Mounted combat style is treated as having the Improved Mounted Archery feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

    At eleventh level an ogwr ranger that has selected the Mounted combat style is treated as having the Improved Precise Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

    Level 3: Replace the Endurance feat with the Mountain Warrior (RoS) feat.

    Level 7: replace the Woodland Stride class feature with the Steady Mountaineer (RoS) feat.

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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

    I added you to the front page list Cinuzita

    Also, the giant lineage feats have had some added. WOuld anyone like additional options for the giants legacy feat?
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  22. - Top - End - #442
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    hey I have some goblin "tribe" feats I made up with the goblin name generator on seventhsanctum

    Furypuke Goblin
    Prerequisites:Goblin, Con 15+, Ability to rage
    Benefits: While raging, once a day+1 per 5 hit dice, you may…well…exude horrid matter on a single foe, making them sickened for 1+your new con bonus rounds

    Greatmuck Goblin
    Benefits: You have not bathed since your grandfather was born. The dirt has accumulated so thick on your goblinoid skin that it has become part of you, a shell of sorts. A bubble of trash and residue. You gain a natural armor bonus of +2 and you gain immunity to smell based attacks
    Giantstench Goblin
    Prerequisites:Goblin, HD 5+, Greatmuck goblin
    Benefits: your grime has grown a grim scent. Its horrid stench is that of the end times. All within 10ft of you are sickened on a failed fortitude save (con based)
    fartfinder Goblin
    Prerequisites:Goblin, track, wis 15+
    Benefits: Your sense of smell is great, many smells fall upon your strong nose. Against orcs, goblins, giants, and any other smelly creatures (DMs discretion) you get a +4 on track checks.

    Madhacker Goblin
    Prerequisites:Goblin, Dex 15+, Con 15+
    Benefits: Once a day per point of con bonus, you can use the power attack feat for one round, in addition, in that round, you gain an additional attack at your highest base attack bonus (but this extra attack must be modified by power attack)

    Wyrmgouger Goblin
    Prerequisites:Goblin, Dex 19+, improved unarmed strike or monk unarmed damage ability
    Benefits:you take no size penalties to grapple, and if you succeed a grapple check against an opponent huge or larger, then make a successful unarmed strike you damage the opponents eyes, blinding it for (damage dealt)+1 rounds

    :) how are these
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    ..What have I done..? What have you done? That poor lantern archon..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    I added you to the front page list Cinuzita

    Also, the giant lineage feats have had some added. WOuld anyone like additional options for the giants legacy feat?
    Okay, thank you:)

    The more, the merrier!

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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

    Quote Originally Posted by inuyasha View Post
    hey I have some goblin "tribe" feats I made up with the goblin name generator on seventhsanctum

    Furypuke Goblin
    Prerequisites:Goblin, Con 15+, Ability to rage
    Benefits: While raging, once a day+1 per 5 hit dice, you may…well…exude horrid matter on a single foe, making them sickened for 1+your new con bonus rounds
    whats the range on this? do they get a save?

    Greatmuck Goblin
    Benefits: You have not bathed since your grandfather was born. The dirt has accumulated so thick on your goblinoid skin that it has become part of you, a shell of sorts. A bubble of trash and residue. You gain a natural armor bonus of +2 and you gain immunity to smell based attacks
    overpowered, especially since it's only prereq is goblin

    Giantstench Goblin
    Prerequisites:Goblin, HD 5+, Greatmuck goblin
    Benefits: your grime has grown a grim scent. Its horrid stench is that of the end times. All within 10ft of you are sickened on a failed fortitude save (con based)
    does the sickened last any time once they leave the area of effect?

    Madhacker Goblin
    Prerequisites:Goblin, Dex 15+, Con 15+
    Benefits: Once a day per point of con bonus, you can use the power attack feat for one round, in addition, in that round, you gain an additional attack at your highest base attack bonus (but this extra attack must be modified by power attack)
    slightly overpowered

    Wyrmgouger Goblin
    Prerequisites:Goblin, Dex 19+, improved unarmed strike or monk unarmed damage ability
    Benefits:you take no size penalties to grapple, and if you succeed a grapple check against an opponent huge or larger, then make a successful unarmed strike you damage the opponents eyes, blinding it for (damage dealt)+1 rounds
    definitely overpowered
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bhu View Post
    whats the range on this? do they get a save?

    overpowered, especially since it's only prereq is goblin

    does the sickened last any time once they leave the area of effect?

    slightly overpowered

    definitely overpowered
    yea Ive never been good with feats, I also don't know how to fix it...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xuldarinar View Post
    ..What have I done..? What have you done? That poor lantern archon..

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    Compare them to similar feats. A +1 to AC is a Feat (EPic if I remember rightly). So a +2 to AC AND an immunity is too much, unless there are some stiffer prerequisites. Also 'smell based' is kind of vague.

    We can hash them out by PM if you'd like
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    Quote Originally Posted by CinuzIta View Post
    Okay, thank you:)

    The more, the merrier!
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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

    Okay for our start do you want trolls, ogres, or more traditional giants?
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  29. - Top - End - #449
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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

    How could I have not noticed this thread before oh the Goblin goodness/evilness I could use
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    Default Re: Orc/Goblinoid Resources

    Large Giant
    Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (37 hp)
    Initiative: -1
    Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
    Armor Class: 16 (-1 Size, -1 Dex, +3 Natural, +3 Hide, +2 Shield), touch 8, flat-footed 16
    Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+11
    Attack: Weapon +6 melee
    Full Attack: Weapon +6 melee
    Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
    Special Attacks: -
    Special Qualities: Low Light Vision
    Saves: Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +2
    Abilities: Str 18, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8
    Skills: Bluff +2, Intimidate +2, Listen +4, Spot +4, Survival +4
    Feats: Improved Shield Bash, Power Attack
    Environment: Cold or Temperate Hills
    Organization: Solitary or Family (2-5), or Tribe (21-30 +35% noncombatants plus 12-30 Wolves or Worgs or 2-4 Polar Bears or Winter Wolves)
    Challenge Rating: 3
    Treasure: Standard
    Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
    Advancement: By Character Class
    Level Adjustment: +2

    Verbeeg are tall, thin humanoids with minor deformities. They often live near Ogres or Hill Giants, and are renowned for their selfish, pragmatic nature. Opportunists by nature they often manipulate the other Giants into softening up foes before moving into the fray themselves. Most wear Hide Armor, and carry either a club or spear and a shield.

    Combat: Verbeeg are not cowards, but they are very risk adverse. They tend to travel in groups, always fight from ambush if possible, and use misdirection and lies to confuse opponents.
    Last edited by Bhu; 2013-11-25 at 05:57 PM.
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